Principles of Microeconomics

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Eight Edition

CHAPTER Thinking Like an Economist

Topic: The Economist as a Scientist

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, students understand:

• How economists apply the methods of science.
• The circular flow and the production possibilities frontier.
• Microeconomics and macroeconomics.
• The difference between positive and normative statements.
• Why economists sometimes disagree.

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1. Link youtube
2. Economists follow the scientific method
3. The circular flow
4. PPF ( Production possibilities frontier )
5. Discussion group
6. Question & Answer

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1. Link youtube


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2. Economists follow the scientific method

• Economists play two roles:

1. Scientists: try to explain the world
2. Policy advisors: try to improve it
• As scientists, economists employ the
scientific method
– Dispassionate development and testing of theories
about how the world works

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2. Economists follow the scientific method

• Assumptions
– Simplify the complex world and make it easier to
– Example: to study international trade,
assume two countries and two goods
• Economists use models to study economic
– Highly simplified representation of
a more complicated reality

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2. Economists follow the scientific method

• Examples of models:
– The model teeth at the dentist’s office
– A model of human anatomy from high
school biology class
Don’t forget
– A road map to floss!




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3. Circular-flow diagram

• Circular-flow diagram
– Visual model of the economy
– Shows how dollars flow through markets among
households and firms
• Two decision makers
– Firms and Households
• Interacting in two markets
– Market for goods and services
– Market for factors of production (inputs)

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Figure 1 The circular flow
 Own the factors of production,
sell/rent them to firms for income
 Buy and consume goods & services


 Buy/hire factors of production,
use them to produce goods and
 Sell goods & services

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Figure 1 The circular flow

Revenue Spending
Markets for
G&S Goods &
sold Services bought

Firms Households

Factors of Labor, land,

production Markets for capital
Factors of
Wages, rent, Production Income
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4. The PPF

• Production possibilities frontier

– A graph: combinations of output that the economy
can possibly produce
– Given the available
• Factors of production and technology
– Example:
• Two goods: computers and wheat
• One resource: labor (measured in hours)
• Economy has 50,000 labor hours per month available
for production

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PPF Example
Producing one computer requires 100 hours labor.
Producing one ton of wheat requires 10 hours labor.
Employment of
labor hours
Computers Wheat Computers Wheat
A 50,000 0 500 0
B 40,000 10,000 400 1,000
C 25,000 25,000 250 2,500
D 10,000 40,000 100 4,000
E 0 50,000 0 5,000

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PPF Example

Production (tons)
on Com- 6,000
graph puters Wheat E
A 500 0
B 400 1,000 3,000 C
C 250 2,500 2,000
D 100 4,000
E 0 5,000 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

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On the graph above, find the point that represents
(100 computers, 3000 tons of wheat), label it F.
– Would it be possible for the economy to produce
this combination of the two goods?
Why or why not?
Next, find the point that represents (300 computers,
3500 tons of wheat), label it G.
– Would it be possible for the economy to produce
this combination of the two goods?

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• Point F: 100 Wheat
computers, 3000 (tons)
tons wheat 6,000
• Requires 40,000 5,000
hours of labor 4,000
• Possible but not 3,000
efficient: could get F
of either good 1,000

without sacrificing 0
any of the other 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

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• Point G: 300 Wheat
computers, 3500 (tons)
tons wheat 6,000
• Requires 65,000 5,000
hours of labor. 4,000
• Not possible G
because the
economy only has
50,000 hours 1,000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

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4.1. The PPF: What We Know So Far

• Points on the PPF (like A – E): possible

– Efficient: all resources are fully utilized
• Points under the PPF (like F): possible
– Not efficient: some resources are underutilized
(e.g., workers unemployed, factories idle)
• Points above the PPF (like G)
– Not possible

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4.1. The PPF: What We Know So Far

• Moving along a PPF

– Involves shifting resources from the production of
one good to the other
• Society faces a tradeoff
– Getting more of one good requires sacrificing
some of the other
• The slope of the PPF
– The opportunity cost of one good in terms of the

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The PPF and Opportunity Cost

Wheat The slope of a line

equals the “rise over
6,000 slope = = –10 the run.”
Opportunity cost of
1 computer =
10 tons of wheat.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

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4.2. The Shape of the PPF

• Shape of the PPF

– Straight line: constant opportunity cost
• Previous example: the opportunity cost of 1 computer is
10 tons of wheat
– Bowed outward: increasing opportunity cost
• As more units of a good are produced, we need to give
up increasing amounts of the other good produced

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Why the PPF Might Be Bowed Outward

As the economy

shifts resources from

beer to mountain

PPF becomes steeper

and the opportunity

cost of mountain
Mountain bikes increases.

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Why the PPF Might Be Bowed Outward
Beer At A, opportunity cost At point A, most
A of mountain bikes is
low. workers are
producing beer, even
those who are better
suited to building

So, do not have to

give up much beer
to get more bikes.

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Why the PPF Might Be Bowed Outward
Beer At B, most workers are
A producing bikes.
The few left in beer
production are the best

Producing more bikes

At B, opportunity
cost of mountain would require shifting
bikes is high. some of the best
brewers away from
Mountain beer production
Bikes causing a big drop in
beer output.
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4.3. Why the PPF Might Be Bowed
• The PPF is bowed outward when:
– Different workers have different skills
– Different opportunity costs of producing one good
in terms of the other
– There is some other resource, or mix of resources
with varying opportunity costs
• E.g., different types of land suited for different uses

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5. Discussion group

• Draw a circular-flow diagram. Identify the parts

of the model that correspond to the flow of
goods and services and the flow of dollars for
each of the following activities.
– Sam pays a storekeeper $1 for a quart of milk.
– Sally earns $4.50 per hour working at a fast food
– Serena spends $7 to see a movie.
– Stuart earns $10,000 from his 10 percent ownership
of Acme Industrial.
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6. Question & Answer

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6. Question & Answer
• What are economists’ two roles? How do they differ?
• What are models? How do economists use them?
• What are the elements of the Circular-Flow Diagram?
What concepts does the diagram illustrate?
• How is the Production Possibilities Frontier related to
opportunity cost? What other concepts does it illustrate?

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Eight Edition

CHAPTER Thinking Like an Economist

Topic: Exercises &
2 The Economist as Policy Adviser
Instructor: Nguyen Thi My My
Email: [email protected]
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1. Exercise
2. Positive versus Normative Analysis
3. Why Economists Disagree
4. Q & A
5. Discussion Group
6. Link youtube

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1. Exercise
In which country is the opportunity cost of
cloth lower?
Wine Wine
600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Cloth Cloth

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1. Exercise - Answers
England, because its PPF is not as steep as France’s

Wine Wine
600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Cloth Cloth

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Economic Growth and the PPF

With additional Wheat

resources or an (tons)
improvement in 6,000
growth shifts
technology, 5,000 the PPF
the economy can 4,000 outward.
produce more computers, 3,000
more wheat,

or any combination in 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

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2. Positive versus Normative Analysis

• Positive statements: descriptive

– Attempt to describe the world as it is
– Confirm or refute by examining evidence:
“Minimum-wage laws cause unemployment”
• Normative statements: prescriptive
– Attempt to prescribe how the world should be:
“The government should raise the minimum wage”

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3. Why Economists Disagree

• Economists often give conflicting policy advice

– Can disagree about the validity of alternative
positive theories about the world
– May have different values and, therefore, different
normative views about what policy should try to

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4. Question & Answer

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4. Question & Answer
Which of these statements are “positive” and which are
“normative”? How can you tell the difference?
a. Prices rise when the government increases the
quantity of money.
b. The government should print less money.
c. A tax cut is needed to stimulate the economy.
d. An increase in the price of burritos will cause an
increase in consumer demand for music downloads.

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4. Question & Answer
a. Prices rise when the government increases the
quantity of money.
Positive – describes a relationship, could use data to
confirm or refute.

b. The government should print less money.

Normative – this is a value judgment, cannot be
confirmed or refuted.

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Ticket Resale
“Laws that limit the resale of tickets for entertainment
and sports events make potential audience members
for those events worse off on average.”

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6. Link Youtube

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