Tourism in Ukraine

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Tourism in Ukraine

Nataliia Kovalchuk
Active Vocabulary
Variety - розмаїття
Attraction – місце, яке приваблює
Sight- визначне місце
Cuisine – кухня(національна кухня)
Landscape - краєвид
Heritage - спадок
Majority - більшість
Openhearted – з відкритим серцем
Match the words with their definitions
1. Cuisine a) the differences within a group, set of
actions etc that make it interesting;
2. Majority
b) something  interesting or enjoyable to
3. Variety see or do;
4. Attraction c)  a particular style of cooking;
5. Heritage d) an area of countryside or land of a
particular type;
6. Landscape
e) the traditional
beliefs, values, customs etc of a family,
country, or society;
f) most of the people
Variety of the Ukrainian Cities
Being a big country with a long history,
Ukraine will impress everyone with the
diversity of places to visit. Each city has its
exceptional look and atmosphere. From the
cultural and business center of Kyiv to the
sunny and friendly Odesa, from the European
and cozy Lviv to the genuine small towns in
Western Ukraine.
Kyiv, the capital
of Ukraine, is known
for its old cathedrals
and monasteries,
wide boulevards,
scenic views, and a
variety of cultural
Famous Cities of Ukraine
Lviv - a medieval “old town” with unique
architecture combining Polish and German
elements; the historical center of Lviv is included in
the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Odesa - a port on the Black Sea with a lot

of beaches and a unique mixture of different

Zaporizhia - the longest avenue in

Europe (15 km), the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station,
Khortytsia Island (the largest island on the river in
Europe) with the Zaporizhian Cossacks Museum.
Other Famous Cities of Ukraine
Kamianets-Podilskyi - a medieval historical and
cultural complex, one of the oldest cities of Ukraine with a
magnificent fortress.

Chernivtsi - the historical center of Bukovina and an important

cultural center of Western Ukraine with an interesting architecture in
the Austrian style, similar to Ivano-Frankivsk. The architectural jewel
of Chernivtsi is the ensemble of the former Residence of Metropolitans
of Bukovina included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Mukachevo - an important cultural center of

Transcarpathia with a number of preserved monuments of
architecture including the Palanok Castle.
The beauty of the Ukrainian Nature 
The diversity of Ukrainian landscape is
impressive.  The area in Ukraine is extremely
picturesque: the mountains are covered with
dense forests, many transparent mountain
rivers, mineral water springs, babbling
waterfalls, modern beaches.
Delicious National Cuisine
One of the most exciting things about visiting a new
country is getting to know the local cuisine. When
traveling to Ukraine be sure to try such national dishes
like borsch and varenyky; you will find it on the menu
in every national restaurant. However, each region of
Ukraine has recipes and foods that are unique to the
Friendly Ukrainians
Travelling is not only
about seeing new places;
it is also about meeting
new people. When
visiting Ukraine, you will
see how friendly and
openhearted Ukrainians
The majority of young
people in big cities like
Kiev, Lviv or Odesa
speak English and are
ready to help you in any

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