The 3 Models of Curriculum Design

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Group II

Kenneth D. Gallego
Jayson De Jose
Siegfried Elicot

The 3 Models of Curriculum

There are three models of curriculum

Problem-centered design
 A model where the curriculum is divided into subject areas, and there is
little flexibility for cross-curricular activity. Subjects are siloed. Emphasis
is placed on acquisition, memorization, and knowledge of each specific
content area.
 Subject-centered curriculum design revolves around a particular subject
matter or discipline. For example, a subject-centered curriculum may
focus on math or biology. This type of curriculum design tends to focus
on the subject rather than the individual.
 What is the purpose of this curricula?
In subject-centered curricula, the subject matter itself serves as the
organizing structure for what is studied and how it is studied. In its purest
form, the curriculum for each subject-area is designed by subject-matter
experts and is intended to be studied using subject-specific methods and
tools of inquiry.
 A learner- centered curriculum utilizes various educational experiences
but the student becomes a participant in the decision-making process of
design- ing and selecting educational experiences. In the process this
approach also recognizes the developmental level of students.
 In contrast, learner-centered curriculum design takes each individual's
needs, interests, and goals into consideration. In other words, it
acknowledges that students are not uniform and adjust to those student
needs. Learner-centered curriculum design is meant to empower
learners and allow them to shape their education through choices.
 Some examples of these activities include open debates,
writing of newspaper articles, field trips, student-chosen
projects, presentations, and written reflections on learning.
These types of activities centralize learners and give them
choices, fostering interest and passion in the subject.
Problem-centered design

 Like learner-centered curriculum design, problem-centered curriculum

design is also a form of student-centered design. Problem-centered
curricula focus on teaching students how to look at a problem and come
up with a solution to the problem. Students are thus exposed to real-life
issues, which helps them develop skills that are transferable to the real
 Problem-centered curriculum design increases the relevance of the
curriculum and allows students to be creative and innovate as they are
learning. The drawback to this form of curriculum design is that it does
not always take learning styles into consideration. 
Written curriculum
 is what is formally put down in writing and documented for teaching. These
materials can include an educator’s instruction documents, films, text and
other materials they need. These materials come from the larger school
district or the school itself. Often, they contract or employ a curriculum
specialist to develop a plan that meets specific goals and objectives.

Taught Curriculum
This type of curriculum refers to how teachers actually teach. This is a less
predictable and less standardized type of curriculum because how an educator
delivers material can vary from one to the next. It can also change based on the
types of tools a teacher has at their disposal. This can include experiments,
demonstrations and other types of engagement through group work and hands-on
activities. Taught curriculum is extremely critical for 
students in special education or those who require another kind of specialized sup
Supported Curriculum
A supported curriculum involves the additional tools, resources and learning
experiences found in and outside a classroom. These include textbooks, field
trips, software and technology, in addition to other innovative new techniques
to engage students. Teachers and other individuals involved with the course
are also a component of the supported curriculum.

Assessed Curriculum
An assessed curriculum is also known as a tested curriculum. It refers to
quizzes, tests and other kinds of methods to measure students’ success. This
can encompass a number of different assessment techniques, including
presentations, a portfolio, a demonstration as well as state and federal
standardized tests.
Recommended curriculum
This type of curriculum stems from what experts in education suggest.
Recommended curriculum can come from a variety of different sources, including
nationally recognized researchers, policy makers and legislators, and others. It
focuses on the content, skill sets and tools educators should prioritize in the

Hidden Curriculum
A hidden curriculum is not planned, but it has a significant impact on what
students learn. This type of curriculum is not always communicated or formally
written down and includes implicit rules, unmentioned expectations, and the
norms and values of a culture.
Excluded Curriculum
The excluded curriculum is also known as the null curriculum. It refers to
what content is not taught in a course. Often an educator or curriculum
specialist believes that a certain skill or concept is less important or does not
need to be covered. Sometimes what is left out, intentionally or
unintentionally, can shape students as much as what is included. For
example, students might not be taught about an ongoing debate among
experts in the field or not encouraged to think critically about a text.

Learned Curriculum
A learned curriculum refers to what students walk away with from a course.
This includes the subject matter and knowledge they learned from a course,
but it can also include additional changes in attitude and emotional wellbeing.
Teachers need to shrink the gap between what they expect students to learn
and what students actually do learn.
The 11 Types Of Curriculum

(1) overt, explicit or written,

(2) social curriculum or societal
(3) hidden curriculum
(4) phantom curriculum
(5) Null curriculum
(6) rhetorical curriculum
(7) Concomitant curriculum
(8) received curriculum
(9) curriculum curriculum
(10) electronic curriculum
(11) internal curriculum.
 References:
 https://

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