Characteristics and Classifications of Measuring Instruments

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Characteristics and Classifications of Educational Measuring Instruments

1. VALIDITY- is the degree of accuracy by which it measures what it aims to measure.

Types of validity:
a. Content validity- refers to the relevance of the test items of a test to the subject matter of
situation from whick they are taken.
b.Concurrent validity- refers to the correspondence of the scores of a group in a test with the
scores of the same group in a similar test of already known validity used as a criterion.
c.Predictive validity- degree of accuracy of how a test predicts the levels of performance in a
certain activity which it intends to foretell.
d.Construct validity- refers to the agreement of test results with certain characteristics which
the test aims to portray.
2. RELIABILITY- degree of consistency of measurement that it gives.
Factors of reliability:
a. Adequacy- the appropriate length of the test
b. Objectivity- a test is objective if it yields the same score no matter who checks it or even if it
is checked at diff. times.
c. Testing condition- conditions of the examination room.
d. Test administration procedures- the manner of administering a test also affects its reliability.

a. Administrability- group tests are usually easy to administer.
b. Scorability- there are tests that are easy and are difficult to score.(e.g. personality tests)
c. Economy- there are tests the answer to w/c are written in the test themselves and so they
cannot be used again.
d. Comparability- availability of norms with w/c scores of testees are compared to determine
the meanings of their scores.
e. Utility- a test is utile if it adequately serves the very purpose for w/c it is intended.

Classification of Measuring Instruments
Standard Tests
prepared by specialists
prepared carefully
given to a large portion of the population
correlated w/ other tests of known validity and reliabilty or w/ measures such as school marks
generally highly objective
have their norms computed for purposes of comparison and interpretation.
measure innate capacities and characteristics as well as achievement
used for a long period of time
accompanied by manuals of instructions

Teacher-Made Tests
prepared by teachers
hurriedly and hap-hazardly to be able to meet the deadline
not subjected to any statistical procedures
may be objective and may be essay in w/c case scoring is subjective
have no norms unless the teacher computes the median, mean, & other measures for
comparison & interpretation
measure subject achievement only.
used only once or twice
do not have manual instructions, only the directions for the diff.types of tests
not copyrighted

Classifications and Uses of Standard Tests
A. According to Function
1. Psychological test
a. Intelligence test b. Aptitude test c. Personality test
types of personality tests:
(1) Rating Scale (2) Personality inventory (3) Projective test
d. Vocational and professional interest inventory
2. Educational test

B. Acc. to Construction
1. Structured test. A test is said to be structured when the examinee is required to respond
w/in the framework/design of the test. Correct responses are expected.
2. Unstructured test. Examinee is free to respond in any way he likes, thinks, feels, or has
experienced. There are no incorrect answers.

C.Acc. to the Number of Persons to Whom Test is Administered
1. Individual test 2. Group test

D. Acc. to the Degree to Which Words are Used in Test Items and in Pupil Responses
1.Verbal t. -paper-and-pencil test. Orally or written.
2. Nonverbal T.- minimim amount of language is used. The test, composed mostly of symbols.
3. Performance T.- also nonverbal but the pupils may be required to use paper and pencil for
responding, or the manipulation of physical objects. (ex: arrangement of blocks)

E. Acc. to Difficulty of Items
1. Speed Test- items are of same level of difficulty. Speed and accuracy are measured.
2. Power T.- arranged in ascending order of difficulty.

F.Acc. to the Arrangement of Items
1. A test in which arrangement of items is not important. ex: speed tests
2. Scaled tests. Ex: power tests

G. the amount to be Performed
1. Maximum-performance test- examinee is urged to accomplish as much as he can to show his
ability, capacity, etc. (Ex. intelligence, aptitude, achievement tests)
2. Typical performance test- This test tries to reveal what a person really is. Examinee is urged
to answer all items honestly. (Ex: personality, vocational interest, emotional adjustment, etc.
Time limits are not important.

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