Statistics For Business and Economics

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Data Analysis for Managers

Unit I: Data Visualization


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
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Categorical Data: Bar, Pie Chart

1. A questionnaire provides 58 Yes, 42 No, and 20 no-opinion answers.

a. Construct a pie chart.
b. Construct a bar chart.
c. Comment on the charts.

2. Coke Classic, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, and Sprite are five
popular soft drinks. Assume that the data in SoftDrink show
the soft drink selected in a sample of 50 soft drink purchases.

\Ch 02 Descriptive I\SoftDrink.xlsx

Draw a bar chart, pie chart, relative frequency distribution,
percentage bar chart, stacked percentage bar chart and comment.
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Categorical Data: Bar, Pie Chart

● The Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic

Trends project found that 46% of U.S. adults would
rather live in a different type of community than the
one where they are living now (Pew Research Center,
January 29, 2009). The national survey of 2260 adults
asked: “Where do you live now?” and “What do you
consider to be the ideal community?” Response
options were City (C), Suburb (S), Small Town (T), or
Rural (R). A representative portion of this survey for a
sample of 100 respondents is given in
\Ch 02 Descriptive I\LivingArea.xlsx
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Categorical Data: Bar, Pie Chart

● Provide a percent frequency distribution for each

● Construct a bar chart for each question.
● Where are most adults living now?
● Where do most adults consider the ideal community?
● What changes in living areas would you expect to see
if people moved from where they currently live to their
ideal community? Excellence and Service
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Quantitative Data: Frequency Tables, Dot Plot,
● The data in Audit show theHistogram
time in days required to complete year-
end audits for a sample of 20 clients of Sanderson and Clifford, a
small public accounting firm. \Ch 02 Descriptive I\Audit.xlsx
 The most frequently occurring audit times are in the class of 15–19
days. Eight of the 20 audit times belong to this class.
 Only one audit required 30 or more days.
 If the midpoints of the histogram’s bars are joined consecutively, we
get a frequency polygon. The smoothened corresponding to it reveals
the skewness of the distribution – the Audit data is seen to be
positively skewed (long tail on the right, Mode < Median < Mean).
 A frequency distribution provides insights about the data that are not
easily obtained by viewing the data in their original unorganized
 Relative Frequency, Percent Frequency, Cumulative Frequency –
OGIVE, Cumulative Relative and Cumulative Percent Frequency.
 Dot Plot: One dot for every value, marked one above the other
according to class interval.Excellence and Service
Deemed to be University

Quantitative Data: Histogram

● A doctor’s office staff studied the waiting times for patients who
arrive at the office with a request for emergency service. The
following data with waiting times in minutes were collected over a
one-month period.

2 5 10 12 4 4 5 17 11 8 9 8 12 21 6 8 7 13 18 3
Use classes of 0–4, 5–9, and so on in the following:
a. Show the frequency distribution.
b. Show the relative frequency distribution.
c. Show the cumulative frequency distribution.
d. Show the cumulative relative frequency distribution.
e. What proportion of patients needing emergency service wait 9
minutes or less?
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Quantitative Data: Stem-and-Leaf Displays (EDA)

● The techniques of exploratory data analysis consist of simple

arithmetic and easy-to-draw graphs that can be used to summarize
data quickly. One technique—referred to as a stem-and leaf display
—can be used to show both the rank order and shape of a data set

● To illustrate the use of a stem-and-leaf display, consider the data in

ApTest. These data result from a 150-question aptitude test given to
50 individuals recently interviewed for a position at Haskens
Manufacturing. The data indicate the number of questions answered
\Ch 02 Descriptive I\ApTest.xlsx
● Stretched stem-and-leaf display, approximate stem-and-leaf display
(leaf unit = 10)
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Two Variables: Cross Tabulation, Pivot Charts

● Data from Zagat’s Restaurant Review:

\Ch 02 Descriptive I\Restaurant.xlsx

● The quality rating and the meal price data were collected for a sample
of 300 restaurants located in the Los Angeles area. Data on a
restaurant’s quality rating and typical meal price are reported. Quality
rating is a categorical variable with rating categories of good, very
good, and excellent. Meal price is a quantitative variable that ranges
from $10 to $49.

● Simpson’s Paradox (Read)

● Clustered Bar Charts

● Stacked Bar Charts
● Pelican Stores Case StudyExcellence and Service
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Two Numeric Variables: Scatterplots

● Consider the advertising/sales relationship for a stereo and sound

equipment store in San Francisco. On 10 occasions during the past
three months, the store used weekend television commercials to
promote sales at its stores. The managers want to investigate whether
a relationship exists between the number of commercials shown and
sales at the store during the following week.

● \Ch 02 Descriptive I\Stereo.xlsx

● Positive (Increasing Trend), Negative (Decreasing Trend), No Relationship

(No Trend – Line parallel to the X-Axis)

● Linear or Nonlinear Relationship

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