CSE 159 - First Review

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Sensitive data sharing for cloud storage

Project Supervisor: Mrs. Aishwarya

Team Member: 1. Ms. L Charika

2. Ms. Charumathi Devi

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

• To ensure information security, the information proprietor must check the respectability of
information which puts away somewhat in the cloud server with the public examining method.
• The evaluation result will be invalid assuming the information has been adjusted progressively
in the course of information anonymization while sharing information with other people with
delicate data.
• In existing arrangements, the removal of information is expected to anonymize the information
and change the mark. Notwithstanding, such information removal present new security
chances, and the static unknown procedure isn't adaptable to various application situations.
• In our proposed plot, the cloud server can change the mark straightforwardly without the extra
sanitizer while sharing delicate information. The marked change doesn't impact the
trustworthiness checking of the put-away information.
• The mark not exclusively can be utilized to validate the wellspring of sharing information, yet
can likewise be used to take a look at the trustworthiness of the put-away information in the
• Both the security confirmation and exploratory examination show that our proposed plot is
secure and more effective than the current plans.

2 March 2022 Department of CSE


• Sensitive data transaction is confidential information that must be kept

safe and out of reach from all outsiders unless they have permission to
access it.

• Access to sensitive data should be limited through sufficient data security.

• Sensitive data can be any sort of information that needs to be protected

from unauthorized access to safeguard the privacy or security of an
individual or organisation.

• It can include any kind information.

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Problem Statement

• The proposed scheme is to secure the data against unauthorized access by

enforcing access control mechanisms.

• Basic solution to secure the data over the un- trusted cloud is to encrypt the
data using RSA algorithm to achieve secure data sharing in the cloud.

2 March 2022 Department of CSE


• Data sensitivity concerns information that should be protected from

unauthorized access or disclosure due to it’s sensitive nature.

• The proposed system’s main objective is to access the sensitive data

through sufficient data security and information security practices.

• The proposed system uses keys to secure the data stored which is

• The proposed method has a better performance and faster as compared to

the existing system.

• This is designed to prevent data breaching.

2 March 2022 Department of CSE


• Development tools used:

• Front End : J2EE(JSP ,SERVLETS)
• Back End : MY SQL
• Operating System : Windows
• IDE : Eclipse

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Existing System

• Techniques used : Billinear pairing in cryptography

• The existing system uses signatures to access the data.

• This makes it easier for others to access data which results in less security.

• The algorithm used makes the process slow as compared to the proposed

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Proposed Methodology
• Techniques used : RSA algorithm
• RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm which uses public
and private key.
• This supports sensitive data sharing in cloud environment. In our project, the
data owner’s privacy can be protected while sharing the data.
• The integrity checking of the remotely stored data in the cloud sever can be
executed efficiently.
• The RSA keys are typically 1024 or 2048 bits long which makes that the
encrypted data is fully secured against all attacks.
• There are various modules in the proejct, among which the following three
are the main modules:
• Management Module
• Team Lead Module
• Staff Module

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Proposed Methodology
• The team members have to register their account to view the required data
from the cloud. The data will be sent to cryptographic server thus making
the data encrypted which is difficult to understand.
• So to view the encrypted data, the team members have to send a request to
their team lead. The team lead verifies the user and accepts the request.
• Once the request is approved by the team lead, the request is further sent to
the management level.
• The management has all the details of Team lead and the team.

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Literature Review
Sno. Paper title Author Algorithm Accuracy year
CNN Based Convolutional
Malicious Website DONGJIE LIU AND Neural Network, 73 2020
Detection by JONG-HYOUK LEE which is a class
Invalidating Multiple of deep neural
Web Spams. networks, as a
A systematic Paul J. Taylor,
literature review of Tooska Dargahi , Ali Machine 93 2020
blockchain cyber Dehghantanha, visualization,
security Reza M. Parizi, public key
Kim-Kwang cryptography
Raymond Choo.

3 Secure Computation Keiic Keiichi

by Secret Sharing Iwamura and Ahmad Secure 68 2019
using Input Akmal Aminuddin computation
Encrypted with Mohd Kamalhi
Random Number Iwamura and Ahmad
Akmal Aminuddin
Mohd Kamal

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

Literature Review
Sno. Paper title Author Algorithm Accuracy year

4 Secure Secret Nileshkumar In this work we

Sharing Using Kakade; Utpalkuma propose the 80 2020
Homomorphic r Patel proactive secret
Encryption sharing scheme
based on

Secure multi-party Sundari S, Ananthi To achieve this, a

computation in M multi-party 78 2015
differential private protocol has
data with Data been proposed
Integrity Protection for the

2 March 2022 Department of CSE


2 March 2022 Department of CSE

• This project is implemented using RSA algorithm.
• The RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) algorithm was invented in 1978.
• The RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptography algorithm which
uses public and private key.
• Public key is shared publicly while a private key is kept as a secret
and must not be shared with anyone.
• The RSA algorithm ensures that the keys are secure as possible.
• The following steps are those that the algorithm works:
1. Generating the keys
2. Encryption
3. Decryption

2 March 2022 Department of CSE

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