Asking and Giving Opiinion 2

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Asking and Giving Opinion

The purpose of the study

Disajikan video, tabel ringkasan tentang ungkapan mengemukan pendapat dan
meminta pendapat kepada orang lain dan contoh surat mengemukakan
pendapat, siswa dapat membuat surat formal atau tidak formal yang berisikan
pendapat mereka tentang topik yang mereka pilih dengan baik.
What will do?
1. Listening section of Asking and Giving Opinion

2. Identify the word that show Asking and Giving Opinion

3. Reading the text then Identify

4. What is Asking and Giving Opinion?

5. The expression of Asking and Giving Opinion

6. Agreeing and Disagreeing


Teacher : What is the content of the video in dialogue 1?

Adella Arzety : It tells about a women’s new car

Teacher : So, What is the man said to the women?

Rizka Septiana : the car is too small so she should make the backseat bigger

Teacher : Show me the expression of Asking or giving opinion!

Wildan : How do you like my new car?

Abida : In my opinion, it is too small

Alif Alwi : I think you are right. But what do you think I can do?

Hilyatul : To my mind you can modify the backseat

Teacher : What is the content of the video in dialogue 2?

Nabila : It is about a man that has a new single of song

Teacher : What is that song, Nabila?

Nabila : Balonku Ada Lima

Teacher : Can you show me about the expression of Asking and Giving?

Syahnazia : How do you feel about that, and I honestly think that bla bla blaa miss

Teacher : What else the expression which shows asking and giving opinion?

Nia Ismailya : I think your music is good

What is Asking and Giving Opinion?
Opinion is phrase or sentence that consists of argument, reason or opinion from

Asking Opinion is a sentence which asking opinion or argument to other people to

satisfaction. Giving Opinion is a sentence that gives a reason to someone or other
Teacher : So, based from my explanation above, any body here want to explain me
clearly what is asking and giving opinion?

Arzety : I think, it is a word that talking or discussing about opinion Miss

Expression of asking and giving opinion

Asking Opinions:
Formal : Informal
- Have you got any comments on ….. - What do you think of…….?
- Do you have any idea? - What do you think about………?
- Do you have any opinion on …… - What is your opinion?
- Would you give me your opinion on……….? - Do you think it’s going?
- What is your opinion about……….? - How do you like?
- How was the trip?
- How do you think of Rina’s idea?
Expression of asking and giving opinion

Giving opinion
Formal : - I think I like it.
- I personally believe ….. - I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
- I personally consider …. - I think that……..
- I personally think /feel …. - In my opinion, I would rather……….
- My own view of the matter is …… - In my case …..
- Well, personally ……. - What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- Absolutely ………
Agreeing: Disagreeing: Partly agreeing:

I (totally) agree with you / that. I’m afraid I disagree. I see your point but …
I couldn’t agree more. I don’t agree with you / that. I agree with you to an
I’d go along with that. That’s not the way I see it. extent, however, …
I feel the same. I don’t think so. You make a good point, but
You’re absolutely right. I don’t feel the same. …
Absolutely / Definitely / Exactly.
No doubt about it.
That’s a good point. / I see your point.
I see where you’re coming from.
• Dinda              : Hii, how are you today?

• Sasha             : I’m fine, thanks Din. How about you?

• Dinda              : I’m fine too. Oh yeah, .............. about my new hair?

• Sasha             : Hemmm.. Yeah, ............. it looks good on you.

• Dinda              : Sure. Thank you

Dinda              : Hii, how are you today?

Sasha             : I’m fine, thanks Din. How about you?

Dinda              : I’m fine too. Oh yeah, (what do you think) about my new hair?

Sasha             : Hemmm.. Yeah, (to my mind) it looks good on you.

Dinda              : Sure. Thank you

Dijawab oleh : Rahayu  talking about a new hair

• Mother            : Sella, can you help me?

• Sella                : Yes mom, what can I do for you ?

• Mother            : These, I confuse to choose one of dress here.   ............... if I wear

this dress?

• Sella               : ................... that dress it so beutiful for you.

• Mother            : Really?

• Sella               : Yeah, mom.

Mother            : Sella, can you help me?

Sella                : Yes mom, what can I do for you ?

Mother            : These, I confuse to choose one of dress here.     (How do you

think) if I wear this dress?

Sella               : (You are abolutly right) that dress it so beutiful for you.

Mother            : Really?

Sella               : Yeah, mom.

Dijawab : WILDAN  talking about new dress

Teacher : So, based from the materials that have been disscused, who can make a

Rizka Budiman :

Asking and Giving Opinion is a sentence that is used to ask or give our opinion to
the readers. Usualy the form of asking and giving is formal and informal form.

Putri Dewi :

The example of asking opinion in formal is have you got any comment... , have you
got any idea of ....

And the example of giving opinion in formal is I think it is good for you, In my
opinion the bag is good.


The example of agreeing is I agree with you, and the example of disagree is I do
not think so
discussing issues of banning smartphone in the school.

arguing about smoking.

discussing global warming

choosing a dress in a department store.

discussing a band’s new music album.

Discussing novel.

new smartphone.

online shopping
Thank You…. ^.^

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