Speaking - Useful Phrases

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Cristina Zuppa

Useful phrases

Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences

- What I really like / love is……

- I’d rather …
- I can’t stand ….
- My favourite … is …
- My sister/brother hates …
- My mum / dad prefers …
- I’m fond of …
- I’m (not) keen on …
- I would like .... But ...
- I wouldn’t mind... but on the other hand...
- Although..., I’d like...., because...
- I think I’d prefer..., as...

Comparing and contrasting

- Both pictures/photos show …
- Both of ..... are... /Neither of them .....
- Each of the photos show …
- For me …
- They both seem to be...
- In this one.... and in this one...

- In the first photo … However in the second …
- In the first photo, … while ….
- In the first photo, … whereas …
- In one photo you can see … , but in the other …
- The … in the first/second photo is/are/look(s) much/a lot …-er than /more …
than …
- The … in the first photo isn’t/aren’t nearly as … as …
- One thing which is different in this one ...
- The main difference between ... and ... is...


- There doesn’t seem to be …

- I suppose …
- I don’t suppose / I don’t think …
- It might be …
- He/She looks as if …
- Maybe / perhaps
- I think the problem might be…
- We need to consider …
- Let’s think about …
- The important things are …
- What we need to think about is …

Starting a discussion

- Why don’t we start by...?

- Shall we... first?
- Let’s begin with...
- Let’s think about...
- Are you ready to start?
- We could start by talking about...

Taking turns / Involving the other person

- Do you want to go first?

- Do you agree?
- OK, so which is the most … ?
- I’m not sure I agree.
- What do you think about … ? /How do you feel about...? /What do you reckon
- Would you like to start?
- Do you think that’s right?
- OK, have we decided which… ?
- Are you ready to start?
- Do you want to go first os shall I?
- I don’t think … What about you?
- Yes, that’s true. /Yes, I agree / Yes, that’s right. / Absolutely
- I couldn’t agree more.
- Sorry, but I don’t agree. I think …
- Well, actually, I think that …
- OK, but don’t you think that …?
- What would you say...?
- What’s your opinion of...?

Interrupting / Showing you want a turn

- Can I just say...?

- Sorry to interrupt, but...
- Yes, and as well as that, ...

Ask and answer…

- How long …?
- How many …?
- What are the benefits …?
- What does each course …?
- What are the teachers like?
- What do you need to do … ?
- What qualifications /skills do you need to …?

Giving your opinion

- It seems to me that …
- In my opinion / experience …
- My personal view is that …
- I think / believe / suppose …
- I’m sure / I’m certain / I’m convinced that …

Asking for an opinion

- What do you think about … ?

- How do you feel about … ?
- What do you reckon (about) …?
- What’s your opinion of …?

Making a choice /Giving reasons

- In my opinion, this one would be better.

- To my mind, this one’s more suitable.
- To my way of thinking, this one’s fine.
- In my view, this one’s best.
- For one thing... For another...
- Another reason is that...
- Most importantly...

When you’re not sure or don’t know

- As far as I know / From what I know …

- I might be wrong, but …
- I’m not sure, but I’ve read that …
- I don’t know very much about this, but …
- I don’t suppose... / I don’t think...

When you don’t understand the question

- Would you mind repeating that, please?

- Could you please repeat the question?


- I’d go along with that.

- You’ve got a point there.
- I think so too.
- Great minds think alike.
- Yes, I agree... /Yes, that’s right.
- Absolutely.
- I couldn’t agree more.


- Not sure.
- Yes, but …
- I don’t agree … / Sorry, but I don’t agree...
- Maybe, but …
- I don’t think so.
- The problem is that …
- Well, actually, I think...
- OK, but don’t you think that...?
- That’s a bad idea, because...
- I don’t share that view, because...
- What I object to is...

Giving a balanced view

- You could say …, but also …

- On the one hand, … . On the other, …
- It may be a good idea, … . However, …
- It’s true that … , but …
- At the same time …

Bringing the discussion to an end

- So let’s decide which...

- Shall we make a decision?
- Anyway, we have to decide...
- Ok, have we decided which...?
- Yes, that’s true.

Cristina Zuppa

Talking about you
Where are you from?
How long have you lived there/here?
What do you like about living in Esquel? /(don’t you like)
What is there for young people to do in the area?
Tell us something about the area where you are living at the moment.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

What do the other members of your family do?

Do you work or do you study? /are you a full-time student?

Where do you work/study?
Can you tell us something about the place where you study or work?
What are your best/worst subjects at school?
What type of work would you like to do in the future?

Tell us about your reasons for studying English.

Tell us where and how you’ve learnt English.
How long have you been studying English?
Do you know any other foreign languages?... which one/s?

Tell us about the type of food you like to eat.

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
Who cooks most of the food you eat?
Do you prefer formal meals or informal snacks?

What type of things do you like to read?

Do you prefer to read a novel or see the film? Why?
Which film actor/actress do you like most? Why?


- I hope I’ll …
- I think I’ll …
- I doubt I’ll …
- I’m definitely going to …
- Maybe I’ll …
- I’m planning to …

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