Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
What is Fitness
Assessment Test?
o Start in the push up position - with the hands and toes touching the
floor, the body and legs are in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the
arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the
body. Keeping the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the
body until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, with the upper
arms parallel to the floor.
o A partner holds their hand at the point of the 90-degree angle so
that the subject being tested goes down only until their shoulder
touches the partner's hand, then back up. The push-ups are done in
time to a metronome or similar device with one complete push-up
every three seconds (1.5 seconds down and 1.5 seconds up, 20
complete push-ups per minute).
o The subject continues until they make two form
breaks. Scoring: Record the number of correctly
completed push-ups that were performed in time to
the rhythm.
o Shoes should be removed first. Sit on the floor with both legs out
straight. The outstretched foot is placed flush against the
measurement box, making sure that the hips are square with the box.
Keep one leg in place and the move the other leg to bend the knee and
its foot flat on the floor.
o With hands placed on top of each other and palms facing down, the
subject reaches slowly forward along the measuring line as far as
possible. After three practice reaches, the fourth reach is held for at
least one second while the distance is recorded.
o The subject may repeat the test three times and the best score taken.
o Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest half inch as the distance
reached by the tip of the fingers.
o This variation of the traditional sit and reach test is designed to
measure the flexibility of the left and right legs separately.
4. Standing long Jump
o The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground
with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is
used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees
to provide forward drive.
o The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing
on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts
are allowed.
o It is also called the Broad Jump, is a common and easy to
administer test of explosive leg power.
o Purpose: to measure the explosive power of the legs.
Equipment: Tape measure
o BMI is calculated from body mass (M) and height (H). BMI = M / (H
x H), where M = body mass in kilograms and H = height in meters.
The higher the score usually indicating higher levels of body fat.