Radiopharmaceuticals ASSIGNMENT

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 Radiopharmaceuticals, as the name suggests are

pharmaceutical formulations consisting of
radioactive substances(radioisotopes and
molecules labelled with radioisotopes), which are
intended for use either in diagnosis or therapy or
 The use of radioactive material necessitates

careful and safe handling of these products by

trained and authorized personnel, in
approved/authorized laboratory facility as per the
guidelines of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of
India(AERB) of India.
 In the International System (SI), the unit of radioactivity
is one nuclear transmutation per second and is expressed
 Becquerel (Bq), named after the scientist Henri Bequerel.
 - The old unit of radioactivity was Curie (Ci), named after

the scientists Madame Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, the

 pioneers who studied the phenomenon of radioactivity.
 - One Ci is the number of disintegrations emanating from

1 g of Radium-226, and is equal to 3.7 x 1010 Bq.

 The Becquerel (Bq) is the SI derived unit of
radioactivity. One Becquerel is defined as the
activity of a quantity of
 radioactive material in which one nucleus decays

per second. The activity of a source is measured in

 This is a very small unit, and multiples are often

 1 MBq = 1 mega Becquerel = 1,000,000 Bq; 1 GBq

= 1 giga Becquerel = 1,000,000,000 Bq;

 1 TBq = 1 tera Becquerel = 1,000,000,000,000 Bq
 The radioactivity of an environment, a material
 The gray (Gy) is defined as the absorbed dose of
radiation per unit mass of tissue. One gray is the
absorption of
 one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of matter. The

amount of radiation your cells absorb is measured in

 1 Gy = 1 joule per kilogram
 Sub-multiples are often used:
 1 mGy = 1 milligray = 0.001 Gy; 1 μGy = 1 microgray =

0.000001 Gy
 1 nGy = 1 nanogray = 0.000000001 Gy
 The Sievert (Sv) is a measure of the health effects
of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human
body. At equal
 doses, the effects of radioactivity on living tissue

depends on the type of radiation (alpha, beta,

gamma, etc.), on
 the organ concerned and also on the length of

 Contrary to the Becquerel, the Sievert is a very

large unit, and we often use sub-multiples: 1 mSv

= 1 millisievert = 0.001 Sv; 1 μSv = 1 microsievert
= 0.000001 Sv
 Thetime in which a given quantity of a
radionuclide decays to half its initial
value is termed as half-life (T1/2).
 Formulas for half-life in exponential

 N0 is the initial quantity of the substance that will
decay (this quantity may be measured in grams,
moles, number of atoms, etc.),
 N(t) is the quantity that still remains and has not yet

dec quantity,
 τ is a positive number called the mean lifetime of the

decaying quantity,
 λ is a positive number called the decay constant of

the decaying quantity.

 t1/2 is the half-life of the decaying quantity, e t,
PROPERTIES OF of α, β, γ
 All substances are made of atoms. These have
electrons (e) around the outside, and a nucleus in
the middle. The nucleus consists of protons (p)
and neutrons (n), and is extremely small. (Atoms
are almost entirely made of empty space!).
 In some types of atom, the nucleus is unstable,

and will decay into a more stable atom. This

radioactive decay is completely spontaneous.
When an unstable nucleus decays, there are three
ways that it can do so. It may give out:-
 an alpha particle (α)
 a beta particle (β)
 Alpha particle radiation consists of two neutrons and two
protons, as they are charged they are affected by both
electric and magnetic fields.
 The speed of the alpha particle depends very much on the
source, but typically are about 10% of the speed of light.
 The capacity of the alpha particle to penetrate materials is
not very great, it usually penetrates no more than a few
centimeters in air and is absorbed by a relatively small
thickness of paper or human skin. However, because of
their speed and size, they are capable of ionising a large
number of atoms over a very short range of penetration.
 This makes them relatively harmless for most sources that
are about a metre or more away, as the radiation is easily
absorbed by the air.

 Beta-particle radiation consists of fast moving
electrons. Every Beta particle carries either one
negative or one positive electronic charge ( +/- 1.6
× 10-19 coulomb: -e, +e). They are affected by
electric and magnetic fields.
 The speed depends on the source, but it can be up

to 90% of the speed of light.

 Beta particles can penetrate up to 1 m of air. They

are stopped by a few millimetres of aluminium or

 Their ionising capacity is much less than that of

alpha-radiation. They are very dangerous if

Gamma radiation does not consist of charged particles, it
is a form of very short wavelength electromagnetic
energy. They travel at the speed of light (3 × 10 ^8 m/s).
o Gamma radiation is very difficult to stop, it takes up to
30mm of lead. Although the ionising capacity of
gamma radiation is considerably smaller than that of
beta-radiation, their high penetration power means
that they are dangerous even at a distance.
o They can penetrate our bodies and hit sensitive organs.
They are particularly dangerous if ingested or inhaled.

For measuring radioactivity, three

types of devices are available:
1. Gas-filled tube counters e.g. the

Geiger Muller Counter

2. Scintillation Counters
3. Semi-conductor Detectors
 A potential difference just below that
required to produce a discharge is
applied to the tube (1000 V). Any
atoms of the
 gas struck by the γ-rays entering the

tube are ionized, causing a discharge.

Discharges are monitored and counted
by electronic circuitry and the output
is reported as counts/sec or
 Crystals of certain substances e.g. cesium fluoride,
cadmium tungstate, anthracine and sodium iodide
emit small flashes of light when bombarded by γ-
rays. The most commonly used phosphor in
scintillation counters is NaI with a minute quantity
of thallium added. In the instrument, the crystal is
positioned against a photocell which in turn is
linked to a recording unit. The number of flashes
produced per unit time is proportional to the
intensity of radiation. Small portable scintillation
counters are available.
 A semi-conductor is a substance whose electrical
conductivity is between that of a metal and an
insulator. It is noted that Ge(Li) semi-conductors ate
excellent detectors of γ-rays with a resolution ten
times higher than NaI (Th) scintillometers. The
main disadvantage of these is a lower efficiency for
higher energy x-rays. Besides, Ge(Li)
semiconductors need to be cooled by liquid nitrogen
and are hence cumbersome and not suitable as field
 Americium 241 used as antineoplastic.
 Californium 252 used as antineoplastic."
 Cobalt 60 used as antineoplastic.
 Gold 94 used as antineoplasatic.
 Holmium 66 (26 h) being developed for diagnosis

and treatment of liver tumours.

 Iodine-125 (60 d) used in cancer brachytherapy

(prostate and brain).

 Iodine-131 is therapeutically used for to treat thyroid cancer,
hyperthyroidism (including Graves’ disease, toxic
multinodular goiter, and toxic autonomously functioning
thyroid nodules), and Nontoxic multinodular goiter.
 Palliative Treatment of Bone Metastasis
 Various radioisotopes and pharmaceuticals are used to

deliver palliative treatment of bone metastases, including

samarium-153 (Sm-153), strontium-89 (Sr-89) chloride, and
phosphorus-32 (P-32) sodium phosphate. The two most
common side effects occurring from radiopharmaceutical
therapy for metastatic bone disease are initial increased
bone pain (flare) and a decrease in WBC and platelet counts.
 Erbium-169: Use for relieving arthritis pain in synovial
 Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals
 Ammonia N 13 Injection used for diagnostic coronary

artery disease.
 Chromium 51 used for diagnosis of pernicious anaemia.
 Holmium 166 used for diagnosis and treatment of liver

 Iodine 125 used diagnostically to evaluate the filtration

rate of kidneys.
 Radiopharmaceuticals should be kept in well-closed
containers and stored in an area assigned for the purpose.
The storage conditions should be such that the maximum
radiation dose rate to which persons may be exposed is
reduced to an acceptable level.
 Care should be taken to comply with national regulations for

protection against ionizing radiation.

 Radiopharmaceutical preparations that are intended for

parenteral use should be kept in a glass vial, ampoule for

syringe that is sufficiently transparent to permit the visual
inspection of the contents. Glass containers may darken
under the effect of radiation.
Precautions for handling radioactive
 The following guidelines provide information on the
safe handling of radioactive substances. They are
based on the relevant legislation and on the Code of
Practice for Handling Radioactive Substances.
The radioactive substances used should
comply with the following characteristics:
 Radiotoxicity must be as low as possible.
 Short-living isotopes are preferred to long-living

 The amounts used must be kept to a minimum.
 Never work alone in a radioactive lab, especially
not outside normal working hours. Always make
sure to have someone nearby in case of emergency.
 Take all precautions to prevent radioactive

 Always separate radioactive activities from non-

radioactive activities.
 As far as possible, limit the area where

radioactive substances are used and mark the

area, e.g. by using
 containers with absorbent paper.
 Apply a radiation symbol to any containers and

items that have come into contact with radioactive

 When handling radioactive materials, always wear the
appropriate protective clothing:
 Wear a lab coat. If there is a risk of serious
contamination, wear disposable clothing. Store your
lab coat away from your regular clothes.
 Always wear gloves when handling radioactive

substances. Regularly check the radiation level of

these gloves. Never touch anything with potentially
contaminated gloves; use paper tissues instead.
 Wear shoe covers in rooms where the floor may be

 Keep personal items such as handbags, etc., outside

the lab.
 Use appropriate radiation shields. Return the
stock solution to storage immediately after
removing the amount needed.
 - To avoid internal contamination, strict

hygiene is essential when handling

radioactive materials
 Eating, smoking, drinking, and applying cosmetics are
prohibited in radioactive labs.
 Never pipette by mouth. Use pipetting devices instead.
 Wash your hands thoroughly when you leave the lab.
 - Regularly check the radiation level of your working area
and all objects used, or at least at the end of each working
day. Replace contaminated absorption paper.
Decontaminate contaminated objects.
 - Dispose of all radioactive waste in the appropriate
containers. Limit the amount of waste to a bare minimum.
 Every radiopharmaceutical preparation must
comply with the labeling requirements established
under Good Manufacturing Practice.
 The label on the primary container should include:
 A statement that the product is radioactive or the

international symbol for radioactivity.

 The name of the radiopharmaceutical preparation;
 The route of administration
 For solutions, the total volume.
 ROLL NO. :90



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