General Relativity Presentation

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General Relativity:

Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation

Presented By
Arien Crellin-Quick and Tony Miller
The Motivations of General Relativity
• General Relativity, or GR, was created in order
to better understand gravity
• It has helped us to answer why gravity exists
• General Relativity has many predictions most
of which have been verified by experiment
with amazing accuracy
The Motivations of GR
• The special theory of relativity encompasses
inertial frames of reference moving at uniform
relative velocities
• Einstein asked whether or not systems moving
in nonuniform motion with respect to one
another could be relative and came up with
the idea of general relativity
The Equivalence Principle
• The equivalence principle is the fundamental
underpinning of general relativity, it says that:
• “There is no experiment that can be done in a
small confined space that can detect the
difference between a uniform gravitational
field and an equivalent uniform acceleration.”
The History of GR
• Developed between 1907 and 1915
• The beginnings of GR germinate in 1907 with
Einstein’s thought experiment concerning a
free-falling observer that he called the happiest
thought of his life: "For an observer
falling freely from the roof of a
house, the gravitational field does
not exist"
The History of GR
• 1907- published first paper applying SR to
accelerating reference frames that also
predicted gravitational time dilation
• 1911- published paper predicting gravitational
• 1912- Einstein was focused on formulating a
theory of spacetime that was purely
The History of GR
• By 1915 Einstein had developed what are
known as the Einstein Field Equations

• General Theory of Relativity published in

Annalen der Physik in 1916
The Characteristics of GR
• GR is a theory of gravitation that supersedes
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation using
the warping of spacetime by mass to explain
gravitational attraction instead of the idea of
• Essentially, massive bodies warp and curve
their local spacetime
An Example of Curved Spacetime
Some Predictions of GR
• Geodetic Deviation
• Frame Dragging
• Gravitational Lensing
• Black Holes
• Gravitational Redshift
• Gravity Waves
Geodetic Deviation
• Arises from the transportation of angular
momentum through gravitational field when
EFE are applied to a massive body
• Massive bodies like Earth warp spacetime and
a spinning object (i.e. gyroscope) orbiting the
larger body will exhibit a precession of its axis
of rotation
• Gravity Probe B
Frame Dragging
• Derived by Hans Thirring and Josef Lense
(AKA Lense-Thirring Effect)
• Rotating massive bodies pull spacetime around
with them
• Frame Dragging Effect
Gravitational Lensing Effect
• The Gravitational Lensing effect occurs when
light reaching an observer has passed by a
very massive body which is heavily distorting
space. The light can be seen, (of course), to
bend around the body.
Black Holes
• Black Holes are the most profound prediction
of general relativity
• A black hole is a large body of matter that is so
dense that nothing can escape its gravitational
attraction, at a given distance, known as the
Schwarzschild radius
Gravitational Redshift
• Gravitational redshift occurs when light
leaving a massive body redshifts in order to
conserve energy
• Light can also blueshift if falling into a gravity
• The appropriate equation for the red shift is
Gravitational Waves
• Fluctuation of spacetime curvature that is
propagated as a wave
• Radiates away from accelerating bodies
• Carries energy away from source
• Predicts that two massive bodies rotating
about their center of mass will loose energy in
the form of gravity waves and the orbit will
Experimental Verifications of GR
• Gravity Probe B
• Black Holes
• Eddington’s 1919 expedition to Africa
• Pound and Rebka (Gravitational Redshift)
Enter Gravity Probe B
• Collaborative experiment between NASA and
• Utilized putting world’s most perfect
gyroscopes in polar orbit around earth,
launched in 2004
• Gravity Probe B was designed to detect the
Geodetic Deviation and Frame dragging
effects due to the spacetime warping of the
Geodetic Deviation Measurements
• Confirmed by GP-B with total of 1%
experimental uncertainty
• Hoped that by 2010 analysis will yield 0.01%
Frame Dragging Measurements
• Current data analysis yields 15% statistical
• Hoped to be down to 1% by 2010
Black Holes
• Do they exist? FOR SURE!
• Black Holes come in two different sizes: Stellar
(5 to 20 solar masses) and supermassive
(millions or billions of times the mass of the
• Black Holes are detected by either their
gravitational influence on nearby bodies or
through electromagnetic radiation
Gravitational Redshift
• Measured accurate to within 0.02% of the
predicted value by Pound and Rebka in 1960
in the tower of Harvard University
Further Implications of GR
• Cosmology-the ultimate fate of the universe

• The Hawking Effect-the first combination of

the quantum theory with general relativity
• What have we learned from general relativity?
• What can we predict using GR?
• GR is one of the most accurate physical
theories to date
• Kaku, Michio. Einstein’s Cosmos. New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004.
• Thornton, Stephen T. and Andrew Rex.
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers.
Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 2006.
• Misner, Thorne, Wheeler. Gravitation.
Freeman Press, 1973.

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