Cell Theory

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At the back of the paper, write a 10-sentence

paragraph describing your thoughts and feelings
about the topic and how you think this lesson help
you in the present and in the future.
Explain the
postulates of the STEM_BIO1
cell theory 1/12-Ia-c-1

Objectives: After the session, you are expected to:

1. enumerate the tenets of the cell theory;
2. explain the functions of a cell in an organism; and
3. create a historical timeline of the cell theory.
Did You Know?

What is the smallest unit of

Did You Know?

How many cells make up an

average human being?
Did You Know?

How many cells make up an

average human being?
The average human being
is composed of around
100 Trillion individual
It would take as many as
50 cells to cover the area
of a dot on the letter “i”
Did You Know?
What cell type can no longer
regenerate once damaged or used up?
Did You Know?

What type of cell carry Oxygen and

supply it throughout the body?
Did You Know?
What is the smallest cell in

The most
plankton in
the ocean
Did You Know?
What is the biggest cell in nature?
The Cell Theory
From what we’ve learned in our

What were the major

discoveries leading to the
creation of Cell Theory?

What is the cell theory

Discovery of Cells
 1665- English Scientist, Robert Hooke, discovered cells
while looking at a thin slice of cork.
 He described the cells as tiny boxes or a honeycomb
 He thought that cells only existed in plants and fungi
Anton van Leuwenhoek
Used a handheld microscope to
observe pond scum &
discovered single-celled
He called them “animalcules”
He also observed blood cells
from fish, birds, frogs, dogs,
and humans
Therefore, it was known that
cells are found in animals as
well as plants
1838 - Matthias Schleiden
A botanist who concluded that all plants are made of cells.

Typical Plant
1839 - Theodor Schwann
A zoologist who concluded that all animals are made of cells.

Nerve Cells
1855 -

A physician who did

research on cancer
cells and concluded
“Omnis cellula e

“All cells are from

pre-existing cells.”
Based on the discovery of Cell, if you are a scientist how
would you derive the Cell Theory?
The 3 Basic Components of the Cell Theory :

1. All organisms are composed of one or

more cells.
(Schleiden & Schwann)(1838-39)
2. The cell is the basic unit of life in all living
things. (Schleiden & Schwann)(1838-39)
3. All cells are produced by the
division of preexisting cells. (Virchow)
1. All ___________
are composed of one
or more _______.
2. The cell is the basic
unit of ___________
The Cell and ______________
Theory in all living things.
Complete 3. All cells are
produced by the
division of
How Has The Cell Theory Been Used?
The basic discovered truths about cells, listed in the
Cell Theory, are the basis for things such as:
Disease/Health/Medical Research and Cures(AIDS, Cancer,
Vaccines, Cloning, Stem Cell Research, etc.)

The research started simple question “How can the

various parts of the human body began forming and
how may it be possible to replicate the processes.
MULTIPOTENT can develop into more than one cell type, but are more
limited than pluripotent cells; adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells
PLURIPOTENT can give rise to all of the cell types that make up the
body; embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent
TOTIPOTENT can form all the cell types in a body, plus the
extraembryonic, or placental, cells. Embryonic cells within the first couple of cell
divisions after fertilization
Modern Cell Theory
Modern Cell Theory contains 4 statements,
in addition to the original Cell Theory:
1. The cell contains hereditary
information(DNA) which is passed on
from cell to cell during cell division.
2. All cells are basically the same in
chemical composition and metabolic
Modern 3. All basic chemical & physiological
functions are carried out inside the cells.
Cell (movement, digestion,etc)
Theory 4. Cell activity depends on the activities of
sub-cellular structures within the
cell(organelles, nucleus, plasma
In ¼ sheet of paper:

Explain the Cell Theory in

your own words.

How has the knowledge of

Cell Theory help you
understand life?
Some Parting

Humans are just an

intricately designed
community of cells,
which must work
together to survive.
“What is the
essence of life?”

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