Chapter 1: Introduction: By: Parveen Kaur

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Chapter 1: Introduction

(OS Structure, Modes and Services)

By: Parveen Kaur


 Abstract: To simplify how

hardware actually looks

 Arbitrate: To manage , to
oversee the hardware
Definition of Operating System
 A program that acts as an intermediate/
interface between a user of a computer and the
computer hardware.
 OS is a resource allocator
 Manages all resources
 Decides between conflicting requests for efficient and fair
resource use
 OS is a control program
 Controls execution of programs to prevent errors and
improper use of the computer
What is an Operating System?

 It is a layer of system software that:

 directly has privileged access to underlined hardware
 hides hardware complexity
 manages hardware on behalf of one or more applications
according to policies.
 An operating system is the one program that is running at all
the times on the computer- usually called the kernel.
 Kernel is a program that (allow) let the hardware to recognize
and read the program/process.
Operating System Goals:

 Execute user programs and make problem

solving easier.
 Make the computer system convenient to use
 Efficiently use available resources
Computer System Structure
 Computer system can be divided into four components:
 Hardware – provides basic computing resources
 CPU, memory, I/O devices
 Operating system
 Controls and coordinates use of resources among various
applications and users
 System/Application programs – define the ways in which the
system resources are used to solving user problems
 Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems,
video games
 Users
 People, machines, other computers
Abstract View of System Components
Computer Startup
 bootstrap program is loaded at power-up or reboot
 Typically stored in ROM or EPROM, generally known as
 Initializes all aspects of system
 It checks the CPU, memory, and basic input-output
systems (BIOS) for errors. Once successful, the
software will begin to activate the computer's disk
 It then finds the first piece of the operating system: the
bootstrap loader , Which Loads operating system kernel
and starts execution.
Bootstrap Loader
 The bootstrap loader sets up the small driver programs that
interface with and control the various hardware. It sets up the
divisions of
 memory
 user information, and
 Applications
 It establishes the data structures needed to communicate
within and between the subsystems and applications of the
 Then it turns control of the computer over to the operating
system. Wind
Computer System Organization
 Computer-system operation
 One or more CPUs, device controllers connect through common bus
providing access to shared memory
 Concurrent execution of CPUs and device controllers competing for
memory cycles
Computer-System Operation
 I/O devices and the CPU can execute concurrently
 Each device controller is in charge of a particular device
 Each device controller has a local buffer
 CPU moves data from/to main memory to/from local
 I/O is from the device to local buffer of controller
 Device controller informs CPU that it has finished its
operation by causing an interrupt
 The occurrence of an event is usually signaled by an
interrupt from either the hardware or software.
 Hardware can trigger an interrupt at any time by sending a
signal to CPU, usually through Data Bus.
 Software may trigger an interrupt by executing a special
operation called system call/ monitor call
Types of Operating System
Batch Operating Systems
The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the
computer directly.
Each user prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards
and submits it to the computer operator.
To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched
together and run as a group .

Batch Operating Systems
 Jobs are batched together by type of languages and requirements,
on first come first serve basis.
 Then a special program, the monitor program, manages the execution
of each program in the batch.
 The monitor program is always in the main memory and available for
 Bank System, Payroll System, data entry systems.
 improves computer efficiency as it eliminates CPU time between two
 No interaction between user and computer.
 No mechanism to prioritize the processes.
 Starvation, difficult to debug.
Batch Operating Systems

 Early computers were machines run from a console

 The common input devices were card readers and tape drives.
 The common output devices were line printers, tape drives, and card
 To speed up processing, operators batched jobs with similar needs
together and ran them through the computer as a group.
User Prepares a JOB (Program) using Punch Cards  Computer
Operator Wait for Output
Multiprogrammed OS
 2 or more processes reside in memory at the same time
 Single user processes cannot keep CPU and I/O devices busy at all
 Multiprogramming organizes jobs (code and data) so CPU always
has one to execute
 It is mixture of I/O bound and CPU bound processes
 Multiprogramming assumes a single shared processor. One job
selected and run via job scheduling from job pool
Multiprogrammed OS
 Job scheduling is the process of allocating system
resources to many different tasks by an operating system.
 If several jobs are ready to run at the same time, then the
system chooses which one to run through the process of
CPU Scheduling.
 In this the operating system picks up and begins to execute
one of the jobs from memory .
 Once this job needs an I/O operation operating system
switches to another job (CPU and OS always busy).
 Jobs in the memory are always less than the number of jobs
on disk(Job Pool).
Multiprogrammed OS
 Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization, CPU will never
be idle and keeps on processing.
 Reduce response time
 No interaction between user and computer.
Multitasking/Timesharing OS
 Multiple jobs are executed by the CPU simultaneously by
switching between them.
 The time that each task gets to execute is called quantum.
After this time interval is over OS switches over to the next
 Only one CPU is involved, but it switches from one process
to another so quickly that it gives the appearance of
executing all of the processes at the same time.
Multitasking/ Time Sharing OS
 There is at least one program is executing in memory process
 If several jobs ready to run at the same time  CPU scheduling
 If processes don’t fit in memory, swapping moves them in and out to run.
 If a program is not using the CPU, however, it can allow another program to use it
 Multics, Unix, etc. 
 Types of Multitasking OS:
1. Preemptive: the operating system parcels CPU time slices to each program.
2. Cooperative: each program can control the CPU for as long as it needs it.

In time sharing systems the prime focus is on minimizing the

response time, while in multiprogramming the prime focus is to
maximize the CPU usage.
Multitasking/ Time Sharing OS
 Each task gets an equal opportunity
 Fewer chances of duplication of software
 CPU idle time can be reduced
 Reliability problem
 One must have to take care of the security and integrity of
user programs and data
 Data communication problem
Multiprocessing OS
 A multiprocessor system consists of several
processors that share a common physical memory,
operating system as well, Parallel computing is
 Multiprocessor system provides higher computing
power and speed.
Multiprocessing OS

 Multi-processor systems; that is, they have multiple CPU.

 Also known as parallel systems or tightly coupled systems
 Such systems have more than one processor in close
communication, sharing the computer bus, the clock, and sometimes
memory and peripheral devices.
 Types of Multiprocessing OS:
1. Symmetric : Symmetric multiprocessing occurs when many processors
work together to process programs using the same OS and memory.
Shared memory allows all processors to communicate with one another.
2. Asymmetric : The processing of programs by several processors in a
master-slave arrangement is known as asymmetric multiprocessing.
Processors do not need to communicate because the master processor
controls them.
Multiprocessing OS
 This operating system is more suited to supporting multiple
users simultaneously.
 The multitasking operating systems have well-defined
memory management.
 The multiple processors are busier at the same time to
complete any task in a multitasking environment, so the
CPU generates more heat.
Network Operating System
 These systems run on a server and provide the capability to
manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and
other networking functions, in small private area(LAN).
 These types of operating systems allows multiple devices
within a network to communicate and share resources with
each e.g. access of files, printers, etc.
Network Operating System
 The role of the NOS is to provide basic network services and
features that support multiple input requests simultaneously in a
multiuser environment.
 Tightly coupled systems, all the users are well aware of the
underlying configuration, of all other users within the network,
their individual connections, etc.  
 Types of Network OS:
1. Peer to Peer: allow users to share network resources saved in
a common, accessible network location. All devices are treated
equally in terms of functionality. Used for small to medium LAN.
2. Client- Server: provide users with access to resources through
a server, all functions and applications are unified under one file
server that can be used to execute individual client actions
regardless of physical location.
Network Operating System

 Network traffic reduces due to the division between clients and
the server.
 It acts as a backup for the individual computers that are
connected to the network.
 Highly secure with features like authorization of users,
hardware authentication, restrictions on shared data…
 Servers are costly.
 User has to depend on central location for most operations.
 Maintenance and updates are required regularly.
Distributed Systems
 A distributed operating system is one in which several computer
systems connected through a single communication channel.
 These systems have their individual processors and memory.
Communicate through high-speed buses or telephone lines.
 The individual components or systems of the network are nodes
Distributed Systems
 Each system over the network keeps copy of the data, and this leads
to Reliability (Because if one system crashes , data is not lost).
  Loosely coupled systems independent systems possess their own
memory unit and CPU.
 The load on the system decreases.
 If one system stops it will not affect the other, fault-tolerant.
 This type of system is fault-tolerant.
 Software used for such systems is highly complex.
 Failure of the main network will lead to the failure of the whole
Real Time Operating System
 Time bound systems
 It is employed mostly in those systems in which the results of the
computations are used to influence a process while it is executing,
 E.g.  Airlines reservation system, Heart Pacemaker.
 When an event occurs outside of the computer, it is conveyed to the
computer via a sensor that is used to monitor the event. The sensor
generates a signal that the OS interprets as an interrupt. When the
operating system receives an interrupt, it starts a specific process or a
collection of processes to handle it.
 Real-time systems are concurrent, which means they may respond to
several processes at once. Within the system, there are multiple separate
jobs going on, and it replies to each one in brief intervals. 
Real Time Operating System
 Types of Real Time OS:
1. Soft Real time Systems: There may be a deadline assigned to a
job/process, but a minor delay(Positive delay) is allowed.
Exp: online transaction systems.
2. Hard Real Time Systems: Each process is assigned a specific time
instance, and Process must complete in that time otherwise system will
Exp: airline traffic control system, heart pacemaker.
3. Firm Real Time Systems: also need to follow the deadlines. However,
missing a deadline may not have big impact but could cause undesired
affects, like a huge reduction in quality of a product.
Exp: Various types of Multimedia applications.
Operating-System Operations
 OS’s are Interrupt driven. If no process, no I/o devices, No
users then OS will sit quietly waiting for some event to

 Program or software send, Generate Events by using

system calls. Error or request by a software creates
exception or trap
 E.g. Division by zero

 To ensure proper execution of OS, we must distinguish

between execution of OS code and user defined code.
Operating-System Operations
 To protect OS, Dual-mode operations exist:
 User mode (1) and kernel mode (0)
 A Mode bit is added to hardware to indicate mode

Provides ability to distinguish when system is running

user mode or kernel mode

System call changes mode to kernel, return from call

resets it to user

Kernel mode is also called supervisor mode, system

mode or privileged mode.
User/Kernel Protection Boundary
User/Kernel Protection Boundary
Transition from User to Kernel Mode
Transition from User to Kernel Mode
 Timer to prevent infinite loop / process hogging resources
 Timer is set to interrupt the computer after some time period
 Keep a counter that is decremented by the physical clock.
 Operating system set the counter (privileged instruction)
 When counter zero generate an interrupt
 Set up before scheduling process to regain control or terminate
program that exceeds allotted time
Operating System Structure
1. Simple Structure -- MS-DOS
 written to provide the most functionality in the least space
 Not divided into modules
 Although MS-DOS has some structure, its interfaces and levels of
functionality are not well separated
2. Non Simple Structure -- UNIX
The UNIX OS consists of two parts:
1. System programs
2. The kernel
Consists of everything below the system-call
interface and above the physical hardware
Provides the file system, CPU scheduling, memory
management, and other operating-system functions;
a large number of functions for one level
Traditional UNIX System Structure
Traditional LINUX System Structure
Kernel has many inbuilt modules
Layered Approach
 The operating system is
divided into a number of
layers (levels), each built on
top of lower layers. The
bottom layer (layer 0), is the
hardware; the highest (layer
N) is the user interface.
 With modularity, layers are
selected such that each
uses functions (operations)
and services of only lower-
level layers
Operating System Services
 An operating system provides an environment for the programs to run.
 It provides certain services to programs
Operating System Services
 Operating-system services provides functions that are
helpful to the user:
 User interface - Almost all operating systems have a user interface
 Varies between Command-Line (CLI), Graphics User Interface
 Program execution - The system must be able to load a program
into memory and to run that program, end execution, either
normally or abnormally (indicating error)
 I/O operations - A running program may require I/O, which may
involve a file or an I/O device.
 File-system manipulation - read and write files and directories,
create and delete them, search them, list file Information,
permission management.
Operating System Services
 Communications – Processes may exchange information, on the
same computer or between computers over a network
 Communications may be via shared memory or through
message passing (packets moved by the OS)
 Error detection – OS needs to be constantly aware of possible
 May occur in the CPU and memory hardware, in I/O devices, in
user program
 Foreach type of error, OS should take the appropriate action to
ensure correct and consistent computing
 Debugging facilities can greatly enhance the user’s and
programmer’s abilities to efficiently use the system.
 Resource allocation – OS must ensure allocation of resources to all
programs running.
 Manytypes of resources - such as CPU cycle time, main
memory, and file storage, I/O devices
Operating System Services
 Accounting - To keep track of which users use how much and
what kinds of computer resources.
 Protection and security - The owners of information stored in a
multiuser or networked computer system may want to control
use of that information, concurrent processes should not
interfere with each other
 Protection involves ensuring that all access to system
resources is controlled
 Security of the system from outsiders requires user
authentication, extends to defending external I/O devices
from invalid access attempts
 Ifa system is to be protected and secure, precautions must be
instituted throughout it.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
 A kernel is a central component of an operating system.
 It acts as an interface between the user applications and the hardware.
 The sole aim of the kernel is to manage the communication between the
software (user level applications) and the hardware (CPU, disk memory
 The main tasks of the kernel are :
 Process management
 Device management
 Memory management
 Interrupt handling
 I/O communication
 File system...etc..
 A kernel is the lowest level of software that interfaces with
the hardware in your computer.
 It is responsible for interfacing all applications that are
running in “user mode” down to the physical hardware,
and allowing processes, to get information from each
other using inter-process communication (IPC).
 Types of Kernels :
1. Monolithic Kernel
2. Microkernel
3. Hybrid
Monolithic Kernel
 A monolithic kernel is an operating system architecture
where the entire operating system (which includes the device
drivers, file system, and the application IPC etc.) is working
in kernel space, in supervisor mode.

 Monolithic kernels are able to dynamically load (and unload)

executable modules at runtime.

 Examples of operating systems that use a monolithic kernel

are - Linux, Solaris, OS-9, DOS, Microsoft Windows
(95,98,Me) etc.
Monolithic Kernel
Monolithic Kernel
 More direct access to hardware for programs
 Easier for processes to communicate between each other
 If your device is supported, it should work with no additional
 Processes react faster because there isn’t a queue for
processor time.
 Large install footprint
 Large memory is needed
 Less secure because everything runs in supervisor mode
 In a Microkernel architecture, the core functionality is isolated from
system services and device drivers.

 This architecture allows some basic services like device driver

management, file system etc. to run in user space.

 This reduces the kernel code size and also increases the security
and stability of OS as we have minimum code running in kernel.

 Examples of operating systems that use a microkernel are - QNX,

Integrity, PikeOS, Symbian, L4Linux, Singularity, K42, Mac OS X,
HURD, Minix, and Coyotos.
Types of Kernel
 Portability
 Small install footprint
 Small memory
 Security
 Hardware is more abstracted through drivers
 Hardware may react slower because drivers are in user mode
 Processes have to wait in a queue to get information
 Processes can’t get access to other processes without waiting
 Hybrid kernels have the ability to pick and choose what they
want to run in user mode and what they want to run in
supervisor mode.
 Device drivers and file system I/O will be run in user mode
while IPC and server calls will be kept in the supervisor
 This require more work of the hardware manufacturer
because all of the driver responsibility is up to them.
Hybrid Kernel
 Developer can pick and choose what runs in user mode and
what runs in supervisor mode
 Smaller install than monolithic kernel
 More flexible than other models
 Processes have to wait in a queue to get information
 Processes can’t get access to other processes without
 Device drivers need to be managed by user
 An interrupt is a signal from a device attached to a
computer or from a program within the computer that
causes the main program that operates the computer (the
operating system) to stop and figure out what to do next.

 Interrupts can be of following type:

 Generated by Hardware (Hardware Interrupt)

 Generated by Software (Software Interrupt)

Hardware Interrupt

1. Hardware interrupts are used by devices to communicate

that they require attention from the operating system.
2. Hardware interrupts by sending signal to CPU via
system bus.
3. Hardware interrupts are referenced by an interrupt
4. These numbers are mapped with hardware that created
the interrupt. This enables the system to
monitor/understand which device created the interrupt
and when it occurred.
Software Interrupt/ Trap
 Interrupt generated by executing a instruction.
 Software interrupts by a special operation
called a System Call or Monitor Call.
Exp: 1. cout in C++ is a kind of interrupt
because it would make a system to print
2. division by zero
Basic steps when interrupt
1. Interrupt Occurred?
2. H/w Transfers control to OS
3. OS preserves current state of process by using
Registers and Program counter
4. Determine which kind of interrupt has occurred and
Provides resources
5. When interrupt is executed, address is loaded to
program counter and interrupted services are
I/O Interrupt
 Once the I/O is started, 2 kind of interrupts may
 Synchronous interrupt (I/O): The control is
transferred to the user process when I/O completes.
 Asynchronous interrupt (I/O): Returns control to
user process without waiting for I/O to complete.
(a) Synchronous (b) Asynchronous
Waiting of I/O may be accomplished in 2

 Wait: it let the CPU wait till the next


 Loop: Loop continues until interrupt is

Device Status Table
 To keep the track of how many I/O requests
are pending
 Device Status Table is maintained.
 Device type
 Address

 State (idle,busy)
System Calls
 Allow user-level processes to request services of the operating

 It provides a way in which program talks to the operating system .

Why system calls are required?

 It is a request to the operating system to perform some
 It is a call to the kernel in order to execute a specific function
that controls a device or executes a instruction.

 A system call looks like a procedure call

Accessing System Calls
 System calls are accessed by programs via a high-level
Application Program Interface (API) (provides run time

 System calls are implemented via API, API’s interact with kernel of
Example of System Calls
 System call sequence to copy the contents of
one file to another file
System Call Implementation
 A number is associated with each system call
 System-call interface maintains a table indexed according to
these numbers

 The system call interface invokes intended system call

in OS kernel and returns status of the system call with a
return value.
 The caller needs to know nothing about how the system
call is implemented
 Just needs to obey API and understand what OS will do as a
result call
 Most details of OS interface hidden from programmer by API
API – System Call – OS
Standard C Library Example
 C program invoking printf() library call, which calls
write() system call
System Call Dispatch

1. Kernel assigns system call number to each

system number
2. Kernel initializes system call table, mapping
system call number to functions implementing the
system call
3. User process sets up system call number and
4. User process runs
System Call Dispatch

5. Hardware switches to kernel mode and calls

kernel’s interrupt handler for user process
(interrupt dispatch)
6. Kernel looks up syscall table using system call
7. Kernel calls/invokes the corresponding function
8. Kernel returns by running interrupt return and
processing the actual program.
System Call Parameter Passing
Passing Parameters to System Calls:
 Information required for a system call vary according to OS
and call.
 Three general methods used to pass parameters to the
1. Pass the parameters in registers
 When parameters are < 6.
2. Parameters stored in a block, or table, in memory, and address
of block passed as a parameter in a register. (6 or more)
 This approach taken by Linux and Solaris
3. Parameters placed, or pushed, onto the stack by the program
and popped off the stack by the operating system.
Parameter Passing via Table
Types of System Calls
5 Categories
 Process Control  File Management
 end, abort  create file, delete file
 load, execute  open, close file
 create process,  read, write, reposition
terminate process
 get and set file
 get process attributes, attributes
set process attributes
 wait for time
 wait event, signal event
 allocate and free
Types of System Calls (Cont.)
 Device Management  Communications
 request device, release device  create, delete
 read, write, reposition communication
 get device attributes, set device connection
attributes  send, receive
 logically attach or detach devices messages
 transfer status
 Information Maintenance
 get time or date, set time or date  attach and detach
 get system data, set system data remote devices
 get and set process, file, or
device attributes
System Call Implementation
Q1. Who controls the execution of programs
to prevent errors and improper use of
a) Resource allocator
b) Control Program
c) Hardware
d) None of the above
Q2. The operating system switches from
user mode to kernel mode so the mode bit
will change from?
a) 0 to 1
b) 1 to 0
c) Remain constant     
d) None
Q3. In which type of operating system users
do not interact directly with the computer
a) Multiprogramming operating systems
b) Multiprocessing operating systems
c) Batch operating systems
d) Distributed operating systems
Ans 3) c
Q4. What is the objective of
multiprogramming operating systems?
a) Maximize CPU utilization
b) Switch the CPU among processes
c) Achieve multitasking
d) None of the above
Ans4. a)
Q5. Who signalled for the occurrence of an
event either from the hardware or the
a) Bootstrap program
b) Interrupt
c) Disk Controller
d) CPU
Ans5: b
Q6. In which type of I/O interrupts the
control return to the user program after the
completion of I/O operation?
a) Synchronous I/O interrupts
b) Asynchronous I/O interrupts
c) System Call
d) Hardware
Ans 6) a
Q7: The device-status table contains
a) each I/O device type
b) each I/O device state
c) each I/O device address
d) all of the above
Ans 7 (d)
Storage Structure and Hierarchy
Magnetic Tape

Optical Tape
Main Memory (RAM)

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