S MapReduce Types Formats

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MapReduce Types ,

Formats , and Features

Introduction of MapReduce
● MapReduce is the processing unit of Hadoop, using which the data in Hadoop can be processed.
● The MapReduce task works on <Key, Value> pair.
● Two main features of MapReduce are parallel programming model and large-scale distributed
● MapReduce allows for the distributed processing of the map and reduction operations.
○ Map procedure(Transform): Performs a filtering and sorting operation.
○ Reduce procedure(Aggregates): Performs a summary operation
● MapReduce Workflow:

MapReduce Functions

● MapReduce is a programming framework that allows us

to perform distributed and parallel processing on large
data sets. A MapReduce consists of the following
● Map:
❖ Block of data is read and processed to produce key-
value pairs as intermediate outputs.
❖ The output of a Mapper or map job (key-value pairs) is
input to the Reducer.

● Reduce:
❖ The reducer receives the key-value pair from multiple
map jobs.
❖ Then, the reducer aggregates those intermediate data
tuples (intermediate key-value pair) into a smaller set of
tuples or key-value pairs which is the final output.


● This feature of MapReduce would allow to join large
datasets which involves a lot of programmatic
implementation. Types of Joins:
1. Map-side join
2. Reduced-side join.
● In Joins we basically look at the size of the datasets and
decide to perform lookup for matching records.

Counters -
● This feature of MapReduce is used to keep track of the
events happening. These counters keep a track of job
statistics like the number of rows read or the number of
rows written etc.
● MapReduce has default counters and we can also
customize counters when needed.
● Built-in Counters are
1. Mapreduce Task Counters
2. File system counters
3. Job Counters

Side Data Distribution:
● It can be defined as extra read only data needed by job
to process the main dataset.
● Challenge is to make side data available to all the map
or reduce tasks in convenient and efficient fashion.
Different types:

1. Using the Job Configuration

2. Distributed Cache
3. MapReduce Library Classes

● InputFormat describes the input-specification for execution of the Map-Reduce
● In MapReduce job execution, InputFormat is the first step. InputFormat
describes how to split and read input files.
● InputFormat is responsible for splitting the input data file into records which is
used for map-reduce operation.
○ InputFormat selects the files or other objects for input.
○ It defines the Data splits. It defines both the size of individual Map tasks
and its potential execution server.
○ InputFormat defines the RecordReader. It is also responsible for reading
actual records from the input files.

1. FileInputFormat: It is the base class for all file-based InputFormats. When we
start a MapReduce job execution, FileInputFormat provides a path containing files
to read. This InputFormat will read all files and divides these files into one or more

2. TextInputFormat: It is the default InputFormat. This InputFormat treats each line

of each input file as a separate record. It performs no parsing. TextInputFormat is
useful for unformatted data or line-based records like log files.

3. KeyValueTextInputFormat: It is similar to TextInputFormat. This InputFormat also

treats each line of input as a separate record. While the difference is that
TextInputFormat treats entire line as the value, but the KeyValueTextInputFormat
breaks the line itself into key and value

4. SequenceFileInputFormat: It is an InputFormat which reads sequence files.
Sequence files are binary files. These files also store sequences of binary key-value
pairs. These are block-compressed and provide direct serialization and deserialization
of several arbitrary data.

5. N-lineInputFormat: It is another form of TextInputFormat where the keys are byte

offset of the line. And values are contents of the line. So, each mapper receives a
variable number of lines of input with TextInputFormat and KeyValueTextInputFormat.
So, if want our mapper to receive a fixed number of lines of input, then we use

6. DBInputFormat: This InputFormat reads data from a relational database, using

JDBC. It also loads small datasets, perhaps for joining with large datasets from HDFS
using MultipleInputs.

● The outputFormat decides the way the output key-value pairs are written in the
output files by RecordWriter.

The OutputFormat and InputFormat functions are similar. OutputFormat instances are
used to write to files on the local disk or in HDFS. In MapReduce job execution on the
basis of output specification;

● Hadoop MapReduce job checks that the output directory does not already
● OutputFormat in MapReduce job provides the RecordWriter implementation
to be used to write the output files of the job. Then the output files are stored
in a FileSystem.

1. TextOutputFormat: The default OutputFormat is TextOutputFormat. It writes (key, value) pairs on individual
lines of text files. Its keys and values can be of any type. The reason behind is that TextOutputFormat turns
them to string by calling toString() on them. It separates key-value pair by a tab character. By using
MapReduce.output.textoutputformat.separator property we can also change it.

2. SequenceFileOutputFormat: This OutputFormat writes sequences files for its output.

SequenceFileInputFormat is also intermediate format use between MapReduce jobs. It serializes arbitrary
data types to the file. And the corresponding SequenceFileInputFormat will deserialize the file into the same
types. It presents the data to the next mapper in the same manner as it was emitted by the previous reducer.
Static methods also control the compression.

3. SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat: It is another variant of SequenceFileInputFormat. It also writes

keys and values to sequence file in binary format.


4. MapFileOutputFormat: It is another form of FileOutputFormat. It also writes output as map files. The
framework adds a key in a MapFile in order. So we need to ensure that reducer emits keys in sorted order.

5. MultipleOutputs: This format allows writing data to files whose names are derived from the output keys
and values.

6. LazyOutputFormat: In MapReduce job execution, FileOutputFormat sometimes create output files, even if
they are empty. LazyOutputFormat is also a wrapper OutputFormat.

7. DBOutputFormat: It is the OutputFormat for writing to relational databases and HBase. This format also
sends the reduce output to a SQL table. It also accepts key-value pairs. In this, the key has a type extending

● Counters in Hadoop are a useful channel for gathering statistics about the MapReduce
job. Counters are also useful for problem diagnosis.
● Hadoop Counters validate that:
● It reads and written correct number of bytes.
● It has launched and successfully run correct number of tasks or not.
● Counters also validate that the amount of CPU and memory consumed is
appropriate for our job and cluster nodes or not.
● Counter also measures the progress or the number of operations that occur within
MapReduce job. Hadoop also maintains built-in counters and user-defined counters to
measure the progress that occurs within MapReduce job.


● MapReduce Framework automatically sort the keys generated by the

● Reducer in MapReduce starts a new reduce task when the next key in
the sorted input data is different than the previous.
● Each reduce task takes key value pairs as input and generates key-
value pair as output.
● Secondary Sorting in MapReduce:
If we want to sort reducer values, then we use a secondary
sorting technique. This technique enables us to sort the values (in
ascending or descending order) passed to each reducer.


The process of taking key-value as input, sorting it and transferring to reducer is known as?

● It is possible to combine two large sets of data in MapReduce,
that is, by using Joins.
● While using Joins, a common key is used to merge the large
data sets.
● There are two types of joins
○ Map side join
○ Reduce side join

Map-side Join vs Reduce-side Join

● Data should be partitioned and sorted ● Reduce-Side joins since the input
in particular way. datasets need not to be structured.
● Each input data should be divided in ● But it is less efficient as both
same number of partition. datasets have to go through the
● Must be sorted with same key. MapReduce shuffle phase.
● All the records for a particular key ● The records with the same key are
must reside in the same partition. brought together in the reducer.

Advantages of MapReduce:
● Supports Unstructured data- It has one special advantage that it
supports unstructured which is not supported by other technologies.
● Memory Requirements - MapReduce does not require much memory
compared to other Hadoop ecosystems. It runs at a minimal amount
of memory and produces fast results.
● Cost Reduction - Because MapReduce is highly scalable, it reduces
storage and processing costs to meet growing data requirements.
● Parallel nature: One of MapReduce main strengths is that it has a
parallel nature. It is better to work with structured and unstructured
data at the same time.
● Scalability: The biggest advantage of MapReduce is the level of
scalability, which is very high and can reach thousands of nodes.
● Fault Tolerance: Due to its distributed nature, MapReduce is highly
fail-safe. Typically, MapReduce-supported distributed file systems,
along with the basic process, provide MapReduce jobs to overcome
hardware problems.
The End - Thank You


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