Week 3 A

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Section 2.

6 Logarithmic Functions

 Use and apply inverse functions.

 Use and apply logarithmic functions and
properties of logarithmic functions.
 Evaluate logarithms.
 Solve applications involving logarithms.
Logarithmic Functions

 In this section, another type of function will be

studied called the logarithmic function. There is
a close connection between a logarithmic function
and an exponential function. We will see that the
logarithmic function and exponential functions are
inverse functions. We will study the concept of
inverse functions as a prerequisite for our study of
logarithmic function.
One to One Functions

We wish to define an inverse of a function.

Before we do so, it is necessary to discuss the
topic of one to one functions.

First of all, only certain functions are one to


Definition: A function f is said to be one-to-

one if each range value corresponds to exactly
one domain value.
Graph of One to One Function

This is the graph of a one-to-

one function. Notice that if we
choose two different x values,
the corresponding y values are 5

different. Here, we see that if 4

x = 0, then y = 1, and if x = 1,

then y is about 2.8. 1

Now, choose any other pair of 0

-1 0 1 2

x values. Do you see that the

corresponding y values will
always be different?
Horizontal Line Test

 Recall that for an equation to be a function, its graph

must pass the vertical line test. That is, a vertical line
that sweeps across the graph of a function from left to
right will intersect the graph only once at each x value.

 There is a similar geometric test to determine if a

function is one to one. It is called the horizontal line
test. Any horizontal line drawn through the graph of a
one to one function will cross the graph only once. If a
horizontal line crosses a graph more than once, then the
function that is graphed is not one to one.
Which Functions Are One to One?

40 12

-4 -2 0 2 4
-10 0
-4 -2 0 2 4

Definition of Inverse Function

 If f is a one-to-one function, then the inverse of f

is the function formed by interchanging the
independent and dependent variable for f. Thus, if
(a, b) is a point on the graph of f, then (b, a) is a
point on the graph of the inverse of f.
 Note: If a function is not one-to-one (fails the
horizontal line test) then f does not have an
Logarithmic Functions

 The logarithmic function with base two is defined to be

the inverse of the one to one exponential function
y2 9

 Notice that the exponential 7


function 5 graph of y = 2^(x)

x approaches the negative x-axis as x gets

y2 3

passes through (0,1)


is one to one and therefore has -4 -2

0 2 4

an inverse.
Inverse of an Exponential Function

 Start with y  2
 Now, interchange x and y coordinates:
 There are no algebraic techniques that can be used to
solve for y, so we simply call this function y the
logarithmic function with base 2. The definition of this
new function is:
log 2 x  y if and only ifx 2
Logarithmic Function

The inverse of an exponential function is called a

logarithmic function. For b > 0 and b  1,
y  log b x is equivalent to x  2

The log to the base b of x is the exponent to which b must be

raised to obtain x. The domain of the logarithmic function is
the set of all positive real numbers and the range of the
logarithmic function is the set of all real numbers.
Logarithmic Function
Graph, Domain, Range
of Logarithmic Functions

 The domain of the logarithmic function y = log2x is the

same as the range of the exponential function y = 2x. Why?
 The range of the logarithmic function is the same as the
domain of the exponential function (Again, why?)
 Another fact: If one graphs any one to one function and its
inverse on the same grid, the two graphs will always be
symmetric with respect to the line y = x.
Logarithmic-Exponential Conversions

Study the examples below. You should be able to convert a

logarithmic into an exponential expression and vice versa.
1. log (16)  x  4 x  16  x  2

2.  1  1 3
log 3    log 3  3   log 3 (3 )  3
 27  3 
3. 125  5  log 5 125   3

4. 81  9  81  9  log 81 9  
Solving Equations

Using the definition of a logarithm, you can solve

equations involving logarithms. Examples:
log b (1000)  3  b3  1000  b3  103  b  10

log 6  x   5  6  x  7776  x

In each of the above, we converted from log form to

exponential form and solved the resulting equation.
Properties of Logarithms

If b, M, and N are positive real numbers, b  1, and p and

x are real numbers, then

1. log b (1)  0 5. log b MN  log b M  log b N

2. log b (b)  1 M
6. log b  log b M  log b N
3. log b b x  x N
log b x 7. log b M p  p log b M
4. b x
8. log b M  log b N iff M  N
Solving Logarithmic Equations

Solve for x: log 4 ( x  6)  log 4 ( x  6)  3 

Product rule log 4 ( x  6)( x  6)  3 

Special product
log 4  x  36   3 

43  x 2  36 
Definition of log
64  x 2  36 
x can be +10 only
100  x 2 
10  x 
x  10
Another Example

 
log   log 10,000  x

Quotient rule
log x
 1 
log   x
(divide out common factor π)  10,000 
Rewrite log10 104   x

Property of logarithms 4  x
Common Logs and Natural Logs

 Common log  Natural log

log x  log10 x ln( x)  log e x

If no base is indicated, e  2.7181828

the logarithm is
assumed to be base 10.

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