Unit 1 14.04.20 II

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Malnutrition- Consequences, Causes,

Prevention and Control

• Malnutrition is defined as imbalance between the body’s need
and the intake of nutrients, which can lead to nutritional

• So intake of nutrients in proper amount is needed

Types of Malnutrition
• Malnutrition is divided into two main types

1. Under-nutrition
2. Over-nutrition

In under-nutrition nutrients are undersupplied,

and in over-nutrition nutrients are over supplied both
causes nutritional disorders.
Causes of Malnutrition
Disorders due to Malnutrition
 Protein-energy malnutrition
 Kwashiorkor
 Marasmus

 Under nutrition of vitamins and minerals

 Obesity
Under nutrition of vitamins and minerals
Under nutrition of minerals Under nutrition of vitamins

• Calcium • Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

– Rickets – Beriberi
• Iodine deficiency • Niacin (Vitamin B3)
– Goiter – Pellagra
• Iron deficiency • Vitamin C
– Anemia – Scurvy
• Zinc • Vitamin D
– Growth retardation – Rickets
 Between 1-3 years old childrens

• Very low protein but w/calories from CHO
• In places where starchy foods are main staple
• Never exclusively dietary

1. Edema
2. Muscle wasting
3. Hair changes
4. Depigmentation of skin
5. Moonface
 Common in the 1st year of life

 “Balanced starvation”
 Insufficient breast milk
 Dilute milk mixture or lack of hygiene

 Symptoms:
1. Muscle wasting
2. Growth retardation
3. Mental changes
4. No edema
5. Variable-subnormal temp,
6. Often diarrhea
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency Beriberi

Biochemically, there is accumulation of pyruvic and lactic acid in body

fluids causing:

1. Cardiac dysfunction such as cardiac enlargement esp right side, edema

of interstitial tissue.

2. Degeneration of myelin & of axon cylinders resulting in

peripheral neuropathy and

3. weakness of eye movement, ataxia of gait and mental disturbance

Thiamine Deficiency (Beriberi)
Two forms:

1. Wet beriberi: generalized edema, acute cardiac symptoms and

prompt response to thiamine administration

2. Dry beriberi: edema not present and neurological

Thiamine Deficiency (Beriberi)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Deficiency
1. Acts as coenzyme of flavoprotein important in a. a., f. a. &
CHO metabolism & cellular respiration

2. Needed also by retinal eye pigments for light adaptation

Riboflavin Deficiency
Niacin (Vitamin B3) Deficiency Pellagra


1. Diets low in niacin &/or tryptophan

2. Amino acid imbalance or as a result of malabsorption
3. Excessive corn consumption

4. weakness, irritability & dizziness
5. dermatitis, diarrhea & dementia
6. Dermatitis may develop insidiously to sunlight or heat
a. First appears as symmetrical erythema
b. Followed by drying, scaling & pigmentation w/ vesicles & bullae at
7. diarrhea, Mental changes include depression, irritability,
Niacin Deficiency (Pellagra)

• A goiter is a swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the

gland, associated with a thyroid gland that is functioning properly or not.

• Causes due to iodine deficiency


• Iron-deficiency anemia is a common anemia caused by insufficient

dietary intake and absorption of iron, and/or iron loss from bleeding which
can originate from a range of sources such as the intestinal, uterine or
urinary tract.
• Iron deficiency causes approximately half of all anemia cases worldwide,
and affects women more often than men.

This can result if:

• The body does not make enough red blood cells
• Bleeding causes loss of red blood cells more quickly than they can be

• Rickets is a softening of bones in immature mammals due to deficiency or

impaired metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium.

• Rickets is among the most frequent childhood diseases in many

developing countries.

• The predominant cause is a vitamin D deficiency, but lack of

adequate calcium in the diet may also lead to rickets (cases of
severe diarrhea and vomiting may be the cause of the deficiency).
Prevention of malnutrition
• Use modern agricultural techniques to increase
of theproduction

• Proper education to peoples regarding importance of food

• Enrichment of food

• Fortification of food

• Genetic engineering for the development of new varieties eg-

golden rice
• Government projects to provide healthy food to infants
pregnant woman

• Staple food should available at very cheap rate

• Common people should adopt rotation in food

• Use of probiotic microorganism in food

• Global public health and disease control measures.

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