Cross Cultural Psychology
Cross Cultural Psychology
Cross Cultural Psychology
Mekit B.
Moral development
Social cognition
- Refers to how individuals perceive and interpret their social
- As with the field of social cognition, generally, most of the cross-
cultural researches focused on the process of attribution, which
refers to the way in which individuals
think about the causes of their own, or other people’s,
- In broad outline, attribution studies grew out of research on locus
of control.
• Attribution can- Internal causes (i.e., to their own
actions and dispositions), or -External causes (i.e.,
not to themselves but to situations)
Gender behaviors
• They are socially constructed and culturally
determined behaviors of male and female. There has
been a rapidly developing interest in the relationship
between gender and behavior .
• How boys and girls are socialized differently in
various cultures, and noted that girls generally are
socialized more toward compliance (nurturance,
responsibility, and obedience), while boys are raised
more for assertion (independence, self-reliance, and