Concept Food Security

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A Concept of Food

and Nutrition
Farah Paramita,S.Gz, MPH
Prodi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
Universitas Negeri Malang
April 2021
Table of Contents

1. Pengertian ketahanan pangan

2. Dimensi ketahanan pangan
3. Faktor-faktor dalam dimensi ketahanan pangan
4. Paradigma dalam ketahanan pangan
5. Tantangan dan peluang ketahanan pangan
6. Ketahanan Pangan saat Pandemi
Why does it matter ??
Ketahanan Pangan

…….kondisi terpenuhinya pangan bagi negara sampai perseorangan, yang

tercermin dari tersedianya pangan yang cukup, baik jumlah maupun mutunya,

aman, beragam, bergizi, merata dan terjangkau serta tidak bertentangan dengan

agama, keyakinan, dan budaya masyarakat untuk dapat hidup aktif dan produktif

secara berkelanjutan……………(UU Pangan no 18 tahun 2012)

…….food security is exist when all the people, at all time have physical, social and

economic aspect to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs

and food preference for an active and healthy life…………(FAO, 2002)

…“Food and nutrition security exists when all people at all times have physical, social
and economic access to food, which is safe and consumed in sufficient quantity and
quality to meet their dietary needs and food preferences, and is supported by an
environment of adequate sanitation, health services and care, allowing for a healthy
and active life.” (FAO,2012)

Orientasi pada level Dimensi Waktu Akses pangan

rumah tangga dan (setiap saat pangan (fisik, ekonomi,
individu tersedia dan dapat social)

Orientasi pada Untuk hidup sehat

pemenuhan gizi dan produktif
Four main dimension of FS


Food Avaibility

Availability of food produced locally and

imported from abroad
Food Avaibility
Food Access

The food can reach consumer (transportation

infrastructure) and the latter has enough money to
purchase. To such physical and economic accessibility is
added socio-cultural access to ensure that the food is
culturally acceptable and that social protection nets exist
to help the less fortunate
Food Access
Food Utilization

• The individual must be able to eat adequate amounts both in

quantity and quality in order to live a healthy and full life to realize
his or her potential.
• Food and water must be safe and clean and thus adequate water
and sanitation are also involved at this level.
• A person must also be physically healthy to be able to digest and
utilize the food consumed
Food Utilization

• The fourth domain of stability, deals with the ability of the nation/
community / household person to withstand shocks to the food chain
system whether caused by natural disaster (climate change,
earthquakes) or those that are man-made (war, economic crisis)
• Consider as time dimension that affect all the level.
Fifth Dimension

• More recent developments emphasize the importance of

sustainability, which may be considered as the long term time
dimension to food security.
• Sustainability involves indicators at a supra-nasional/ regional level
of ecology, biodiversity and climate change, as well as sosio-
cultural and economic factors.
• These will affect the food security of future generation
Understanding of Food Security
from Pillars to Pathways
• Food security is best considered as a causal, linked pathway from
production to consumption, through distribution to processing,
recognized in a number of domains, rather than as four pillars.
• Visualisation of pillars give a rather misleading representation of
the concept since the four dimension are surely interrelated and
interdependent rather than static and separate.
Linking Food Security to
• Sustainable food system is a food system that ensure food security
and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and
environmental bases to generate Food Security and Nutrition for
future generation
Food Insecurity
• Occur when there are problems at any one level in food production-consumption pathway.
• The upstream dimension/level of FINS largerly affects those downstream.
• Food insecurity as practically measure in the united states, is experience when there is (1)
uncertainly about future food avaibility and access, (2) insufficiency in the amount and kind
of food required for a healthy lifestyle, (3) the need to uses socially unacceptable ways to
acquire food.
• Apart from the most common constrain – lack of economic resources, food insecurity can
also experience when food is available and accessible but cannot be utilized bcz physical or
the other constraints, such as limited physical functioning of elderly or disabled
Penyediaan Pasokan
• Kendala sumber daya alam
• Dampak perubahan iklim global
• Pertanian Indonesia dicirikan atau didominasi oleh usaha tani skala kecil
• Adanya ketidakseimbangan produksi pangan antarwilayah
• Proporsi kehilangan hasil panen dan pemborosan pangan masih cukup tinggi
Pemenuhan Kebutuhan
• Adanya pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi beserta dinamika karakteristik
• Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup tinggi
• Perubahan selera konsumsi pangan
• Persaingan permintaan atas komoditas pangan untuk konsumsi manusia
(food), pakan ternak (feed), bahan baku energi bio (biofuel), bahan baku
industry non-pangan.
PELUANG Ketersediaan sumber
daya (lahan, air,
keanekaragaman hayati)

Dukungan teknologi
Pertanian dan Kekuatan kebijakan
Pengolahan pangan nasional
Apakah pandemi covid-19 dapat
berdapak pada ketahanan pangan?
Do you have any questions?

[email protected]
081 23 278 0009

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