Wwmetc Set.3
Wwmetc Set.3
Wwmetc Set.3
The governor fitted on main engine is a constant load governor. It maintains constant
load at different speed setting set by the fuel lever.
Where as a governor fitted on a generator is a constant speed governor. It maintains
the engine rated speed despite of load variations.
(a) (a) What are the functions of governors? (2)
Governor is a device, which controls the speed of the engine automatically in the prescribed limit.
The governor does in two steps.
(1) Measuring the speed
(2) Control the amount of fuel supply to the engine.
(c) Explain the following terms of governor? (i) Droop (ii) Hunting (4)
The drop in speed from no load to stable full load speed, is called as the Droop.
When the load on an engine changes the governor tends to over-control and under-control. This
over-and under-control causes a fluctuation in rotational speed which is referred to as hunting
A flyweight assembly is used to detect engine speed.
Two flyweights are fitted to a plate or ballhead which rotates about a vertical axis
driven by a gear wheel.
The action of centrifugal force throws the weights outwards cause the lift of the
vertical spindle and compresses the spring until an equilibrium situation is reached.
The equilibrium position or set speed may be changed by the speed selector which
alters the spring compression
If governor speed is normal the pilot valve closes the port and no flow oil.
If the governor speed falls due to engine load increase, flyweights move in pilot valve
moves down, pressure oil go to the power cylinder, the power piston moves to fuel
increase position.
If the governor speed increase due to engine load decrease fly weight move out, pilot
valve moves up, pressure oil releases to the sump, the power piston moves to fuel
decrease position.
For the stability, it is necessary to feed back the power piston. This may be done
(shown in figure) a linkage connecting the control piston to the power piston.
1. (a) Explain how scavenge fire occur in large two stroke engine. (4)
(b) How to prevent scavenge fire. (6)
(c) How to deal with scavenge fire and what will be done after extinguished. (6)
• Fire blow past from cylinder
combustion due to:
a) Worn-out, broken, sticking piston
b) Excessive liner wear, scuffing or
Oxygen in scavenge space,
being emerged undeniably
• Overheated piston due to:
from charge fresh air.
a) Faulty fuel timing
b) Cooling supply failure.
• Overheated piston rod due to stuffing
box malfunction
State why double walled fuel pipe employ for high-pressure fuel line. (3)
Double walled fuel pipe are pipe are ensure
• Proper lagging for high pressure and high temperature fuel carrying system.
• To prevent risk of fuel leaking into atmosphere, especially on to extremely high working parts
(exhaust manifolds, cylinder heads, etc ...) in case of pipe damage.
• To comply with the requirements for SOLAS Chapter II-2, regulation.4
Sketch and describe such a double walled fuel pipe (8)
All high-pressure pipes in the system are provided with flexible, steel wire-armoured hoses or a
protective outer pipe.
The space between the high-pressure pipe and the protective hose/pipe communicates, through
drilled passages in the flanges, with a drain bore in the pump top cover.
Any possible leakage from the pipe is drained away through a special drain pipe in the flange into
the collecting tank which may equipped with a float alarm
Explain how high pressure pipe failure is indicated (5)
Any possible leakage from the pipe is drained away through a special drain pipe in the flange into
the collecting tank which may equipped with a float alarm
For MAN B&W MC engine, the alarm system is fitted in fuel oil distributor block and operated by
control compressed air.
The small leaked oil less than one bar will be drained through the passage inside the distribution
blocks and into the drain tank without activating the diaphragm valve
If the leakage comes out and this pressure exceeds one bar, the leaked oils will force the
diaphragm outward and resulting audible alarms and automatic shutting down by actuating the
fuel pump rack to "O" position..
6. (a) Sketch and describe air starting system of Large marine diesel engine. (8)
(b) Explain about interlocks of air starting system (3)
(c) Explain safety system of main engine slow down & shut down in briefly (5)
• When the valves from the receivers is opened,
air will flow to the automatic valve and the
starting control valve.
• When The starting control valve is received a
start signal , the automatic valve will open
• Air will flow to the air start manifold and then
flows to each air start valve and also flows to
the pilot valves which the air start signal will be
engaging with a starting cam.
• According to the firing sequence, the pilot
valve will allow compressed air to flow on to
the operating piston of the air start valve,
opening the valve.
• When the air signal from the air start distributor
is vented, the spring closes the valve When the
start sequence is finished the main air start
pressure is vented through holes in the main
start air manifold
Explain about interlocks of air starting system (3)
Reversing interlock prevent starting air being admitted till engine timing has been adjusted, so that
engine doesn’t start in wrong direction.
Turning gear interlock is provided to block the starting sequences if turning gear is engaged.
The last interlock blocks the starting air by deactivating the air distributor when fuel is being
injected. Because admitting starting air and fuel injection into the engine at the same time is
1) Telegraph mechanical lock valve:
It is connected to reversing system and air start lever. If the telegraph lever position of ahead
and astern is not same with require direction of engine, it blocks the starting air.
2) Turning gear blocking valve:
If turning gear is in engage position, it blocks the starting air to prevent from damage the
turning gear.
3) The running direction safety interlock: Camshaft rotates in wrong direction with telegraph,
the running direction safety interlock prevent from start the engine.
4) The Lost motion clutches (servomotors) interlock: If servomotors have no move in correct
position, it stops the starting air and fuel to engine.
5) The air blocking valve: It is connecting to all control hydraulic lines of engine starting and
reversing system. When control hydraulic oil pressure drop due to failure in engine starting
or reversing system, it is block the starting air and fuel to start the engine.
6) The fuel block piston: Due to trips of low oil pressure or low water pressure of engine, it
shuts off the fuel injection.
(c) Explain safety system of main engine slow down & shut down in briefly (5)
1. Slow down
If a fault develops and action is not taken by the operator within stipulated time, engine slow down
is activated by sending a slow down signal to the governor which reduces the fuel.
Causes of Slow down are:
• HIGH TEMPERATURE of Lub oil inlet, Piston cooling oil, Main and Thrust bearing, Cooling
water inlet, Scavenge air and Main and Exhaust Gas.
• LOW PRESSURE of Piston cooling oil, Main and Thrust bearing oil.
• HIGH LEVEL of Oil Mist
2.Shut down
If the situation is doesn’t improve after further interval engine shut down is activated. An air signal
is led to the puncture valve on each fuel pump to terminate the injection of fuel.
Causes of Shut down are:
1. Engine over speed .
2. Main and Thrust bearing Low Low oil pressure.
3. Thrust bearing high temperature
Function of automatic emergency shutdown
The main engine is automatically shut down with the fuel cut off in anyone of the following
1. Overspeed
2. Main L. O. inlet low pressure
3. Thrust pad high temperature
4. T/C L. O. inlet low pressure
8. With reference to large slow speed diesel engines:
(a) State why it may be necessary to operate the engine with one unit out of service; (2)
(b) Explain the procedure for hanging the piston of one unit to permit emergency operation of
the engine (12)
(c) State a problem which may occur when running an engine with one unit out of service and
the possible remedy. (2)
(a) State why it may be necessary to operate the engine with one unit out of service;
The engine may have to be operated with one unit out of service for following reason
o blow-by at piston rings or exhaust valve;
o bearing failures which necessitate reduction of bearing load;
o faults in the injection system.
o water leaking into the cylinder from the cooling jacket/liner or cylinder cover.
o the exhaust valve or the actuator is defective.
o defects in piston, piston rod, connecting rod, cylinder cover, cylinder liner and crosshead.
o lack of spare parts makes it necessary to repair the defective parts during the voyage
(b) Explain the procedure for hanging the piston of one unit to permit emergency operation of the
engine. (12)
1. Cut out the fuel pump by lifting and securing the roller guide
2. Put the exhaust valve out of action and so that the valve remains closed.
3. Dismantle the starting1. air. pipe. Blank off the main pipe and the control air pipe for the actual
4. Suspend the piston, piston rod and crosshead, and take the connecting rod out of the
crankcase. (hanging up procedure)
5. Blank off the oil inlet to the crosshead.
6. Set the cylinder lubricator for the actual cylinder, to “zero” delivery
Hanging Up Procedure
o Dismount the crosshead bearing stud nuts.
o Dismount the crankpin bearing cap, and remove the bearing cap from the engine.
o Mount the four supports for guide shoes on the crosshead guides.
o Carefully turn the crank down towards the camshaft side, until the guide shoes rest on the
o Lift the connecting rod out of the engine, using the tackles and the engine room crane.
(c) State a problem which may occur when running an engine with one unit out of service and
the possible remedy.
With one of the cylinders cut out, it is no longer possible to maintain normal engine speed.
Precaution must be observed and reduces the engine speed limit to avoid;
• too high exhaust temperatures,
• turbocharger surging,
• vibration,
• abnormal running condition.
To remind captain, being one unit hang up or blank off, starting problem may face when
manoeuvre and to minimize engine movements as possible.
4. (a) Sketch & Describe an Exhaust valve used on 2 Stroke slow speed large diesel engines.
(b) How to arrange valve cooling (3)
(c) State how are they cooled and modified to extend frequency of overhauling. (5)
Sketch & Describe an Exhaust valve used on 2 Stroke slow speed large diesel engines. (8)
L.O from the camshaft system is used to actuate the hydraulic actuator to open the exhaust
valve by moving downward.
Hydraulic pressure is provided by the cam operated hydraulic pump, to the hydraulic piston of
the hydraulic actuator.
Control air at 7 bar pressure is supplied to the air piston to use it as an air spring, which closes
the exhaust valve when the pneumatic air force is greater than the hydraulic oil force .
A damping arrangement on top of the piston in the exhaust valve prevents hammering of the
valve seating.
The valve spindle is fitted with a winged valve rotator. The kinetic energy in the exhaust gas
rotates the valve a small amount as it passes. This keeps the valve at an even temperature
and helps reduce the build up of deposits on the valve seat
(b) How to arrange valve cooling (3)
The bottom piece or the valve seat and casing are bore-cooled with guided cooling water flow.
Valve cooling is most important with the exhaust valve, because the hot exhaust valve will have a
shorter life. It may become the limiting factor in engine performance. The cooling water space
around the exhaust valve housing is water cooled from main engine fresh water circuit to get
amply supplied.
State how are they cooled and modified to extend frequency of overhauling. (5)
• The closing air is also allowed to leak in controlled amount through annular space between the
valve stem and guide, sealing there and preventing deposition of combustion material.
• The small vanes fitted to valve stem in which exhaust gases causing to revolve the valve. This
keeps the valve at an even temperature and helps reduce the build up of deposits on the valve
• New valve seat geometry has been introduced and it provides a wider contact area when the
valve is hot and exposed to the combustion pressure. The wider contact will further ensure and
efficient heat transfers from the valve to the bottom piece.
• The superior metal must be employed to give an exhaust valve durable life.
• The modification to the recess chamber type Exhaust valve, which will reduce the seat
temperature and to keep the seat clean.
5. (a) Sketch hydraulically operate fuel valve (6)
(b) Why they are required to be cooled (3)
(c) Write about anti dribbling arrangement of fuel valve (3)
(d) Why needle lift is kept within limit Adjusting screw (4)
Lock nut
Thrust spindle
Retaining nut
Why they are required to be cooled (3)
All fuel valves need proper cooling to maintain the tip region temperature within acceptable zone
to avoid malfunction of the operation mechanism. The cooling is insufficient may result, cracking
of fuel oil leading to clogging of sprayer holes, sticking of needle valves and wearing and
distortion of sprayer holes. It can lead to carbon trumpets formation or carbon petal formation on
the tip around the sprayer holes.
Over cooling may result; Low temperature corrosion, insufficient flow quantity and too high degree
of penetration.
Write about anti dribbling arrangement of fuel valve (3)
The delivery valve is acting as a non return valve to prevent total flow back of fuel from the high
pressure pipe.
It also plays an important part in a sharp end to the injection of fuel.
It is designed to withdraw a small amount of fuel from this pipe as it close.
This action is brought by a piston portion formed on the valve.
The angles of the needle valve and valve seat are cut difference about 1 ° to 2° to achieve point
contact. In other words weeping and dribbling has been prevented by cutting the needle angel
about 2° larger than the seat angle (60°)
This arrangement ensures sharp opening and closing of the fuel valve.
d) Why needle lift is kept within limit (4)
Fuel valve needle lift is required to be maintaining within limit.
If valve lift is more than the amount of specified by the markers the spring may be overstressed
and probable to break.
If it is less, the fuel may be wire drawn at full load and the combustion will be impaired because
reduced injection pressure.
In all unit correct fuel valve lift ensures for, equal amount of fuel injection to each cylinder to get
equal power distribution. To get equal and constant pressure among the all fuel valves is
The correct lifts will reducing the chance of spring breakage and minimize load on the pumps and
pressure pipes.
2. While operating a heavy weather the main engine losses power and misfire. Investigation
shows considerable quantities of water in the fuel.
(a) As Chief Engineer Officer explain the immediate action which should be taken to ensure
safe operation of the engine (5)
(b) State with reasons, the possible places where water could enter the fuel system. (5)
(c) As Chief Engineer Officer write the standing instructions that would be issued with respect
to the operation of the fuel system to be in order to prevent major problems due to water In
the fuel. (6)
The movement of the vessel due to heavy weather has disturbed water lying in the
bottom of the service tank and it caused to mix with the oil in the lower part of the
service tank.
If the vessel is equipped with two day tanks, de sludge the out of use tank and
change over.
If not, and the service tank has a low and high suction, change to the high suction.
If not equipped with either of these, check the DO service tank for water and change
over to this tank.
The steam to the fuel heaters must be shut off if the last option is taken, to prevent
gassing up of the system.
The return line from the engine must be led back to the settling tank rather than the
mixing column.
Isolate the mixing column from the fuel oil supply pump suction.
Operate back flushing filters continuously.
Do not reduce load on engine, if possible increase the revolutions.
If the engine stalls, it may not be possible to restart it without flushing the whole
system through.
State with reasons, the possible places where water could enter the fuel system. (5)
• The wrong gravity disk has been fitted on purifier.
• Water contaminated bunker oil is received.
• Steam coil leakages from fuel tanks. Steam heaters for purifiers or main engine are leaked.
• A holed tank top (especially on an older vessel) due to corrosion may allow bilge water to drain
into double bottom bunker tanks.
• Bilge water leak into the double bottom tanks on a new vessel due to incomplete construction
or faulty welding.
• Sudden ingress of water into the service tank during heavy weather could be due to the
shearing off, or corrosion, of the vent pipe at deck level.
• Water from waves breaking onto the deck would then find an easy route to the fuel tank with
possible disastrous consequences.
hief Engineer Officer write the standing instructions that would be issued with respect to the
ation of the fuel system to be in order to prevent major problems due to water In the fuel.
ettling and service tanks must be de sludge twice daily by the duty engineer.
water is detected in the service tank, then the low suctions must not be used.
eating must be on the settling tank to maintain the temperature at 50°C to assist water separation.
y sample is to be taken from the booster pump discharge and tested for water. The content should be
urifier is to be operated with the correct size of gravity disk.
an be found by checking the specific density of the fuel from the FOBAS report and cross referencing this
he chart in the separator manual.
uty engineer is responsible for checking the operation of the purifier and that the automatic de sludge cycle
urifier is to be used from settling to service tank to fill the service tank at the throughput recommended.
the settling tank is full then change the purifier to operate from service to service until the service tank is
ull, then change back from settling tank to service tank.
bunkers are being taken on board a sample is to be tested for water content. If the content is found to be
0.5% then extra vigilance will be required, and the fuel is to be allowed to settle for at least 24 hours in the
g tank and desludging before the purifier is put on to the tank.
putting heating onto a bunker tank, if the observation tank shows oil in the returns, then I am to be
ed. After heating the tank, the fuel must be tested for water content before transferring.
7. (a) Why top end bearings of large slow speed engine are more prone to failure than other
bearings? (8)
(b) Why crosshead pin diameter is greater in proportion to pin length? (8)
Top end bearings are more prone to failure than other bearings due to the following facts:
a)High Sudden Load: The combustion gas pressure load on crosshead pin is about 600tons
when cylinder pressure is at maximum. That load is directly effect to the bearings.
b)High Bearing Pressure: About 140 bar or more is place on the bearing. Space for crosshead
assembly is limited and it reciprocates full length of stroke. Therefore the bearing area is
limited and result high pressure on bearing.
c)Distortion: When combustion pressure acts on pin, it causes deflection of crankpin and
bearings. So that, uneven distribution load is occur on bearing surfaces. And bearing surfaces
deflect make alignment poor.
d)Lubrication: There are two difficulties of cross head bearing lubrications. (1) Oscillating
movement- the connecting rod swings through about 25-30’, depend on the ration of
connecting rod length and crank throw. This oscillating movement cause very difficult to build
up full fluid film lubrication. Sometimes boundary lubrication is exists. (2) Reciprocating
movement: Oil supply disturbed by vertical movement of pin and bearing. It cause difficult to
get smooth flow of lubrication.
e)No Load Reversal: Two stroke engine is no load reversal. The load is always vertically
downward, so that the bottom halves of the bearings carry all loads.
March 2016
• To minimize the force imposed upon the cylinder liner by the piston
• To provide long stroke of piston & get more engine output
• Causing the piston move centrally in liner and it used to absorb the side thrust between piston
March 2016
and liner due to angularity of connecting rod.
Fork Type
The crosshead pin sits in the
crosshead bearing
• a forked type, where the bearing
housings are mounted on the top
of the connecting rod either side
of the piston rod,
• On the forked type, the piston rod
passes through a hole in the
crosshead pin and is secured by a
March 2016
Continuous Type
The crosshead pin sits in the crosshead bearing
• the continuous type, where the bearing housing
is formed by the top of the connecting rod.
• On the continuous type, the piston rod has a
foot which is bolted onto the top of the
crosshead pin. Modern engines are fitted with
the continuous type of bearing.
March 2016
March 2016
The fluctuated load and High
sudden load are acting continuous
downward on lower bearing half
throughout the engine cycle. So,
because of this effect and oscillating
motion only, lube oil film in it is
extremely thin.
Almost downward forces and no
load reversal, which does not help
the oil flow into the loaded part of
the bearing to provide a squeeze
March 2016
The crosshead on a slow speed 2 stroke is a difficult bearing to lubricate effectively. The load is
continually downward and because the con rod swings about the pin, changing direction each
stroke, true hydrodynamic lubrication cannot take place. Instead the lubrication starts as boundary,
and as the rubbing speed increases, a hydrodynamic film is built up. As the rubbing speed
decreases the lubrication becomes boundary once again.
March 2016
As engine powers and thus gas loads have increased, the difficulties with achieving effective
lubrication have increased. Larger pin diameters have helped by increasing the linear rubbing
speeds, and the continuous lower bearing has reduced the loading/unit area.
Oil grooves in the lower bearings were used to distribute the oil. The grooves in some cases
extended to the edge of the bearing, although with a reduced csa, to ensure a flow of oil through
the bearing
March 2016
The Sulzer crosshead has a plain lower bearing without channels. In order to inject oil between pin
and bearing, they have to supply oil at a much higher pressure. The injection will take place at
around 20 degrees crank angle before TDC, where the cylinder pressure is still low and upward
inertia forces on piston is still high. There is a short interval, in which the bearing pressure is lower
than the oil pressure
March 2016
Reference: MAN B&W S50MC
March 2016
Reference: MAN B&W S50MC
March 2016
AKASAKA DIESEL ENGINE 7UEC45LA Standard clearance Limit clearance
a Clearance between crosshead bearing and 0.16 – 0.26 0.4
c1+c2 Clearance between guide shoe and guide 0.15 – 0.25 0.4
d1+d2 Clearance between guide shoe and guide bar 0.15 – 0.20 0.4
March 2016
March 2016
X-head bearing opened up for survey
March 2016