Prof Educ 6 Part 2 Focus On The Learner

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Unit 2.1 Review of the developmental
◦ The educational trend brought out by a number of ground- breaking researches tells us that you can be an
effective facilitator of learning if you have a good working knowledge of your learners' development. In
this Unit, the very basic developmental theories are reviewed.

The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating
what other generations have done men who are creative, inventive and discovers.
- Jean Piaget.
Module 3: Review of Theories Related to the
Learners' Development

The educational trend brought out by a number of ground-breaking researches tells that one can be an
effective facilitator of learning if one has a good working knowledge of the learners' development.
Previously in your Child and Adolescent Development course, the foundational theories related to the
learners' development were discussed. This Module aims to help you think about and review these theories
that you have taken up and connects them to learning.
Advance Organizer
Freud Psycho-Sexual Theory

◦ Freud proposed that there were 5 stages of

development. Freud believed that few people
successfully completed all 5 of the stages.
Instead, he felt that most people tied up their
libido at one of the stages, which prevented
them from using that energy at a later stage.
Freud Psycho-Sexual Theory

◦ Freud proposed that there were 5 stages of

development. Freud believed that few people
successfully completed all 5 of the stages.
Instead, he felt that most people tied up their
libido at one of the stages, which prevented
them from using that energy at a later stage.
Freud Psycho-Sexual Theory

◦ Freud proposed that there were 5 stages of

development. Freud believed that few people
successfully completed all 5 of the stages.
Instead, he felt that most people tied up their
libido at one of the stages, which prevented
them from using that energy at a later stage.
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive

◦ "The principle goal of education is to create

men who are capable of doing new things,not
simply to repeating what other generaions have
done - men men who are creative, inventive
and discovers".
Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial

◦ "Healthy children will not fear life if their

elders have integrity enough not to fear death"
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral
◦ Assessed moral reasoning by posing
hypothetical moral dilemmas and examining
the reasoning behind people's answers
◦ Proposed three distinct levels of moral
reasoning: preconventional, conventional, and
◦ Each level is based on the degree to which a
person conforms to conventional standards of
◦ Each level has two stages that represent
different degrees of sophistication in moral
Vygotsky Zone of Proximal

◦ "The teacher must orient his work not on

yesterday's development in the child but on
Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems
Theory or Bio-ecological Theory
◦ Human development is shaped by the interaction
between an individual and their environment
◦ It is no longer sufficient to simply blame the
parents or conclude that the child has a low
aptitude for learning. In fact, Bronfenbrenner
explicitly argued that it is the cumulative effect
of the specific, enduring, supportive interactions
children have with all of the individuals in their
◦ "Much of contemporary developmental
psychology is the science of the strange behavior
of children in strange situations with strange
adults for the briefest possible periods of time"

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