Heilbronner: Hückel Molecular Orbitals of Möbius - Type Conformations

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TetrahedronLettersNo.29,pp. 1923-1928,1964. PergsmonPress Ltd.

Printedin Great Britain.




Laboratoriur fUr organische Cheaie der Eidg. Technlaohea

Hochschale, Ztiiah
(Received1 June 1964)

The different conformations of a W-electron ayatsm

can be specified by llating the triat anglea c+,betreen
all pairs of bonded atomio orbital8 (AOs) $&, @,, . The
reeonanae Lntegral Sry of a twisted Pi--bondis given by (1)

- S coa ti+

S being the standard resonanoo Integral for a pair of pa-

rallel AOe. It is usually a8aumed that the total W-eleo-
tron energy has an absolute marimur for the coplanar system
(all -Vi 0 or T ). Any conformation with one or more an-
gles w+ different from sero or ‘B would then have a smal-
ler W-electron energy, assuming that the interatomic dis-
tances betveen pairs of bonded A08 remain constant. We shall
ehov that, aocording to HUckel molecular orbital (HMO) theory
thia may not necessarily be so.
The higher rerbers of the annulenee (CH)n (2) are pre-
sumably present In solution in a variety of non-planar con-
formations. Among these conformations, there are some where
the '%-orbital is twisted into a Mbius strip. Such confor-
mations can be obtained with standard molecular modela (Drei-
ding or Stuart - Briegleb) without introducing any apparent
bond angle or steric repulsion strain when n> - 20. The topo-
logical equivalent of such a MBblua type conformation is
shown in fig. 1.
1924 MWius-type conformations
of annulenes No.29

Irigure 1

A closed sequence of IIA08 ia arranged on a ring, so

that tvo aonseoutlre A08 $ ,Q>,+, form an angle W =r/n.
The resonance integral between two aonsecutlre AOs is
B" n flcoo (w-/n). It is easy to ahov that the orbital anor-
glen &y for suoh systems are giron in olosed form by

1 + 2@' ooa*(2J+l)/n
EJ *=

J I 0, 1, 2, . ... .. , n-l

and the corresponding HlOs vy by

ifr(2J+l)p/n ) $,,

or by the appropriate real linear combination8 of v", and y;.
The energy level scheme for a MUbias type perimeter
differs from that of a standard perimeter in that all levels
are degenerate for n even, and that only the highest anti-
bonding level is single for n odd. This is shovn schematically
In fig. 2.
No.29 Uibius-typeconformations
of annulenes 1925

II eTen I add

- n/2
,- - -- (n+l)/2
-- --
Standard . ... .. .. ... .. ..e ................
Perimeter --2
r-l - - 1
n-l - - 1
-0 -0

- (a+1)/2
n/2 - - n/2 -1 --
libium . .. ...... .. .. . .. ................
Perimeter --1 --1
n-l - - 0 n-l- -0

Figure 2

Closed shell configuration8 are thus predicted for

WE P 2 + 4r electrons in the cane of planar standard peri-
meters (HUckel's rule) and for I?' L 4r eleatrons in the
aase of a Mibius type perimeter (r being a whole number).
We shall now prove that a planar perimeter of n - 4r
AOs, which would yield an open shell configuration when occu-
pied by 4r electrons, can be twisted into a closed shell
HBbius strip perimeter without loss in T-eleatron energy.
The orbital energies of the planar ring of n AOs are

E, = a + 20 coo 2W-J/n

J = 0, 1, 2, . ... . , n-l

The oacupanay of these levels is shown in fig. 5. The two

non-bonding orbital8 of energy P a each contain
gr = %r
a single electron. In the aorreaponding M6bius model all
1926 Mbius-type conformations of annulenes No.29

bonding orbital8 are occupied by pairs of electrons

(fig. 3).

Step 1 Step 2

Figure 3

We transform the first model into the second one a8 follows:

SteD 1 : The two electrons in the non-bonding orbital
pair are put into a phantom orbital of energy &O = (1 + 26,
so that each energy level is now occupied by four electrons.
In this step we gain 48 in V-electron energy.
SteD 2 : The energy of each quadruply
occupied level EJ
is altered to the energy E s of the MSbius model. we lose
thereby for each level energy equal to

4(Pj - 1 J) = - 8@ [sin‘%/n][sinV(2J+l)/n]

Summing over all quadruply occupied levels, from J = 0 to

J = r-l, we get
4 (E-f: - EJ) = - 48

The net change in w-electron energy for both steps is

therefore zero.
conform&ionsof mnulenes

Am far ae seroth odor HI0 theory Ia oonoernod,

we can therefore obtain a cloned chell oouflguratlon for
an annulone of 4r 100 without 108s In CW -electron energy
by triatlng the ayetom Into a Hlbiaa atrlp oonformation.
Hoxerer,tvisting a closed ah.11 perimeter of 4r+2 A08 into
an open ahell Hcbiua attip conformation fa alrayr aocorpa-
aid by a low of q -electron energy.
Thoao renalto are, of oeurso, rnbjmct to the ~011
knoun limitation6 ef seroth ardor BIIO theory (1). IO account
baa been taken of bond alternation (3) or of lltornatlon SB
tvlat angle*.
For won n the Hlblum #trip HMO* ahor the rmual pai-
ring proportion of alter-at myotorm (4). For odd 8 tko oner-
gy lore1 diagram xf I ( & J - a)/@' ia the mirror hago of

x,-t EJ’ a)/@ of the standard HIlO@ of a perimeter rith

the aamo number of 1108. A free electron redo1 lnalogotaa to
the HUokel treatront yield6 the following ohan@@ in deloaa-
liaatlon energy on changing a aimp rlna of pori8etor length
I and width B<.L into the corresponding EMbin atrip: for
4r electrons rh*/2rL* energy gain (atabilisation), for 4r+2
electron0 -(2r+l)h'/4& energy loam (destabiliaatioa).
One or two-dimonmional rodelrr (such aa the HMO or the
free electron modal) yield reasonable approrimtlor~ If the
three-dimenalonal wave function of the system can be written
as a product of function6 of loror dlmenaion(5). For inlrtanoo
the movement of an electron la a potential of oylirdrloal
symmetry ia deaaribed by a uave function of the typo ?(O)~~(S,S),
3 being the diatanae to the s axi8 and W the angle of rotation.
The solutions (9y(4J)may be thought of a8 thoao rhioh per-
tain to an nelectron on a ring" ( W = 27x/L, L = length of
the perlroter). In the foregoing dinouaslon wo hare hplioi-
tely amournod that H110a on a Hllbius #trip are aooeptable faotorm
of the oorrespondlng three-dlmenoional problem. It ia, horerer,
not obvious that thrao-dimenalonal potentials exist for rhioh
this la exaotly, or even approximately true. It could roll
be that the re6ulto quoted aboT0 are artefacts of the eassntl-
ally two-dimenaicnal HMO model and that they have no threo-
dimensional counterpart.
of annulenes No.29

Support xas proridod by the Schweizerizche Hational-

fordm (Rojokt Ir. 2266).

1) A. Stroitriesrr Jr., Uoleoular Orbital Theory for Organio

Chemietz, John Wiley & Sows, Inc., HOT York-Londoa,l961.
2) 9. Sondheimei, Pure and Apll. Chem. 1, 363 (196j).
3) H,C.Longuot-Higeinz and L. Salem, Froo. Ikey. Sea. m,
445 (1960).
4) C.A.Conlsoa and G.S.Ruahbrooko, Proo. Cambrldgo Phil Soo.
s, 193 (1940).
5) L.Pauling and R,B.Yilaom, Introduction to Quantum Ieahsnios,
HoGrav-Hill Book Coup., Inc. Uex York-Londom, 1935, p.441.

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