Group 1 Philosophy

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Intro To The

Of Human
01 -names.
Another way of approaching our study is to give a brief and overall
discussion of the history of philosophy in western philosophy.

02 Anything about philosophy.
05 It is actually a basic Philosophy course that is
part of the General Education curriculum of
almost all colleges and universities.


03 In order to facilitate the study of everything, philosophers
06 straight ahead and start analyzing arguments and the many rules and
Classically, there are seven branches of philosophy based on the principles you have to know without introducing to you first some of the
different dimensions of things in the world basic essentialities. .
Philosophy defined as: “study of the ultimate reality,
causes, and principles underlying being and thinking.
It has many aspects and different manifestations
according to the problems involved and the method of
approach and emphasis used by the individual

FROM ITS REAL DEFINITION as a universal science, philosophy deals

with all things. In order to facilitate the study of everything, philosophers
Classically, there are seven branches of philosophy based on the different
dimensions of things in the world (Bittle: 1950, 10).
Cosmology is also called natural philosophy. The term was
derived from the Greek cosmos and logos which means the

COSMOLOGY Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy dealing

"study of the world." Cosmology deals with the ultimate Theodicy is the philosophy of God or
principle that constitutes the physical world. Nowadays,
with the most general form of things. Also called physics and astronomy are considered as science because
philosophy of religion. The use of the
ontology, it is the science of being as being. they employ the scientific method, and use instruments for term was originally meant to justify the
Metaphysics is considered to be the First observing natural phenomena and the heavenly bodies . existence of evil in the world inspite of
Philosophy because it tackles the proper subject of the inherent goodness of God.
THEODICY philosophy as a universal science or it considers .
all things as its.


Aesthetics is the philosophy of beauty and art. The

word was first employed as the "science of sensory Also called Moral Philosophy, the field of Ethics
perception" which deals with the experience of Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge is the
refers to the science of the morality of human acts.
perceptual data such as color, sound, odor, taste philosophical science of the validity of human
Aside from being speculative, ethics is practical
knowledge. It is also called gnoseology which
THICS and texture. As a branch of philosophy, aesthetics because it is applied in actual life situation where
means the "study of the mind" so that it is
inquires about the essence of the beauty of things theories are used in order to serve as guides or
and the nature of works of art. further referred to as Philosophy of Mind.
principles for human decisions and actions.

from the Greek logos which may be loosely
translated as "knowledge," "mind." Logic is the
science and art of correct thinking. The word
originated "spirit" or "word." Usually it is
OGIC rendered as "study" when combined with other
terms to form the names of various fields of
learning like psychology (psyche + logos), biology
Aside from the seven branches, there are other divisions of
philosophy based on its subject matter in relation to various
fields of learning. There are Philosophy of Science, Philosophy
of Mathematics, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of
Psychiatry, Philosophy of Computer. Any academic discipline
may have a philosophical viewpoint applied to it so long as
what is being regarded concerns the ultimate cause and
principle. There are also classifications of philosophy based on
the nationality of the philosophers, such as German
Philosophy, British Philosophy, French Philosophy, American
Philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy and, of
course, Filipino Philosophy. Strangely, there is even what is
called "meta-philosophy" which deals with philosophizing
about philosophy itself. Probably for some people, there may
be forms of philosophy that sound weird and even crazy, but
this is how the subject has developed throughout the ages up
to our own time.
The period of modern philosophy may be described as "scientific" since it was
If there is one encompassing during this era when philosophers had started thinking about science as a
systematic knowledge of the world and its operations. After the English thinker
description that may be said about The focus of medieval philosophical thinking was on the existence and nature of
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who pioneered modern scientific thoughts by the
ancient Greek philosophy, it would be God, so that this age may be described as "theocentric." method of induction, the French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes
the term "cosmocentric." (1596-1650) attempted to explain observable phenomena through deductive

Augustine of Hippos (354-430) wrote philosophical and theological studies on the

doctrines and dogmas of the church. In the question of morality and God's divine
It started with Thales when he asked
attributes, he justified the existence of physical and moral evil in the world by
the first philosophical question, and Called the "age of reason" or the "age of enlightenment," the era of
claiming that God permitted these bad things to happen in order to bring out more
moved on to Aristotle up to Pielemy modern philosophy was a rich field of intellectual achievements in both
good. The Dominican monk Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) synthesized all the
of Alexandria who formulated the science and philosophy which theoretically were mixed up with one
thoughts of his Christian predecessors and integrated them in the philosophy of
geocentrictheory. Aristotle (384-322 another. In fact, the book by Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Aristotle. Called the "Angelic Doctor" by the Catholic Church, Aquinas wrote in his
authoritative book, Summa Theologica, the Five Ways for demonstrating God's

After the Greeks, the Romans made advances not only The foundation of science was erected during this period,
in the expansion of the empire but also in politics, By the year 1400's, some independent thinkers started to move away paving the way for the technological application of scientific
governance and the law. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-
143 AD) believed that people have natural obligation from the influence and patronage of the church, and speculated on knowledge towards the coming of the industrial age.
to serve others, so that when they become politicians
and rulers they must do everything that would the primacy of humanity over the divinity of God..
promote the welfare of the society.
PHILOSOPHY The era of contemporary philosophy, or the society and
mindset of people during these times, may be described as
. "technocentric." The knowledge of science has been applied in the
production of machines which in turn made products for human
needs and consumption.

German Karl Marx (1818-1883) formulated his philosophy that was a critique of the prevailing
capitalist society. Known as dialectical materialism, Marx proposed that forms of societies
have moved in a series of periods with people belonging to distinct and conflicting social
classes. In the beginning, it was people over nature, then the master over the slave, the
feudal lords over the serfs, and now the capitalist over the proletariat or workers.

One main line of contemporary thinking was existentialism which is

an individualistic and personal trend of philosophy. The most popular
existentialist was the French Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). For Sartre,
the fundamental view of existentialism is that, in the case of human
beings, existence comes first before essence.
Towards postmodern
1960 2004


the mode of thinking about the arts,
philosophy, history and other intellectual
the meanings of words in a text are framed
fields, have entered the stage after the within a certain context so that some other
modern thought, hence in a word, hidden meanings may be asserted by means

} postmodernism. . of exposing the tensions and contradictions

within the text and by contrasting it with
other texts

was interested in the study of how some
who proposed that meanings of words do not
meanings within certain historical and
have one, universal essence but depends upon
cultural conditions have assumed its
its use in many and varied situations of life. .
superiority over other meanings through the
play of power which people or institutions
have sustained for themselves at the expense
of other and marginalized people or groups. .

It is considered a science not in the strict

Logic is the science
sense of the term but only because it lays Logic does not only sharpen our
and art of correct
down a systematic and organized set of reasoning skill, rather, it also
rules, criteria, and principles to be followed makes us appreciate the process
to distinguish correct from incorrect itself.

It is therefore wrong to define Logic as

Logic is limited only to the understanding of
Logic can also help in the development how we reason out and not of how we think the science and art of correct thinking.
of our sense of appreciation, then we for thinking is a subject that is best left to Reasoning is the process of inferring or
can consider Logic also as an art. Psychology and other cognitive sciences to drawing a new truth based on what is
explore. already given.
Reasoning is a natural ability every rational person possesses. But just like any other natural skill, it needs to be
refined, developed, and nurtured. Clearly, the sportsman who works under the eye of a knowing teacher/trainer
has the better chance of developing good skills and avoiding bad techniques. The same holds true for Logic.
People who know the rules and procedures for correct reasoning are more likely to be right and accurate in
their reasoning than those who do not.

As rational beings, we need to realize that it is very important to hone this natural skill as it is the only accepted
and legitimate means which civilized people use in convincing other people to accept whatever they claim to be
true or false. Through debates and arguments using our reasoning skills, disagreements are resolved.

The importance of reasoning is undeniable since reasoning is the only accepted means to convince people in this
civilized world. Logic therefore teaches us the "art of convincing" and to become all the more civilized.
Through the study of Logic, we develop better appreciation of the value of resolving conflicts and disagreements
rationally. We learn ways to improve our presentation of ideas. We realize the importance of making our
judgments consistent. We apply practical techniques in making our manner of convincing others effective.

Convincing people is everybody's business. Lawyers do a great deal of convincing in the courts in defense of
their clients. Teachers likewise have to present their lessons well and argue rationally in order to convince their

Salesmen have to be convincing enough to make their products attractive to buyers. Accountants have to be
logical in their financial reports to make them believable and acceptable.

These are but few of the reasons why the authors feel that every student must learn and be armed with the
necessary skill and knowledge on how to detect faulty and misleading arguments so he/she won't fall prey to
people who make use of their reasoning skill to fool other people.
We need to identify important components first before we can
really make a complete analysis of the argument. We cannot just
discuss ways on how to determine the validity or invalidity of this
argument at once without knowing some basic parts of what we
are going to analyze. You notice that the argument given consists
of three sentences, which are known as statements or
propositions, and these statements are made up of words which
we call terms, and attached to these terms are intelligible
elements which we call concepts. So we shall do it piece by piece
starting with a discussion on terms, then on statements or
propositions, and finally on arguments.
A concept or an idea is a product of mental act. It comes as a
result of a process called abstraction where the mind gives a
name to a set of traits or characteristics common to a group
of things. It represents our understanding about things in the
world and anything our mind can think about.

The reason for this is that you do not understand the word
"manatee" since you do not know the concept manatee.

It is therefore clear that our concept about a word represents our understanding about the
word. This means, that we do not understand a certain word because we do not have a
concept/idea about.
- The formation of a concept must be given special attention at this point because how one forms a concept, spells out how one forms his knowledge. There
are two major schools of thought that we can use to discuss or explain this, using the theory of knowledge by Plato and Aristotle.

Plato consequently believes that

concepts are inborn or innate in
Plato asserts that concepts or the human mind. Since man is
forms. have pre-existed before born with a lot of ideas, knowing
click click
anything and these concepts for Plato is simply remembering.
exist in the world of forms.

When the Demiurge is pleased with Aristotle on the other hand

the concept or form, it is given a believes that knowledge is
physical existence in the world of not innate. He said that man's
click matter. Forms have association with mind upon birth is a tabula
other forms prior to their physical rasa, a blank sheet.

Although the members of the extension of these concepts are

CONCEPTS A believed to exist beyond time and space, they are believed to be
creations of people. They are created by combining empirical
concepts together to form a new one. Examples; mermaid
served by naked eyes These are concepts whose members have (combination of a woman and a fish), spider man (spider and a
observable traits without the aid of sensory extending devices man), Pegasus (a horse and a bird).
and whose members of their extension are found to exist in
space and time. Examples: trees, tables, chairs, etc. ABSTRACT
CONCPETS B Members of the extension of these concepts can only be
understood by the mind as they are considered mental entities.
These are concepts whose members exist in space and
They cannot be perceived by the senses but the mind can.
time but their traits become observable only through the
Examples: democracy, quantity, shape, line. (forever)
use of sensory extending devices. Examples: bacteria,
cells, planetary bodies.

CONCEPT C The members of the extension of these concepts are not directly
The members of the extension of these concepts observable by the senses. Their traits become observable only
exist outside the realm of space and time, in through the performance of certain operations. And what we observe
are just their manifestations. Examples: temperature, blood pressure,
another dimension so to speak. For example: God,
angels, heaven.

D These are concepts used to signify our understanding of
morality and aesthetics. Examples: good, wrong, proper,
undesirable, beautiful

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