Topic: DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING A COMPUTER SYSTEM (Module 6 – Quarter 1)/ First Semester
This module is specifically crafted to focus on Process and Delivery enriched with modular and online activities that will
assess your level in terms of skills and knowledge. Learning procedures are divided into different sections such as: What you
are supposed to learn, What I know, what’s in, what’s more, What I can do, Assessment, What I can show. You will be
introduced to different learning activities preparing you to be skillful before you take the plunge into the world of work as a
hardware service provider and to feel more confident while providing support where needed. Indeed, as learners of hardware
servicing, you are a crucial link in the emergency response process. Ideally, everyone should know what to do in an
emergency situation, but proper training can help an individual provide basic care.
Parts of Computer System
The computer system is made up of following external
•CPU cabinet
•Printer/scanner (if attached)
Computer assembly is a process in which all the internal components of the computer system are fitted
to make the computer functional. The main component involves CPU, motherboard, memory, disk drives, etc. There is a
proper process of attachment and installation of each and every component.
The power may be attached using one of two connectors, a Molex connector or a Berg connector for the drive. The Molex
connector may require to be wiggled slightly from side to side and apply gentle pressure outwards. The Berg connector may just
pull out or it may have a small tab which has to be lifted with a screwdriver.
Now pull data cables off from the drive as well as motherboard connector. The hard disk drive and CD/DVD drives have two
types of data cables. IDE and SATA cables. The IDE cables need better care while being removed as it may cause the damage to
drive connector pins. Gently wiggle the cable sideways and remove it. The SATA cables can be removed easily by pressing the tab
and pulling the connector straight back.
Now remove the screws and slide the drive out the back of the bay.
DIMM - There are plastic tabs on the end of the DIMM sockets. Press the tabs down and away from the socket. The DIMM
will lift slightly. Now grab it by the edges and place it safely. Do not let the chips get dust at all.
Now remove the screws of SMPS from the back of the cabinet and the SMPS can be detached from the tower cabinet.
Question: What factors should be considered before disassembly and reassembly of a computer?
Answer: The following factors are to be considered before disassembly and reassembly.
1) Shut down the computer system before the commencement of the process. It is hazardous to perform any such activity with the
computer system power on and connected with the power supply. Detach the power cable .
2) Remove all the interfaces of the devices connected with the cabinet(computer system).
3) Perform the task at the dry, non humid area to prevent environmental problem.
4) If you are inexperienced, take a picture of the inside assembly of the cabinet, so that you can attach the right thing at the right
place at the time of reassembly.
5) Keep all the screw properly and fix all of them at the appropriate place
Answer: A computer is a piece of electronic equipment that generates the outcome based on the logic, as per the input is given by
the user.
Answer: All the brands with desktop system are mostly similar for assembling and disassembling. You just detach the external
peripherals like monitor, keyboard, mouse, speaker etc. and detach the power cable. Unscrew the cabinet and the disassembling of
the computer begins like this.
1. Do you agree that knowing all the variations of components in the system unit will also help you understand the process of
disassembly and assembly?
2. What could go wrong if any of the step on the said process got overlooked?
DIRECTION: Perform Computer System Disassembly and Assembly by following the given steps. Use the rubric below for
your guide.
DIRECTION: Read and analyze each question and select the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number
________1. What is the first step in SYSTEM UNIT DISASSEMBLING?
a. Unplugging c. Removing the system fan
b. Opening the outer shell d. Removing the CPU fan
________2. This component is the source of electricity in the computer system.
a. CPU c. Hard Disk
b. Motherboard d. Power supply
________3. This is the main and largest storage in the computer.
a. CPU c. Hard Disk
b. Motherboard d. Power supply
________4. It is the main circuit board of the computer.
a. Power supply c. Motherboard
b. Hard disk drive d. CPU
________5. Which is NOT part of computer disassembly?
a. Detach the power supply c. Prepare the motherboard
b. Prepare the motherboard d. Unplug all the cables and wires
Which category in 21st Century skills do you think the core of our topic falls in? (Communication, collaboration, creativity,
critical thinking, productivity, leadership and technology literacy). Explain why.