Core Values
Core Values
Core Values
• Why embed?
Embedding learning 1
Why embed learning?
They are
• more motivated
• find learning easier in a work or practical context
• feel more confident/less stigmatised
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What needs to be embedded?
• Literacy and language
• Everyday mathematics
• Everyday ICT
• Study skills to support on-going learning
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What is embedded learning?
Vocational / Embedded
life skills learning
maths, ICT,
and and
and study
knowledge teaching
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What is embedded learning?
‘Embedded teaching and learning combines the
development of literacy, language and numeracy with
vocational and other skills. The skills acquired provide
learners with the confidence, competence and motivation
necessary for them to succeed in
qualifications, in life and in work.’
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There are three ways to support
embedded learning
1. Embedding literacy/language, everyday maths and/or
ICT in teaching and learning of the main subject
2. Developing your students’ study skills
3. Using feedback to support embedded learning
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Planning to embed literacy, language,
everyday maths and ICT
• You do not have to be expert to support students’
embedded learning
• Think about your main curriculum: what elements of the
minimum core does it naturally contain?
• Another way of thinking about this: What minimum core
skills do your students need to learn their main
curriculum effectively?
• Remember to build on your students’ existing skills as
far as possible
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Embedding learning in Life and
Employability skills
Minimum core skills might include:
•Confident and clear speaking and listening
•Functional reading skills
•Functional writing skills
•Functional maths
•Functional ICT
•Study skills: planning, organisation, and timekeeping
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Planning for embedded learning
There are three approaches you could use:
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Classroom activities for embedding learning
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1. Literacy and language
• An effective way to support literacy and language learning
is by giving constructive feedback on any writing tasks
your students do as part of their learning
Embedding learning 11
Level Writing Reading Speaking and
Word Handwriting Phonics Pronunciation
Spelling Word recognition Vocabulary
Word comprehension
Sentence Word order Understanding tenses
Punctuation Getting meaning from
Use of tenses context
Text Paragraphing Text comprehension Presentation
Register Picking up detail skills
Use of Skimming Intonation
connectives Scanning Use of
Ordering vocabulary
information Body language
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Reflecting on literacy
• How can we improve our learners’…
– vocabularies?
– spelling of key terms?
– punctuation?
– grammar (sentence level writing)?
– reading confidence?
– confidence producing written assignments (planning, drafting,
paragraphing, lay-out, proofreading, editing)?
– confidence in speaking clearly?
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…spelling of key terms
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…grammar (sentence level writing)
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…speaking and listening
1. Realistic role plays: job interviews, making a complaint
to a bank, call centre work
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2. Everyday maths
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Everyday maths examples
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3. Everyday ICT
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4. Study skills
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Reading and using written materials
1. Get students to think as widely as possible about what
reading is or involves, perhaps making posters
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Producing written assignments
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Folder or work organisation
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Guidelines for effective written feedback
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