Activity 7 - SDLP - Evangelyn Malmis

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School Grade Level 7

Teacher Evangelyn P. Malmis Learning English

Department of Education Area
Teaching Dates 1 hour Quarter Fourth Quarter
and Time

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of pre-colonial Philippine literature as a

means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the
past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Competency: Distinguishing Features of Academic Writing.

MELCs Code: EN7WC-1-C-4.2

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the learners are expected to:
a) Distinguish the features of Academic Writing;
b) Express genuine appreciation for the nuances of Academic Writing by thoughtfully reflecting on key
features and responding to inquiries with critical analysis; and
c) Write a sentences employing the features of academic writing.

II. Subject Matter

Subject: Features of Academic Writing
References: DepEd Learner’s Material – English 7, Quarter 4 – Module 1
Visual Aid/ Materials: LED TV, Laptop, Tarpaper, Pilot Pens, Activity Sheets

ICT Integration: Audio Materials

III. Procedure
 Preliminaries
Indicator 4.1.2: Plan, manage and
o Greetings implement developmentally sequenced
o Prayer teaching and learning processes to
o Checking of the Learning Environment meet curriculum requirements and
o Checking of Attendance varied teaching context.
o Setting of house rules/guidelines
o The teacher elicits from the students of the house rules.
Then, she emphasizes on rules that are not mentioned.
 Drill
The teacher shows words on the screen/ flash cards and allows SIKAP INTEGRATION
the students to read aloud together.
List of words:
1. Formality – PORMALIDAD Indicator 1.4.2: Use a range of
2. Objectivity – KATUYOAN teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and
3. Text – TEKSTO
numeracy skills.
4. Academic – AKADEMIKO
5. Writing – PAGSULAT
Following that, the teacher will be asking the students to arrange
Indicator 1.4.2: Use a range of
the words from ascending order based on the beginning of the letter
teaching strategies that enhance
and then encourages them to become accustomed to these terms learner achievement in literacy and
because they will be essential to the discussion. Moreover, the numeracy skills.
teacher gives some words of appreciation for reading the words
 Review
The teacher asks review questions:
Indicator 1.5.2: Apply a range of
1. What is academic text? (Unistructural) teaching strategies to develop critical
2. What are the examples of academic writing? (Unistructural) and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.

 Motivation


The teacher groups the students into four groups through counting
Indicator 1.4.2: Use a range of
numbers from 10, 20, 30, and 40. Then the teacher will instruct to teaching strategies that enhance
the learners the mechanics of the activity. learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.
 Hold your hands up in a high five position.
 Then, if you have done what is stated, you put a finger
down. It is like a way of measuring how many things you Indicator 4.1.2: Plan, manage and
have done in your life. implement developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning processes to
 Anyone who participates will gain the corresponding meet curriculum requirements and
points presented in the behavioral chart. varied teaching context.

1. Put a finger down if you often use “don’t” in writing an essay

instead of “do not”.
2. Put a finger down if you try making an excuse letter with
inaccurate or improper words like “Hey teacher, I will going to
absent today”.
3. Put a finger down if you often include in your essay this
phrase, “In my opinion”.

Students will be praised for a work done through integrating an

amazing clap and giving of points into the behavioral chart.
Based from the activity, ask the following questions:
1. What do you think our topic for this morning? (Unistructural)
2. What do you call to the highlighted words from the scenarios?
How it is related to our lesson for today? (Unistructural)
 Presentation of the Topic and Objectives
Today, we shall discover the Features of Academic Writing. But
before we go further, I want you to be guided with the following
learning objectives:

a. Distinguish the features of Academic Writing;

b. Express genuine appreciation for the nuances of Academic
Writing by thoughtfully reflecting on key features and
responding to inquiries with critical analysis; and
c. Write a sentences employing the key features of Academic

To achieve all these objectives, I would like you to stay in your

group, be participative and cooperative (remind the students of the
house rules) in doing the next activity.
A. Activity (PRE-TEST)
Directions: On a ¼ piece of paper, answer the following questions. Write
the letter only of the best answer.
Indicator 5.1.2: Design, select,
organize and use diagnostic, formative
1. Which of the following is a characteristic associated with the concept of and summative assessment strategies
"formality" in academic writing? (Unistructural) with curriculum requirements.
A) Expressing personal opinions freely
B) Using colloquial language
C) Employing technical vocabulary
D) Presenting subjective viewpoints

2. Which of the following characteristics are typically associated with

academic writing? (Unistructural)
A) Creativity, informality, subjectivity, and certainty
B) Formality, precision, objectivity, and accuracy
C) Casualness, ambiguity, opinionating, and assurance
D) Fluidity, spontaneity, partiality, and assertion

3. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between

formality, precision, objectivity, and accuracy in academic writing?
A) Formality and objectivity enhance precision, while accuracy undermines
B) Precision is compromised by formality, while objectivity is strengthened
by accuracy.
C) Formality and precision are enhanced by objectivity, while accuracy
maintains a balanced perspective.
D) Objectivity reinforces formality, precision, and accuracy equally.

4. Which of the following best characterizes the concept of "accuracy" in

academic writing? (Unistructural)
A) The deliberate use of vague language to avoid making definitive
B) Employing informal language to establish a friendly tone.
C) Incorporating anecdotes to engage the reader emotionally.
D) Ensuring clarity and conciseness by omitting unnecessary details.

5. Which option most accurately describes the function of "formality" in

scholarly communication? (Unistructural)
A) Formality emphasizes the use of casual language and personal
opinions to engage readers emotionally.
B) Formality encourages the integration of slang and colloquialisms to
enhance relatability.
C) Formality entails employing technical terminology and adhering to
established conventions for clarity and professionalism.
D) Formality suggests prioritizing brevity over clarity to maintain reader
B. Analysis Indicator 1.1.2: Apply knowledge of
content within and across curriculum
teaching areas. (Integration:
GROUP WORK #1 Mathematics)

In the same group, they will choose a leader to pick a word from
the box. Using the fundamental operations of Mathematics, students
will calculate the following to form a words that are essential in the
lesson. After completing the numbers, find the corresponding letters
in the box. Then after answering, students will paste their answer on
the board.

1. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

3x2 20-3 5x4 20-7 1/1 24/2 7+2 11x2 19+8
2. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
15+2 2x1 16-6 10/2 5-2 19+3 3x3 12x2 13-4 19+3 29-2
3. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
9+9 10x2 10/2 6-3 7+2 7x3 9x1 20-3 7x2
4. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
1/1 7-4 3x1 13+10 5x4 1x1 6/2 19+8

Rubric will be used for scoring each team’s output.

The following rubric will be used for scoring each team’s output.


Criteria 5 4 3
Answered the Answered the Answered the
group’s group’s group’s
Accurateness question/activity
question/activity question/activity
without error. with 1 or 2 with more than 2
Accomplished Accomplished Did not
Timeliness the task before the task on time. accomplished
the time. the given task on
All members 1 or 2 students More than 2 of
Cooperation participated. did not the students did
participate. not participate.

The teacher reminds the following:

Indicator 4.1.2: Plan, manage and
implement developmentally sequenced
1. Examine the rubric and ask them to improve if needed.
teaching and learning processes to
2. All groups are given seven minutes to do/answer the activity. meet curriculum requirements and
3. Focus only with the activity assigned to your group. varied teaching context.
4. Always exhibit teamwork for fast and accurate results.
5. Ask when things are not clear.

Note: The teacher goes around and gives feedback to the students
while the doing activity.
After seven minutes, the teacher will check their answer and give
corresponding points into the behavioral chart right away.

Amazing! Let’s give 5 million clap to everybody.

C. Abstraction
The teacher will present the different features of academic writing
and ask following questions after:

1. What are the key distinguishing features of academic writing? Indicator 5.1.2: Design, select,
(UNISTRUCTURAL) organize and use diagnostic, formative
2. How does the use of formality, precision, objectivity, and and summative assessment strategies
accuracy contribute to the effectiveness of academic writing? with curriculum requirements.

D. Application


Group SINGKO – SOCIO-ECONOMISTS: FORMALITY (Integration of Localization)

Construct a one sentence employing the assigned features of

Academic Writing using the topic focus: “Ways of Survival During the Indicator 1.1.2: Apply knowledge of
New Normal” (ARPAN 10 MELCS: AP10IPE-Ie-11. Natutukoy ang mga content within and across curriculum
teaching areas. (Integration: Araling
suliraning pangkapaligiran nanararanasan sa sariling pamayanan.)


Construct a one sentence employing the assigned features of

Academic Writing using the topic focus: “The Importance of Reading Indicator 1.1.2: Apply knowledge of
as a Productive Activity for Students” (SIKAP INTEGRATION & other content within and across curriculum
English Competencies) teaching areas. (Integration: SIKAP)


Construct a one sentence employing the assigned features of

Academic Writing using the topic focus: “What Makes Filipino Culture
Unique” (English 8 MELC: Determine the meaning of words and Indicator 1.5.2: Apply a range of
expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context clues) teaching strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.

Construct a one sentence employing the assigned features of

Academic Writing using the topic focus: “Acceptance towards
LGBTQ+ia Community in Filipino Society” (ArPan 10 MELC:
Napahahalagahan ang tugon ng pamahalaan at mamamayang Pilipinas sa
mga isyung karahasan at diskriminasyon)

The teacher will use the same rubric as the one used in the
earlier activity. Yet, the students will be informed about it. After the
activity is done, a representative per group reads the output to the

Criteria 5 4 3
Answered the Answered the Answered the
group’s group’s group’s
Content question/activity
question/activity question/activity
with more than 2
without error. with 1 or 2 errors.
Accomplished Accomplished Did not
Timeliness the task before the task on time. accomplished the
the time. given task on
All members 1 or 2 students More than 2 of
Cooperation participated. did not the students did
participate. not participate.

Corrective Feedback: When the activity is done, the score is

announced with words of praises by the teacher.

E. Generalization
The students will sum up the lesson by answering the question:

a. What have you learned in today’s session?

Grade 10 FILIPINO MELC - Naipahahayag nang
malinaw ang sariling opinyon sa paksang tinalakay.

IV. Evaluation (Indicator 5.1.2: Design, select, organize and use diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
strategies with curriculum requirements.

Directions: On a ¼ piece of paper, answer the following questions. Write the letter only of the best answer.
1. Which of the following is a characteristic associated with the concept of "formality" in academic writing?
a) Expressing personal opinions freely
b) Using colloquial language
c) Employing technical vocabulary
d) Presenting subjective viewpoints

2. Which of the following characteristics are typically associated with academic writing? (Unistructural)
A) Creativity, informality, subjectivity, and certainty
B) Formality, precision, objectivity, and accuracy
C) Casualness, ambiguity, opinionating, and assurance
D) Fluidity, spontaneity, partiality, and assertion
3. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between formality, precision, objectivity, and accuracy in
academic writing? (Relational)
A) Formality and objectivity enhance precision, while accuracy undermines it.
B) Precision is compromised by formality, while objectivity is strengthened by accuracy.
C) Formality and precision are enhanced by objectivity, while accuracy maintains a balanced perspective.
D) Objectivity reinforces formality, precision, and accuracy equally.
4. Which of the following best characterizes the concept of "accuracy" in academic writing? (Unistructural)
A) The deliberate use of vague language to avoid making definitive statements.
B) Employing informal language to establish a friendly tone.
C) Incorporating anecdotes to engage the reader emotionally.
D) Ensuring clarity and conciseness by omitting unnecessary details.

5. Which option most accurately describes the function of "formality" in scholarly communication? (Unistructural)
A) Formality emphasizes the use of casual language and personal opinions to engage readers emotionally.
B) Formality encourages the integration of slang and colloquialisms to enhance relatability.
C) Formality entails employing technical terminology and adhering to established conventions for clarity and
D) Formality suggests prioritizing brevity over clarity to maintain reader interest

V. Assignment (Indicator 1.5.2: Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills. (EXTENDED-ABSTRACT)

Make an academic essay focusing on the “Importance of Studying Habits and Techniques” using the
different features of academic writing. Use a short bond paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

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