Tosca and Brown Minimalist Illustrated Job Search Strategy Presentation

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A representative subset of a population.

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•Also called non-random.
•Non-probability or non-random sampling refers to sampling process in which, the samples
are selected for a specific purpose with a pre-determined basis of selection.
•In a non-probability sample, individuals are selected based on non-random criteria, and not
every individual has a chance of being included.
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Non-probability sampling types:

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Convenience sampling:
•Convenience sampling involves selecting those cases that are easiest to obtain for your
sample, ex. family members, classmates.
•Most popular because it’s Least expensive, least time-consuming, most convenient.
•it may not be representative of the entire population; generalisability of the study results is
.Mostly used for getting a 'sense' of opinions or
as an initial pilot before further research.

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Purposive sampling
•In the purposive sampling, also called judgmental sampling, the sample members are chosen only
on the basis of the researcher’s knowledge and judgment.
•It enables you to select cases that will best enable you to answer your research question(s) and to
meet your objectives.
•The researcher needs to have prior knowledge`
of the population.
•Used to access a particular subset of
the population that shares certain
characteristics, or you are researching issues
likely to have unique cases.

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Snowball sampling
•This method is also called the chain-referral sampling method.
•Snowball sampling method is purely based on referrals and that is how a researcher is able to
generate a sample.
•This sampling technique can go on and on, just like a snowball increasing in size till the time a
researcher has enough data to analyze, to draw conclusive results that can help an organization
make informed decisions.
•It can be time consuming.
•Used if the population of interest is hard to
access or locate.

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Quota sampling
•This method is also called the chain-referral sampling method.
•This is non-probability sampling technique where the population is first divided into subgroups or
quotas, the elements of these subgroups share specific characteristics, determined by the
• Quota sampling relies on the non-random selection of a predetermined number of units.
•Allows research to have better control over the composition of the sample.
•The effectiveness of this technique is inescapably linked to
the researcher’s thoroughness of analysis and inference.
•It's perfect for comparing relationships between different

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When and why to use non-probability
• Use this type of sampling to indicate if a particular trait or characteristic exists in a population.

• Researchers widely use the non-probability sampling method when they aim at conducting qualitative research, pilot
studies , or exploratory research.

• Researchers use it when they have limited time to conduct research or have budget constraints.

• When the researcher needs to observe whether a particular issue needs in-depth analysis, he applies this method.

• Use it when you do not intend to generate results that will generalize the entire population.

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