3.Conjugation: transfer through cell to cell contact of donor and recipient cell,
requires DNA metabolism of donor cell.
Types of plasmids
1 Fertility- F-plasmids
c) They are capable of conjugation (transfer of genetic
material between bacteria) and result in the
expression of sex pilli.
Example: F plasmid of E. coli.
Hfr strain contain F factor integrated with their chromosome
It occurs with high frequency but connection between cells usually breaks before
the process is completed, so F- remains F-
F’ and F- Conjugation
2 Resistance- R-plasmids which contain genes that can build a resistance
against antibiotics or heavy–metal. Historically known as R factors, before the
nature of plasmids was understood.
e. g., pRP4 of Pseudomonas sp.
3 Col-plasmids
which contain genes that code for bacteriocins, that can kill other
bacteria. e. g., ColE1
4 Degradative plasmids They are able to digest unusual substances like toluene
and salicylic acid. e.g.,TOL plasmid of Pseudomonas putida.
5 Virulence plasmids
which turn the bacterium into a pathogen. contains vir genes which turn the
bacterium into a pathogen.
e. g., Ti & Ri plasmids
Plasmid Exchange
and the cells that receive the plasmid are called the
The three forms of bacterial DNA exchange
are :
This process involves one bacterium making a copy of a
plasmid, and transferring that copy to another bacterium.
This is the process in which a recipient cell takes up plasmid
DNA from the environment (such as DNA released from a dead
It is a process in which DNA fragment is transferred from one bacterium to another by a bacteriophage
1) Generalized transduction: A DNA fragment is transferred from one bacterium to another by a lytic bacteriophage that is now carrying donor bacterial DNA due to an error in
Replication of
the viral
Production of
viral parts
Lysis Packaging
Conformations of plasmids
Applications of plasmids
• Plasmids are extremely valuable tools in the fields of
molecular biology and genetics, specifically in the area of
genetic engineering where they are commonly used to
multiply (make many copies of ) particular genes .