4.gas Welding

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Joining and Fastening Processes

• Definition :

Welding involves the melting together of

materials by the use of heat or pressure.
Common Welding Processes
» Oxyfuel gas welding (OFW)
» Shielded metal-arc welding (SMAW)
» Submerged arc welding (SAW)
» Gas metal-arc welding (GMAW)
» Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
» Gas tungsten-arc welding (GTAW)
» Plasma-Arc welding (PAW)
» Electron-Beam welding (EBW)
» Laser-Beam welding (LBW
• Fusion Welding:
process that joins metals by heating them to a
melting point and allowing them to fuse or flow
together. e.g. Oxyfuel gas welding, metal-arc

• Solid State Welding

Joining takes place without fusion( no liquid
phase). Friction welding, ultrasonic welding
• Melting together and coalescing materials
by means of heat. Heat is supplied by
chemical or electrical means

GAS WELDING : Energy is supplied by

combustible gas
supplied by electrical means

Oxyacetylene Welding
Burning of Acetylene with oxygen (5850 o F or 3232 o C)

C2H2 + O2 → 2CO + H2 + Heat

2CO + H2 + 1.5O2 → 2CO2 + H2O + Heat

Other gases used are : Propane, Natural Gas, Propylene

Equipment required
• Oxygen cylinder
• Acetylene cylinder
• Pressure regulators
• Two hoses encased together
• Welding torch with tips
• Welding goggles and safety glasses
• Striker
Oxygen Cylinders

 seamless drawn steel cylinders

 Painted black
 Capacity 220 ft3 at a pressure of 2200 psi
(16.8 MPa)
The valve outlet has right hand threads
A safety device is incorporated
Acetylene Cylinder
• Acetylene is a hydrocarbon gas
• Combustible gas (garlic like smell)
• Unstable at high pressure (begin to
decompose and may result in explosion)
• Cylinders are packed with porous mass
(Charcoal or Lime Silica)
• Acetone (liquid) is absorbed by porous
• Acetone dissolves 25 times its own
volume of acetylene at 20 o C and
atmospheric pressure
• Cylinders usually solid drawn or
manufactured from seamless tube
• Painted in Maroon
• Valve outlet has L.H. threads
Pressure Regulators
• Reduce the pressure to working pressure
• Two pressure gauges
• Designed for specific gases
• Smooth flow of gases
• Permit gas cylinders and regulators at a
safe distance
• 1/8 to 1/2 in. inside diameter, 25 ft long
• Oxygen, Green (R.H.T.)
• Acetylene, Red (L.H.T.)
• Black hose or blue for Oxygen
• Red Hose for Acetylene
Welding Torch
•Controls the operating characteristics of the
welding flame
•Enable manipulation of the flame during welding
(1) Inlet Valves
Provides welder with important controls .The
pressure, velocity and flow in ft 3 can be adjusted
Ratio of Oxygen to fuel gas can be varied
(2) Mixing Chamber
Provide intimate mixture of Oxygen and Fuel gas
(3) Welding Nozzle (Tip)
• The gases passes through Tip or Nozzle prior to
their ignition and combustion
• Guides the flame
• Direct the flame with ease and efficiency
• Made from non-ferrous metal Copper or Copper
Alloy (High Thermal Conductivity)
• Available in variety of sizes
Welding Torch
Types of Flames
• The chemical action of the oxyacetylene
flame can be adjusted by changing the
ratio of the volume of oxygen to acetylene.
• Three distinct flame settings are used,
neutral, oxidising and carburising.
• Carburizing
– Excess acetylene with an acetylene feather two
to three times the length of the inner cone
– used some in hard surfacing, adds carbon to
metal (temperature 3149 C)
• Neutral
– burns equal amounts of oxygen and acetylene
and has a clear edged inner cone
– most used (5850 o F or 3232 o C)
• Oxidizing
– Excess oxygen with no feather, makes hissing
– least used for anything
– Temperature 3487 C
• Low cost
• Can be remotely mounted
• Welder ’s control over the temperature of
the metal in the weld zone
• Control over filler metal deposition rates
• Versatile (can be used for pre-heating ,
post-heating and brazing)
• Readily converted to oxygen cutting
• Standby for maintenance work
• Well adapted to short production runs,
field works, and repairs
• Used for joining small diameter carbon
pipe (upto about 3 in. in diameter)
• The process is slow
• Requires skill in manipulating the welding
rod and the torch time
• Harmful thermal effects
Basic Safety Rules
Before you start make sure personal safety is followed.
2. Make sure you have had instruction
3. Release adjusting screw on regulators before opening valves
. Stand on the opposite side of the regulator when opening a valve
5. Open cylinder valve slowly, oxygen first all the way open acetylene
just a quarter of a turn
Do not use or compress acetylene at pressure higher than 15 psi.
7. Set working pressures as desired.
8. Light acetylene first, shut it off first
Never use oil on regulators or any equipment
10. Do not use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air
11. Keep heat, flames and sparks away from combustibles.
12. 12. Keep hoses out of sparks or spatter to prevent leaks
Safely lighting a flame
• check the torch valves to make sure they are closed
• open the oxygen tank valve full open
• open the acetylene 1/3 turn
• open the oxygen torch valve to get proper working pressure
• close oxygen torch valve
• open the acetylene torch valve and set the working pressure
• close the torch valve
• open the acetylene torch valve 1/8 of a turn
• point the torch away from everything
• strike a spark to ignite
• open the valve until it jumps off the tip
• close the valve slightly to bring the flame back to the tip
• open the oxygen valve until a neutral flame is reached
• To get a neutral flame, always start with more acetylene, then increase
oxygen until the acetylene feather disappears from the center cone
• excess oxygen causes molten metal to spark
Shutting down the unit
• Close the acetylene valve
• Close the oxygen valve
• Shut off the tanks
• Open the acetylene valve to purge the line

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