QTR2 WEEK7 MOLEconcept

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A MOLEment with

Quarter 2 Week 7
As you go through this module you should
be able to explain the use of mole concept to
express a mass of the substances,
specifically this module will help you :

■ Differentiate molecular unit from formula

unit and compute for the molecular mass.
■ Define mole and calculate for the number
of moles of given compounds.
■ Convert the number of moles, mass, and
number of particles from one unknown to
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How many particles are there in one mole of any kind of substance?
A. 3.02 x1023 B. 3.02 x 1024 C. 6.02 x 1023 D. 6.02 x 1024

2. Why is the mole concept important?

A. It can be applied to any type of particle representative.
B. It gives us a convenient way to express large numbers.
C. It useful when converting between grams and atoms or molecules.
D. All of the above.

3. Aspirin is commonly used as a pain reliever for minor aches and pains and to reduce fever the chemical formula
of aspirin is C9H8O4. What is the mass of 0.40 mol of aspirin? ? (Atomic Weight : C= 12.01,H=1.00. 0= 16.00)
A. 10.8 g B. 45 g C. 72.04 g D. 160 g

4. Glucose (C6H12O6) is also known as blood sugar. It is an energy source that fuels the
body. What is the molar mass of the compound? ? (Atomic Weight : C= 12.01,H=1.00. 0= 16.00)
A.174.11 amu B.174.11 g/mol C. 180.06 amu D. 180.06 g/mol

5. Vitamin C is one of the most in-demand supplements and reliable defense against
COVID-19 nowadays. This covalent compound has a molecular formula C6H8O6. How many moles of Vitamin C
did you consume if your intake is 0.0250g? (Atomic Weight : C= 12.01,H=1.00. 0= 16.00)
A. 175 mol B. 176 mol C. 0.00014 mol or 1.4x10-4 mol D. 0.000014 mol or 1.4 x 10 -5 mol
There are important pieces of information that are displayed in the periodic table for every element, use the labeled
box on the right and the periodic table as your guide to
complete the activity that follows.

Atomic Number


Atomic weight
A. Fill in the missing information for each of the following elements on the
tile card below. Write your answer on the space provided.
8 23 53 110
C O V _________ Ds
Carbon __________ Vanadium Iodine ___________
12.010 15.999 ___________ 126.904 281

B. Identify the following elements as metal and nonmetal. Write your answer on the
space provided.

1. Na =___________ 2.C =_________ 3. Cl=____________

Modern chemical science began when scientists started exploring the
quantitative as well as the qualitative aspects of chemistry just like the
work of our famous chemists like James Chadwick, John Dalton. and
Ernest Rutherford to name a few. Understanding the relationship
between the masses of atoms and the chemical formulas for both Ionic
and Covalent compounds, allows us to quantitatively describe the
composition of substances. The concept of atomic masses and the use of
chemical formulas to represent the elemental makeup of substances can
give us the ideas that can be extended to calculate the Molecular mass of
a substance by summing the average atomic masses of all the atoms
represented in the Formula Unit for Ionic compound and Molecular Unit
for a covalent compound.
Every day, we always quantify matter through counting, weighing, or finding
its mass. We use a unit such as in g, kg, pounds ounce, or even tons to
describe how heavy or how light an object is. We also use a counting unit,
such as dozen, ream, or case depending on what type of materials needs to
be quantified.
In chemistry, we always engaged with a different substance that reacts with
other substances, in this case, particles such as atoms, molecules. and ions
are involved in the reaction, however, these particles are too small and to
many to count thus, MOLE is being used as a counting unit, the term mole
can be defined in so many ways, it can be a pigmented spot or mark on the
skin or small mammals, but Amadeo Avogadro has a different meaning of
the term mole according to him, one mole of any substance is equal to
6.02x1023 representative particles(atoms, molecules or formula units) also
known as Avogadro’s Number, this amount is also equal to the molar mass
of the substance that signifies the sum of the atomic weight/s of the
element/s in a substance. Its usefulness goes beyond being a helpful
scientific term, it does more than represent a big number: It provides a key
link for converting between the number (amount) of a substance, and its
mass. Let us find out how,by spending a molement with Amadeo. Let us
keep going.
Objective: Differentiate molecular unit from formula unit and compute for the
molecular mass.
A. Complete the table below by supplying information from the info-bank about the characteristics
of formula unit and molecular unit.
Compose of metal Ionic compound Consist of non-
Formula Unit Molecular Unit and non-metal metals

1. ______________ 1. ______________
2. ______________ 2. ______________ Common examples Commonly known Covalent Compound
3. ______________ 3. ______________ are NaCl (Table examples are H20
4. ______________ 4. ______________ Salt) (Water)
FeO(Rust) CO2(Carbon

Formula Mass is the Sum of its atomic Molecular

term used to masses are called compound
represent the sum Molecular Mass
of its atomic
Calculate the the
Identify the Multiply it by the molecular mass/
number of atom/s atomic Weight of the formula mass by
in a compound element (Periodic adding the atomic
(subscript) table) weights of the

1 1
Calculate the the
Identify the Multiply it by the molecular mass/
number of atom/s atomic Weight of the formula mass by EMEM
You BE R
in a compound element (Periodic adding the atomic can f !!
at om i nd t
(subscript) table) weights of the ic he
the e weight o
element/s l em e f
en i n nt s
per i o t
di c t he
abl e
2 1 x 40.08 = 40.08amu
1 x 32.07 = 32.07amu
4 x 16.00 = 64 amu
All atomic
should be Calculate the the
arest the
off to neIdentify Multiply it by the molecular mass/
redths of atom/s
hundnumber atomic Weight of the formula mass by
(2 digin fter
itsaacompound element (Periodic adding the atomic
l point)
decima(subscript) table) weights of the

1 x 40.08 = 40.08amu
3 1 x 32.07 = 32.07amu
4 x 16.00 = 64 amu
136.15 amu

Formula mass and molecular mass are

computed in the same manner.
We only use the term formula mass for
ionic compound and molecular mass
for covalent compounds but both are
defined as the sum of atomic masses in
a compound express in AMU .
(Atomic Mass Unit )
B. Calculate the Formula Mass and Molecular mass of the following
compounds. Use extra sheet of paper for your solution.

Formula Mass

1.FeO (rust)-_______________________ 2. NaCl (table salt) =_________________

Molecular Mass

1. CO2 (Carbon dioxide)-____________ 2.C12H22011(sugar)-___________________

Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
Objectives: Define mole and calculate for the number of moles of given
Procedure: Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)

MOLAR MASS is the sum of all the

atomic masses in a molecule or compound
express in grams /mole (g/mol).
In computing Molar mass, we use the same
process as we compute molecular / formula
mass but we use different unit.
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
I. Based on the conversation above, identify whether the statement is a FACT
or a BLUFF. Write your answer on the space provided.

_____________1. Mole is a unit used in expressing the number of

particles in a substance.
______________2. A mole of pencil has 6.02 x 1023 pcs of pencil.
______________3. A substance having the same number of particles
have the same mass also.
______________4. A mole of salt and a mole sugar have the same
number of particles
______________5. Molar mass is a sum mass of the atomic masses in a
II. Complete the table by using the diagram below. Use an extra sheet of
paper for your solution.
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
Objectives: Convert the number of moles, mass, and number of particles
from one unknown to another.
Procedure: A. Read episode 2 of the telemolevela below.
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
B. Use dimensional analysis or the diagram below as your guide in converting
moles, mass, and a number of particles from one unknown to another,
Complete the table with the needed information, Use an extra sheet for y
our solution.
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
Mabilang kang MOLE (MULI)
C. Complete each statement by writing the correct word/s on the blank.

1. One mole of water is equal to _________ water molecules.

2. For every one mole of a substance there are _________particles.
3. Covalent compound like water has a representative particle unit of
4._________ mole of sodium chloride is equal to 6.02 x 10 23 formula
unit of Sodium chloride.
5. Element like carbon has a representative particle unit of _________.
Check Your Understanding
SM Mole Map
Direction: Let us help Mrs. SD to find her way to the SM mole by reading the question in the start
block, choose the path to the next question by choosing the correct answer. Color the questions and
answers of your path as you move from start to finish.
• Formula mass is defined as the sum of atomic masses of the ions present in
the formula unit of an ionic compound
• Molecular mass is the sum of the atomic masses of the atoms in a molecule of
a covalent compound
• Different kinds of materials with the same number of particles have different
• Different substances with the same number of moles and have the same
number of particles.
• Mole is the quantity of a substance that has a weight, measured in grams, that
is numerically equal to the molecular weight of that substance. Expressed as
6.02 × 1023 particles (Avogadro’s number); mol is used in equations, a mole is
used in writing.
• Avogadro’s Number: is a number of particles in one mole of a substance,
which is equal to 6.02 x 10 23 representative particles either atoms (element)
Molecules (covalent compounds) formula units (ionic compounds).
• Molar Mass: The sum of all the atomic masses in a molecule or compound;
The mass in grams of one mole of a substance.
Molar Mass of a substance = mass of one mole of the substance
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.What is the representative particle of covalent compounds?
A. Atom B. ion C. formula unit D. molecule
2. How many particles are there in 2 moles of any kind of substance?
A. 6.02 x 10 23 B. 6.02 x 10 24 C. 1.204 x 1024 D. 1.204 x 1025
3. Mrs. SD put 10g of sugar ( C12H22O11) for her coffee during breakfast, how
many moles of sugar did she used? ? (Atomic Weight : C= 12.01,H=1.00. 0= 16.00)
A. 0.029 B. 0.06 C. 0.292 D. 0.6
4. Remdesivir is being tested as a possible treatment for COVID -19 it has a
molecular formula C27H35N6O8P. What is the molecular mass of this?
compound? (Atomic Weights: C-12.01, H =1.00 N-14.00, O =16.00 P= 30.97)
A. 76 .15 g/mol B. 76. 15 amu C. 602.24 g/mol D. 602.24 amu
5. It is the sum of the atomic masses of the compound for every one mole.
A. Mole B. Molar Mass C. Formula Mass D. Molecular Mass
Direction: Based on your understanding of the topics presented in this module. Accomplish
this reflective block by answering Mr. Sap’s questions. Write your answer on the
space provided .Use extra sheet of paper if needed.

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