Gautami Cne

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What Is A Wireless Network?
 Definition of Wireless Network: A network that provides
access to the Internet by transmitting over the air. Wireless
networks are widely adopted in various settings including
homes, businesses, and telecommunications networks.
 Examples of wireless Internet: Wi-Fi hotspots within the
home, company or public venue, as well as 3G/4G cellular
data service from the telephone carriers. In rural areas,
satellites also provide wireless Internet service.
How does Wireless Network Work?
 Signal Transmission: Wireless networks send data through radio waves instead
of cables.
 Access Points: Devices called access points transmit and receive signals, acting
like hubs.
 Client Devices: Phones, laptops, etc., connect to access points to access the
 Data Transfer: Information travels between client devices and access points
 Internet Connection: Access points connect to the internet, allowing devices
to access online services.
 Mobility: Users can move around within the network's coverage area while
staying connected.
Component of wireless Network
 Clients:
• Clients are computers/devices that request and
receive information over a network.
• Devices used by end-users, including phones,
tablets, laptops, desktops, etc.
 Access Point (AP):
• Most wireless networks are made using Access
Points - devices that host and control the
wireless connection for laptops, tablets,
or smart phones.
Types of Wireless Connection:
• PAN (Personal Area Network)
• CAN (Campus Area Network)
• LAN (Local Area Network)
• MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
• WAN (Wide Area Network)
 A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a
computer network for
communication among devices
close to one person.
 Range typically less than 10 meters
(about 30 feet).
 Devices include computers,
phones, PDAs, printers, and
 Wired PANs use USB or FireWire.
 Wireless PANs (WPAN) use
technologies like IrDA (Infrared
wireless communication
Technology developed by Infrared
Data Association) and Bluetooth.
Definition of Campus Area Network
 Connects buildings across college or
university campuses.
Geographical Scope:
 Limited to specific and contiguous
areas like college campuses,
industrial complexes, or military
 Network of interconnected LANs
within a defined geographical area.
 Facilitates communication and data
sharing between multiple LANs
within the defined area.
 Definition: LAN stands for Local Area
Network. LAN
 Scope: Covers a small geographical area like
a single building or campus.
 Devices: Connects computers, printers,
servers, and other devices.
 Speed: Offers high-speed data transfer
within the network.
 Ownership: Can be privately owned or
operated by a business or organization.
 Connectivity: Typically uses Ethernet cables
or Wi-Fi for connections.
 Shared Resources: Enables sharing of files,
printers, and internet access among
connected devices.
 Security: Often includes security measures
like firewalls and encryption to protect data.
 Definition: A Metropolitan Area Network
(MAN) connects multiple LANs within a
metropolitan area.
 Scope: Covers a larger geographical area than
LAN but smaller than WAN.
 Examples: Often used by businesses or
organizations spanning multiple buildings
within a city.
 Connectivity: MAN facilitates communication
between various LANs and can extend over
several kilo meters.
 Speed and Reliability: Offers faster data
transfer rates and higher reliability compared
to WANs due to its smaller scale.
 Applications: Supports applications like video
conferencing, internet access, and resource
sharing within a city or town.
 Definition: Wide Area Network (WAN) is a
network that spans a large geographical area.
 Scope: Covers vast distances, potentially
spanning across cities, countries, or even
 Connectivity: Links multiple Local Area
Networks (LANs) or other networks together.
 Applications: Enables communication between
remote offices, branches, or users over long
 Examples: Internet is the largest WAN,
connecting millions of devices worldwide.
 Managed by Service Providers: Often operated
and maintained by telecommunications
companies or Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
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