Week 2 GENSOC Lessons 1 3 1
Week 2 GENSOC Lessons 1 3 1
Week 2 GENSOC Lessons 1 3 1
Adolescence is when we
A baby is born and is given
We need to look at our own discover our emotional and
an assigned sex based on
experience on our journey sexual attraction towards
its genitals. In toddler years,
of discovering our sense of other people. For most, it is
they are raised to be a
being a man and a woman easy to identify who they
“man” or a “woman” based
for us to understand others. are attracted to, but for
on accepted social and
We need to engage in others, it can be a long and
cultural standards. We know
conversations with others difficult process. Fostering
that these standards
for us to appreciate the an inclusive environment
change through time, what
many different faces of wherein everyone feels safe
is not acceptable now may
human sexuality. is very important at this
be acceptable in the future.
• Peralta, E. et. al. (2019). Gender and Society: A Human Ecological
Approach. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
Lesson 2 - Gender and
Sexuality Across Time
At the end of the lesson, the
students are expected to:
1. Discuss the historical roots of
our understanding of gender
and sexuality; and
2. Show appreciation of how
their understanding evolved
through time affected various
aspect of human life
“I want every girl to
know that her voice can
change the world.” –
Malala Fund
What is your
understanding about
this quote?
Definition of Terms
• Patriarchy is a social system where
men primarily holds power in the
political and the private spheres
You can help in making the world a better place for women by learning to
respect and recognizing that women deserve the same rights as men
Use gender neutral language that is not sexist: humanity instead of mankind, that
unsteady of he, to emphasize inclusion.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Define gender studies
2. Define its historical origins
3. Explain its importance in society
What is the purpose of gender
Definition of Terms
Gender studies
• a field of study concerned about how reproductive roles are interpreted and
negotiated in the society through gender
Social research
• the process of investigating social realities
Research approach
• the orientation in understanding social realities. This can be qualitative or
Ethics in Research
• these are considerations in conducting research to make sure that the well-
being of the participants is ensured and that the outcome of the study is
sound without undue harm to people involved.
Gender studies as an area of knowledge, is about looking into,
analyzing, and examining society so that we notice power
relations in the seemingly “simple things”.
Peralta, E. et. al. (2019). Gender and Society: A Human Ecological Approach. Rex
Bookstore, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines