Leveraging Generative AI For Training

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AlmaMate Info Tech

Leveraging Generative AI for

Presentation Roadmap

Learning Retention

ChatGPT in Training Training Prompts


Learning Retention
Learning Retention

• Forgetting rate is exponential

for average learner if they do
not make any effort to retain
• Forget 70% of what they
have learnt within 24 hours
• Forget 90% of what they
have learnt in a week

Memory Function

Moving from STM to LTM

• Process of consolidation
– Revision
– Practice
– Meaningful association through application and
• One of the best ways to ensure that information is
consolidated into long-term memory is to rehearse
it over several spaced intervals repeatedly

The Learning Retention Pyramid

Prompt Engineering
Prompt Engineering

• Output is as good as the input

• Prompt should include one of the following:
– Instruction
– Question
• Can optionally include the following:
– Input data
– Examples

Zero Shot Prompting

• Providing the model with no additional pieces of

data to make its prediction
– When seeking a broad output.
– When seeking a creative, out-of-the box output from
the model.
– Recommend hill stations near Delhi

One Shot

• One-shot prompting
– Want to narrow down the output but give algorithm
room to come up with unpredictable outputs.
– Best utilized in cases where the user may only have a
limited amount of data
– Recommend hill stations near Delhi.
– I like Shimla

Few Shot Prompting

• Few-shot prompting is when a user provides more

than one example or datapoint—usually between
two and five.
• Allows users who have multiple data-points to
focus the model to find more specific outputs
– Recommend hill stations near Delhi
– I like Shimla
– I do not like Mussoorie
• Giving examples after instructions more effective

Chain of Thought Prompting - COT

Guide the model in providing factually correct

responses by forcing it to respond to a series of steps
during the process of developing an output response.

The technique requires the user to explicitly ask the

model to take a “step-by-step” process in the

Best practice to ask the model to explain its reasoning

and follow a specific format.

Prompting Citations

• Reduces the risk of hallucination.

– Ask the model to use specific sources
– Use only credible sources
– Guides the model toward a more accurate response
– Provide a method of verifying the response from the
• Example: "Who invented the python coding
language? Answer only using reliable sources and
cite those sources."

ChatGPT in Training
ChatGPT in Training

Define Content Outline

Create Course Curriculum

Create a Lesson Plan

Structure a class presentation

Generate ideas to start your class

Generate scripts for educational videos

ChatGPT in Training

Create podcast scripts

Generate instructions for discussion forums

Create Fill in the blank exercises

Generate Case Studies

ChatGPT in Training

Generate short stories (Storytelling)

Create multiple choice exams

Create True or False questions

Create Assessment Rubrics

Provide feedback and individual guidance

Training Prompts
Training Prompts

• Define Content Outline

• Act as an expert Salesforce Trainer and write Learning
Objectives for Salesforce PD 1 certification training.
Content Outline
• Create Course Curriculum
– Generate a curriculum using the following information
as a guide: [insert a brief summary of the content or
topics you want to include in the curriculum]
– Training Curriculum

Training Prompts

• Lesson Plan
– "Provide 3 activity ideas to promote students'
understanding of ‘Apex Triggers’ in Salesforce”
– Activity
• Structure a class presentation
• Develop a detailed structure for a presentation on "Salesforce Apex Triggers"
including how trainers can best explain the concepts including real world
– Class Presentation

Training Prompts

• Generate Ideas to start your class

– "Create a list of 5 interesting and innovative ways to
start an online class, including details and concrete
examples for each suggestion."
– Ideas to start your class
• Create scripts for educational videos
– "Generate a 4-minute script on 'The importance of Web 2.0 tools
in education.' The audience is master's level university students,
and the structure should be: introduction, basic explanation of
the theory, practical applications, and conclusion."

Training Prompts

• Create podcast scripts

– "I need a 20-minute script for a podcast about 'the impact of
new technologies on education.' The structure should be:
introduction, discussion of the most relevant technological
advances, an interview with a teacher who has implemented
technologies in their class, and a conclusion reflecting on the
future of education with technology."
• Generate instructions for Discussion forums
– "I'm currently designing learning activities, please write
instructions for a forum-type activity, posing two triggering
questions about the topic 'Apex Triggers in Salesforce' It's
important that each student responds to at least one comment
from their peers.” Discussion Forum
Training Prompts

• Create fill in the blank exercises

– "Design a fill-in-the-blank activity where students can learn
about the application of artificial intelligence in education. You
can generate a story, an explanatory text, or a practical example,
and leave some blanks for students to fill in with key concepts
related to the topic."
• Generate case studies
– "I need a case study on ‘ Process Automation in Salesforce’ that
can be used as teaching material for my students. Include a clear
introduction to the topic, a detailed description of an innovative
classroom initiative, and an analysis of its results and lessons
learned. Provide a concise and clear proposal. Write the
instructions for the student."
Training Prompts

• Generate short stories (Story telling)

• Create multiple choice exams
– "Generate 10 multiple-choice questions on Salesforce Apex
triggers. Please also write the answer for each question at the
end. MCQ
• Create True or False questions
• Create assessment Rubrics
– Create Assessment Rubric for Salesforce Apex Triggers
Assessment Rubric

Training Prompts

• Provide feedback and individual guidance

– Generate a series of specific steps that a student who has
submitted the essay/assignment described above should follow
in order to improve their performance in their [Copy here the
topic or learning outcomes]."


AI Generated Examples

AI Created Explanations

AI Created Tests

What they know

Assessing Students
What they are confused with

Distributed Practice with AI

AI Generated Examples

• Explaining complicated idea requires giving lot of

• AI can generate examples
• Can give following prompt to ChatGPT
– I would like you to act as a Master Salesforce trainer. I
would like you to give four different and varied accurate
examples of the concept of Salesforce Apex Triggers.
The training is online and the learners are fresh college
graduates. Example

AI Created Explanations

• Helping students truly understand new ideas is key

to teaching
– Give students hints to follow along
– Use analogies to bring big concepts down to earth.
• The goal is for students to be able to explain what
they've learned in their own words.
• AI can generate different explanations, walk
through ideas step-by-step, and add in more

AI Created Explanations

• If some students are struggling,

– AI can provide simpler summaries to get them
catch up
– I am a Salesforce trainer. One of my student is
not able to understand the concept of Salesforce
Apex Triggers. Can you please explain in very
simple terms

AI Created Explanations

• Can give following prompt to ChatGPT

– Act as a Salesforce Master trainer. Generate clear,
accurate examples for students to understand
Salesforce Apex Triggers. Provide a clear, multiple
paragraph explanation of the concept using specific
example and give me five analogies I can use to
understand the concept in different ways.
– Concept Explanation

AI Created Low Stakes Tests

• Low-stakes tests offer active retrieval practice

– Encouraging students to recall information from
– Which enhances their ability to remember and retrieve
information later
– Valuable feedback on students' understanding
– Help them identify gaps in their knowledge
– Adjust their learning strategies accordingly

AI Created Low Stakes Tests

• Creating good questions, providing scores and

feedback, and ensuring questions match what
students should know takes significant time and
• AI can generate practice questions and provide
targeted feedback, allowing instructors to focus on
teaching instead of test-making.

AI Created Low Stake Tests

• Here’s how to do it in ChatGPT:

You are a Master Salesforce trainer. You will make good low-stakes
tests and diagnostics. You will construct several multiple-choice
questions to quiz the audience on Salesforce Apex triggers. The
questions should be highly relevant and go beyond just facts. Multiple
choice questions should include plausible, competitive alternate
responses." At the end of the quiz, you will provide an answer key and
explain the right answer.
Low stakes questions

AI Created Tests

• Many ways to use these quizzes.

– Integrate test questions in a discussion or lecture
– As a group exercise in which teams report out their responses,
followed by a class discussion
– They can be assigned as individual classwork or homework or
posted in an online discussion forum
– Tests can be distributed in class, and after completing the tests,
students can then be given the answer key. They can compare
their responses. A follow-up might be a reflection: What skills do
you think you need to work on? How might you improve?

Assessing Students

• Short check-in exercises are key for helping

students and teachers understand the course
• They provide real-time feedback, allowing them to
identify gaps in knowledge and areas
– While grading assignments shows students their
progress, these informal checks for understanding
promote active learning and help motivate students by
demonstrating that the instructor genuinely values
their needs.

Assessing Students

• One such assessment method, commonly known

as the "1-minute paper" or "muddiest point"
exercise, promotes active learning and self-
• To design such an assessment, instructors can
choose a specific focus, such as an activity, topic,
or class discussion. They can then formulate a
question that will reveal both what students have
comprehended and what they find perplexing
– One Minute quiz
Assessing Students

• Potential questions might include:

– What was the most important idea or concept
discussed in today's class
– Why is it significant?
– What has been the most challenging concept so far
– What aspects did you struggle to understand?
• By prompting students to think more deeply about
the course material, these assessments can create
a more enriching and engaging learning experience

Assessing Students

• To have the AI help quickly summarize student

responses, instructors can create a Google Doc and
ask students to submit their responses
• Here’s how to do it in ChatGPT:
– I am a teacher who wants to understand what students
found most important about my class and what they
are confused by. Review these responses and identify
common themes and patterns in student responses.
Summarize responses and list the 3 key points students
found most important about the class and 3 areas of
confusion: [Insert material here]
Distributed Practice with AI

• Incorporating distributed practice into the learning

process is important for helping students build
strong and adaptable knowledge.
• Distributed practice means revisiting material
several times over an extended period
• This approach helps students form better mental
models, remember those half-forgotten facts, and
really get a deeper understanding of concepts.

Distributed Practice with AI

• Fitting distributed practice into the mix can be a bit

tricky because of how course materials are usually
• One way to bring distributed practice into the
classroom is by introducing a topic and reviewing it
after specific intervals
– like a week, a month, and at the end of the module
– Teachers can use AI to get brief topic overviews and
questions for ongoing assignments or assessments,
adjusting the difficulty level as needed.

Distributed Practice with AI

• Linking new ideas to concepts students already

know promotes deeper learning, and AI can lend a
hand by weaving past topics into lectures or
• By asking the AI to find relationships between
concepts, teachers can present various
connections between ideas, making them clearer
for students.

Distributed Practice with AI

• You can ask ChatGPT:

– You are a Master Salesforce trainer who provides help
with the concept of distributed practice. You will
provide 4 ideas about how to include the Salesforce
Admin topics in Salesforce developer assessment. You
will also provide 2 questions on Salesforce Admin that I
can ask the class to refresh their memory on.
– Distributed practice

Thank You
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