M&E Policies and Procedures Operation A Manual - Jan 2010

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M&E Policies and Procedures


Monica Kansiime

Policy objectives

To ensure that: There are effective mechanisms for systematic data collection at different operational levels and that this information is provided to facilitate timely decision making Management and main stakeholders are provided with indicators of progress, efficiency and effectiveness Milestones are tracked and performance indicators monitored Organisational learning is promoted.

Scope and purpose

Tracking the implementation of research for development initiatives
Tracking the outcomes and impacts of ASARECA interventions how human, financial and physical resources are converted into outputs

Facilitating Organization Lessons Learning

M&E Unit takes lead in monitoring the implementation of the OP, particularly;
Setting up M&E systems and structures, for tracking, documenting and assessing progress

Technical support and capacity strengthening to programs/units/projects for implementation of the M&E strategy Mainstreaming best practices and organizational learning

Others: ED, DED, Programs / Units, Sub grantees (pg 309)

Monitoring organizational performance

Identification and tracking of KPIs, Semi-annual and annual performance reports / data - from all programs/units Feedback from key stakeholders regarding their assessment of ASARECAs progress Case studies, lessons learned, best practices shared among ASARECA staff, partners and stakeholders

Monitoring research initiatives

M&E plans, work/operational plans
Semi-annual performance reports

Semi-annual technical and financial reports

Field visits by respective PMUs, project leaders and other ASARECA staff where relevant followed by a field visit report

Evaluation Procedures
An entity to be reviewed initiates and prepares TOR Reviews commissioned by the DED Review reports shall be submitted to the DED within one month of completion of field work Recommendations arising from the evaluation shall be discussed and shared with the concerned entity Action plans to address recommendations developed with the concerned parties involved

Key control processes

M&E activities to be guided by the ASARECA M&E framework Programs/units/ & projects to develop logical frameworks, M&E plans, specifying areas of contribution to the ASARECA outputs PMUs in conjunction with M&E unit assess performance of the projects as well as validating the reported progress Mid and end term evaluations of the research projects Periodic data quality assessment Participation - providing and obtaining feedback to and fro partners and beneficiaries on progress and proposed actions PM&E checklist

Reflection & learning

Lessons & best practices

Feasibility, situation, appraisal

Mid term & final, impact, process

PM&E cycle

Strategic & operational plans, budgets, resources

Monitoring & reporting

Field visits, self evaluations, internal reviews, progress

Implementation Baselines, work plans, activities

Focus for 2010

Concentration on four intervention areas:
1. Strengthening M&E capacity of ASARECA and partners 2. Establishing appropriate M&E systems and structures 3. Tracking and documenting outcomes impacts of ASARECA interventions. and

4. Mainstreaming best practices of M&E in ASARECA

Strengthening M&E capacity

Refresher training for ASARECA program staff
In country trainings of Implementing partners and NARS and subsequent follow up visits

Training of trainers (TOT) workshop in M&E

Support programs to conduct review meetings Support one stream participatory M&E B CGS projects

M&E systems and structures

Finalize ASARECA performance monitoring plan Finalize the automated M&E reporting template, conduct training for users, coordinate the installation and maintenance of the system Provide support to programs and units for operationalization of the reporting system

Outcomes and Impacts M&E

Implementation of the outcome and impact monitoring and evaluation framework will commence
Conduct baseline study for selected key performance indicators organization and program/projects Undertake internal studies of some selected ASARECA interventions to validate the OIME framework Share key successes with partners

Mainstreaming M&E best practices

Conduct annual regional meeting for all partners Facilitate partner exchange visits to share and learn from various experiences Establish an M&E e-forum for ease of communication and sharing various developments in M&E Documentation and sharing of best practices amongst partners


M&E strategy
ASARECA Result 1: Performance driven governance and management structures and systems established and operational M&E purpose: Performance based M&E system institutionalized in ASARECA

M&E Capacity of ASARECA and partners strengthened

Appropriate M&E structures and systems established and operational

Outcomes and impacts of ASARECA documented and disseminated

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