SQL Assignment (13051)
SQL Assignment (13051)
Name :- Shraddha Mahendra Jadhav.
roll no :- 13051
2. Write a SQL query to identify employees who do not have a department
number. Return employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number,
hire_date, job_id, salary,commission_pct, manager_id and department_id.
3. Write a SQL query to find those employees whose first name does not contain
the letter ‘T’. Sort the result-set in ascending order by department ID. Return
full name (first and last name together), hire_date, salary and department_id.
4. Write a SQL query to find those employees who earn between 9000 and 12000
(Begin and end values are included.) and get some commission. Return all fields.
5. Write a SQL query to find those employees who do not earn any commission.
Return full name (first and last name), and salary.
6. Write a SQL query to find those employees who work under a manager.
Return full name (first and last name), salary, and manager ID.
7. Write a SQL query to find employees whose first names contain the letters F,
T, or M. Sort the result-set in descending order by salary. Return all fields
8. Write a SQL query to find those employees who earn above 12000 or the seventh
character in their phone number is 3. Sort the result-set in descending order by first
name. Return full name (first name and last name), hire date, commission percentage, email,
and telephone separated by '-', and salary.
9. Write a SQL query to find those employees whose first name contains a
character 's' in the third position. Return first name, last name and department
10. Write a SQL query to find those employees who worked more than two jobs
in the past. Return employee id.
11. Write a SQL query to count the number of employees, the sum of all salary, and
difference between the highest salary and lowest salaries by each job id. Return job_id,
count, sum, salary_difference.
12. Write a SQL query to find each job ids where two or more employees
worked for more than 300 days. Return job id.
13. Write a SQL query to count the number of employees worked under each manager.
Return manager ID and number of employees.
14. Write a SQL query to calculate the average salary of employees who receive
commission percentage for each department. Return department id, average
15. Write a SQL query to find the departments where more than ten employees
receive commissions. Return department id.
16. Write a SQL query to find those job titles where maximum salary falls
between 10000 and 15000 (Begin and end values are included.). Return job_title,
17. Write a SQL query to find details of those jobs where the minimum salary
exceeds 9000. Return all the fields of jobs
18. Write a SQL query to find those employees who work in the same department as
‘Clara’. Exclude all those records where first name is ‘Clara’. Return first name, last
name and hire date.
19. Write a SQL query to find those employees who earn more than the average
salary and work in the same department as an employee whose first name
contains the letter 'J'. Return employee ID, first name and salary.
20. Write a query to display the employee id, name ( first name and last name )
and the job id column with a modified title SALESMAN for those employees
whose job title is ST_MAN and DEVELOPER for whose job title is IT_PROG.
1. Write a SQL query to find the first name, last name, department, city, and state
province for each employee.
2. Write a SQL query to find the first name, last name, salary, and job grade for
all employees.
3. Write a SQL query to find all those employees who work in department ID 80
or 40. Return first name, last name, department number and department name.
4. Write a SQL query to find those employees whose first name contains the
letter ‘z’. Return first name, last name, department, city, and state province.
5. Write a SQL query to find all employees who joined on 1st January 1993 and
left on or before 31 August 1997. Return job title, department name, employee
name, and joining date of the job.
6. Write a SQL query to find the department name and the full name (first and
last name) of the manager.
7. Write a SQL query to find the department name, full name (first and last
name) of the manager and their city.
8. Write a SQL query to find out the full name (first and last name) of the
employee with an ID and the name of the country where he/she is currently