Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition

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Management System
using Face recognition
In today's almost the whole world is connected to the Internet. All the digital devices are
connected to the Internet which infuses work easier for the people. Nowadays, many of
the devices are being developed using the Internet of Things (IoT), computing, image
processing, and machine learning. The system had been developed for appraise the
attendance of the student and recognition of the student faces for marking up the
attendance. The system is enacted to form a classroom attendance system that uses the
concept of face recognition as today's manual attendance systems become more time-
consuming and cumbersome to keep up properly. A database of all the students with their
details is stored in the firebase cloud, and attendance is recorded when the face that is
recognized by the system is available in the database which had been done through
training of the images. The system is designed and developed in python
language .It has its own face recognition method and listening features using the (LBPH)
Algorithm" within the project of the OpenCV library. It uses "Haar Cascade Classifier".
It uses Tkinter for GUI and Firebase for the database.
Problem Definition
The use of digital paper based manual attendance system by giving the lecturers
attendance sheet to check whether the student is attended the class or not. For the
sake of this system many problems has faced that manual system.

The teachers need to hire student attendance sheet Excel to collect and file student
attendance is lost.

Loss of instructional time production to search students on the attendance sheet .

Statistical information is not easily to be derived.

Attendance records are not communicated efficiently.


Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition is a system developed for daily student
attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. Face recognition could be a trending technology
almost utilized in every area from security, research, automation and lots of more things. and that
we are aiming and targeting on the attendance of the scholars by applying OpenCV and a few
python’s inbuilt functionality. we've got also used text to speech library.
Requirements Analysis

Functional Non-functional
1)Accuracy :-The system should have high accuracy in face
1)Face Detection:- The system should be able to detect faces detection and recognition.
accurately. 2)Performance:- It should perform efficiently, even with a
large number of users. Security: Ensure data security and
2)Face Recognition:- It should recognize the faces of privacy of individuals' faces and attendance records.
registered individuals. 3)Reliability:The system should be reliable and available
when needed.
3)Attendance Marking:- Mark attendance based on 4)Scalability: It should be able to scale to accommodate a
recognized faces. growing number of users.
5)Usability: The system should be easy to use for
4)Database Management:- Store and manage data of administrators and users.
registered individuals. 6)Compatibility: It should be compatible with different
hardware and software environments.
5)User Interface:- Provide a user-friendly interface for 7)Maintainability: The system should be easy to maintain a
administrators and users.
DFD diagram



DFD diagram
DFD diagram



Faces of the students are detected by the system

and the attendance is marked for the particular

The teacher is only responsible for login to the

system and evaluates and views the student
For Student Activity Diagram For Adminstrator
Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Class Diagram
Deployment Diagram
This system is very simple in term of calculation and improve speed as well. It required only one
scanning without any need to a complicated analysis. Face recognition technology have been associated
generally with very cost top secure systems. Today the core technologies have evolved and the cost of
equipment is going down dramatically due to the integration and the increasing process power. Certain
systems of face recognition technology are now cost effective, reliable and highly accurate. That why
attendance management system using face recognition helps us in any school, colleges, and any kind of
company as well.
We can use this technology in other ways as well, further expanding the monitoring to track specific
students on campus in real-time. We can also work with recorded videos instead of taking pictures. But
some time period is kept for recording the images, because if the recording is done continuously then
the load on the database increases. Future work is to improve the algorithm's detection rate when a
person has unintentional changes such as shaving the head, using scarves and beards.
This presentation is created by Sonu
Dhodhariya ,Sneha Dhodhariya and
CREDITS: This Patidar
presentationin Sem was
template –IV Of Btech
created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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