C1 Introduction To Components of Food

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Chapter 1

Introduction to
Components of Food


Wan Hayati Wan Bujang

UiTM Puncak Alam
Chapter Objectives

List and describe the six categories of nutrients, explain their

functions in the body, and name some food sources of each.

Define the term calorie and describe the relationship

between calories and weight gain.

List and describe the eight guidelines for maintaining a

healthful diet.

Describe ways that cooks can incorporate nutrition

principles into their cooking and their menu construction.
Introduction to Components of Food

Menu planners must have A food service worker’s

a basic understanding of responsibility is to serve
nutrition. nutritional food and a
well-balanced menu.

Certain chemical compounds that

are present in foods that:

2. Build and replace

1.Supply energy cells that makeup 3. Regulate body
for body functions body tissues processes
Essential Nutrients
Increased Innovation
Carbohydrate Vitamins
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Donec consectetur cursus massa at tempor.
Vestibulum quis risus rutrum, facilisis nibh vel,
suscipit ante. Vestibulum placerat ante vitae

Lipids (Fats) Minerals

Higher Retention Rate Increased Employee

Proteins Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Donec consectetur cursus massa at tempor.
Vestibulum quis risus rutrum, facilisis nibh vel,
suscipit ante.

Simple carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates:

Consist of carbon, • Naturally in fruits, • Fiber: from seeds and cell

hydrogen, and oxygen vegetables, and milk walls of fruits, vegetables
• Sweeteners such as honey, and cereal grains
corn syrup, and table
Lipids (fats)
• Fats are found in animal and plant
foods and, in small amounts, in
• Fats provide calories, help carry
fat- soluble vitamins, and give a
creamy pleasant mouth feel to
• Supply energy to the body in
concentrated form
Fats can be separated into three categories

Saturated: mainly found in animal

products like milk, eggs, and meat

Monounsaturated: examples are:

vegetable oils like grapeseed (canola)
oil and olive oil

Polyunsaturated: examples are fats

from plants (soy and corn) and fish

• Proteins are the building blocks of the body

• Proteins are found in animal and plant foods
• Proteins are necessary for manufacturing,
maintaining, and repairing body tissues
• Proteins regulate the balance of water,
acids, and bases and move nutrients in and
out of cells

• Vitamins are vital dietary substances

needed to regulate metabolism and for
normal growth and body functions
• Vitamins are divided into two categories:
⚬ Water soluble vitamins are not stored
in the body (B, C)
⚬ lFat soluble vitamins are stored in the
body (A,D,E,K)

• Minerals have to be obtained by eating

plants that have drawn minerals from the
ground or from the flesh of animals that
have eaten plants
• Minerals are broken down into two
categories: Trace minerals and major

• The adult body is 50-60% water by

• Water plays a role in all body functions,
including metabolism, cell functions,
digestion, delivery of nutrients,
removal of waste, temperature
regulation, and lubrication of the joints.
In the past few decades people have become increasingly
concerned about understanding how foods affect health and
what foods can be consumed in order to promote good

All recipes in this book have nutritional analysis; recipes that

are low in calories, fat, or sodium are marked with a heart icon
Eating for Health

• The American Heart Association and American

Cancer Society suggest:
⚬ Eating well and exercising, getting adequate
sleep and living moderately, all contribute to
a longer, healthier life.
The Balanced Diet
Getting adequate nutrients within Manage consumption of fats
01 05
calorie needs
Put the right team together

Manage consumption of
Managing weight 06 carbohydrates
02 Identify the goal

Manage consumption of sodium

Engaging in physical activity
07 and potassium

Selecting from the right food Manage consumption of alcoholic

04 08
groups beverages
My Pyramid

The food pyramid was

designed to guide food
consumption for a more
healthful life. It presents a plan
for a balanced diet
Nutritional Labeling

• The Foods and Drug Administration

(FDA) requires that food products be
clearly labeled
• The FDA regulates the language used in
• The FDA monitors health claims on
food labels
Cooking Healthful

• Use less fat • Store foods properly

• Use unsaturated fats • Modify Portion size
• Emphasize flavor
• Give customer a healthful
• Use freshest, highest-quality
• Train the dining room staff
• Use nutritional information
Thank You
F o r Yo u r A t t e n t i o n

Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons,


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