39 - Cuts
39 - Cuts
39 - Cuts
examined had an error of >1.5 cm.” (A. L. Mikula, S. J. Hetzel, N. Binkley & P. A.
Anderson) [4] The article states that, when testing traditional stadiometers, there are
some errors in the height measurements. These errors, while relatively small, still
negatively impact the assessment of the patient’s health, especially when a patient has
this time, the physical examination with the nurse can take as little as 2
toddlers, some may not cooperate because they is upset. The average time
For those problems above we comes up with The Digital Height-Measuring Sensor Device
(Stadiometer) is a device used to accurately and efficiently measure the height of a patient. It is
intended to replace the manual ruler height-measuring systems in current hospitals and clinics. My
goal is to create a device that fulfils the needs, To accomplish this goal, the system design of the
device must be created with the quantitative requirements of the customer needs in mind. Both the
hardware and software components of the device must be chosen within the parameters of the
project scope to ensure the fulfilment of the customer needs.
The device system must allow a practitioner to successfully turn on the
The main objective of this study is to design and fabricate a digital machine for measure height of
To achieve the main objective of this study, the following specific objectives were considered
ii) To select Microcontroller (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), Distance Sensors (Infrared, Ultrasonic,
LED, etc.), Switches (toggle, push buttons, change over switch etc.),battery, ) Bluetooth
Module, Breadboards, Wiring, Insulation, Cable organizers, LCD screen
3 Existing Competitors
There are a few digital stadiometers currently on the market which could be used to
measure height in a clinic setting:
This study was conducted by building a prototype first and then implementing it to related
parties. The prototype model can be used to connect customer misunderstandings about
technical matters. The steps of the Prototype model are:
i The researcher will collect the data needed in the process of making the tool, it is the
first step to find a problem formulation related to how to design an automatic patient height
device/tool integrated into database system by providing output in the form of height.
ii Then a prototype program will be made to provide an overview to the customer. The
prototypes will be provided are as follows:
Automatic Height Measurements Design
The following is the layout of Control Unit design of automatic
height and weight measuring machine design will be made.
Working principle
i) The ultrasonic sensor functions to measure the distance of patient, in this case it is
to measure the distance from the top of the measuring machine to flat plate that is
placed parallel to patient head. Through a simple mathematical equation, the
ultrasonic measurement results can measure the height of patient.
ii) The results of measuring the height of patient will be displayed on LCD screen
through data processing carried out on the Arduino Microcontroller
iii) The patient height information can also be displayed on the system if the
device/tool is connected to a PC/Laptop via USB cable. And the data can be stored
into an integrated database to generate reports on the growth of height of patient.
iv) The next step is to do demonstration of the device/tool and test it to ensure it runs
according to its function properly.