Remote Patient Monitoring System With Focused Research On Vital Signs Through Sensors BS (CS) 13 Batch

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Remote Patient Monitoring System with Focused

Research on Vital Signs Through Sensors

BS(CS) 13th Batch

In the Supervision of:

Prof Dr. Javed Ahmad Mahar

Chairman Department of Computer Science

Basit Ali Dharejo CS-13-15

Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Mirs

Department of Computer Science
The patient monitoring is a very critical monitoring system, It is quite hard job for medical
personnel to monitor each patient for 24 hours. Remote patient monitoring is an alternative to
regular home check-ups of patients with certain special medical conditions or the elderly who
are unable to regularly visit a Clinic or hospital. When the patients vital sign like pulse rate
crosses the normal value, Sensors play an important role in this regard. They measure the
physical parameters and provide real-time data but sensors are constrained with limited
battery, storage and processing , to handle these issues reliable datacenter (web server) will
be used. The measured data is sent to specific datacenter from where doctors can access it via

Aim of proposed project is to monitor Pulse Rate and temperature (Two of vital signs)
,through sensors physiological data will be uploaded on database from where doctors can
access the data .In this project we proposed two sensors pulse sensor and temperature sensor
these can provide real time information about the heart of a patient and body temperature
respectively. The proposed system is able to send patient current data to the healthcare
professional(doctor) about the patients critical condition. The projects modules will be :
sensors connected with patient and Arduino YUN, uploading data taken from Arduino to
server through mobile plication(android), doctors access to data by web. Future work of
proposed project will be on other Vital sign like ECG .

Remote patient monitoring system is type of technology which enables to diagnose the
patients from the remote place. The heart problems mostly caused by the improper
functionality of Vital signs. Vital signs contained blood pressure, breathing rate, temperature
and pulse rate. The focus of proposed project is on the vital signs .To work on all signs is
difficult in limited time . Thats why the project scope is limited on two of vital signs Pulse
rate and temperature. The values relating to these both signs will be get through the pulse rate
sensor and temperature sensor.

The proposed project will get the physiological data of vital sign through sensors like
pulse rate and temperature sensor. This data will be obtained by the use of Arduino connected
with the sensors. There will be a mobile application helping to upload the data on web server
that can be centralized . The Mobile application will be connected to Arduino. The utilization
of Wi-Fi module is very helpful to channelize the data gained from sensors on mobile
application and then on web server . This mobile application will be working as medium to
upload the data on web server.

The Proposed project architecture consists of two parts. Software and hardware.
Medical sensor module: The sensor module is to be used for gathering physiological data
from the patient. The design of this module is determined by the type of measurement
Medical sensors:
a) Pulse rate sensor
b) Temperature sensor
Wi-Fi as communication channel
Web server

Mobile application(android):
a) Registration interface
b) Sensor reading views
c) data uploading interface
d) Web server architecture: The web server will also provide a webpage
allowing the user to upload the recorded data in the form of a file. This data will be
incorporated in the database like normal records
e) database design and implementation.

Background and Problem Identification
The proposed project is fully designed for the patients and for normal people living in
Pakistan with efficient and reliable services provided at their door. Today Pakistan is facing
quite challenging situation in the perspective of increase in different diseases and its quite
challenging to fight out these diseases since these diseases are the cause of increase in the
death rates. As World Health Organization Statistics 2012-13 clearly shows that 24.3% of
people above 18 years are being hypertensive , 25% of people of over 40 years having heart
disease and majorly 10% of adults suffers from diabetes. The above mentioned deeds are
child of Vital signs since are measurements of the bodys most basic functions to be
monitored thus it demands great care and accurate ways.
Through the simple approach we can deal that 68% of smart phone users use Android
Operating system.
As we started studying the problem we found numerous projects and different methodologies
addressing to the similar problem remote patient monitoring system but all of these having
different approaches and methodologies. Since the problem of applicability and technology
you are using.
Sensor is widely used these days to tackle many problems in various fields. So to utilizing the
Sensors efficiently in medical will be a productive work, since a lot of working has been done
in medical field and more to be done. Due to much diversity in field of medical there are
many projects running in different areas, some of them are critical systems. Thinking in that
perspective its quite challenging work to find out the solution in medical side but it is not
impossible to develop such system that can be helpful. Though Remote Patient Information
Monitoring System has been completely adapted in Europe so far we can observe
tremendous change in form of decrease in mortality rates patients health .So remote patient
monitoring system with focused research on vital signs through sensors is feasible in
Pakistans remote areas.
Proposed Work and its Methodology
To Study of pulse and temperature sensor s& connectivity with Arduino
To Study of Arduino programming
To Study of data normalization and representation
To Integration of Arduino with sensors
To Study and Implementation of SQL Lite
To Integration of web server with android application
To Critical Analysis of different coding schemes
To Implementation of mobile application


The proposed project will provide the services and remove the headaches of doctors to
perform the better diagnose of patients remotely. This will help out in emergency situations
for heart patients. Since the proposed system is based on sensors, we can
Predict the fast response of any severe condition. The system is also able to store
Physiological data of patients for 24 hours a day. In future the proposed system can be
extended to include more sensors that can measure more parameters like breathing rate and
blood pressure.

Work Flow Chart

Project Break down

Tools Required

Arduino YUN
Pulse sensor and temperature sensor for Arduino
Wi-Fi module
Android studio
Wamp server for web
Notepad ++
MS VISIO for creating Flowcharts.

Project Feasibility:
One of the early works on health care monitoring system has been proposed in. The proposed
system is suitable for patients, senior citizens, and others who need continuous monitoring of
the health. The system can monitor the ECG signals of a patient based on Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) and a ZigBee network. The system consists of a wireless ECG sensor,
ECGconsole, ZigBee module, SIP register, a proxy server, a database server, and wireless

Simultaneous monitoring of the biomedical signals from multiple patients has been addressed
in. The proposed network is based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the ZigBee technology.
The authors have proposed an optimized source routing protocol to control the network load.

Some other issues including energy consumption, network lifetime, and delivery ratio have
also been addressed in the same work.

A telemedicine information monitoring system consists of vital sign monitoring devices, a

healthcare gateway, and a health service information platform has been proposed in. Among
these components the healthcare gateway is the most critical component. The ZigBee module
is used to transmit information between the vital sign monitoring devices and the health care
gateway. The vital sign monitoring devices include ECG, blood pressure, glucose, and body
temperature. The data is then relayed to a healthcare service information platform. The
system is based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concept to provide the health care
management for people who are suffering from chronic illness.

A remote patient monitoring system based on the ZigBee wireless sensor network and the
Internet Things has been introduced in. The system generates electronic medical records that
are saved in a database. After analyzing the data the proposed system can send feedback
about the diagnosis, medical programs, and proposals to a remote location. The system uses
the ZigBee network for real time transmission of the physical data. The data processing and
information releasing have been implemented by a database program.

Two alternative systems have been proposed for the deployment of the ZigBee based wireless
personal area network (WPANS) for remote patient monitoring in the general wards of a
hospital in . In the first approach a single WPAN is considered for gathering and transmitting
physiological data from the patients in a ward. In the second approach multiple WPANS are
considered. The simulation results show that the multiple WPANS out-perform the single one
in respect of efficiency and reliability for data transmission.

An expandable wireless health monitoring system based on ZigBee has been proposed in .
The proposed system can monitor the temperature and pulses of a patient wirelessly. The test
result presented therein shows that the proposed system can monitor the temperature and
pulse of a patient with a high accuracy.

Another ZigBee based health monitoring system has been proposed to monitor temperature,
heart rate, blood pressure, and movements of patients in. The main component of the system
is an electronic device worn on the wrist or finger of a high risk patient. The system uses a
number of sensors including an impact sensor to detect the fall of a person. The system can
monitor a medically distressed person and send an alarm to a caretaker system connected to a
remote computer.

The proposed project Remote Patient Monitoring system with focused researched on vital
signs will use the pulse sensor and temperature sensors connected with Arduino Yun that
makes it cost-effective as compared to above discussed(referenced) projects.
Instead of ZigBee we will use the Wi-Fi module that will be cost-effective and accurate.
This project is feasible in the proposed scenario. The proposed project will also help out in
future research on other vital signs like blood pressure and breathing rate.


[1]Bonam Kim, Youngjon Kim, InSung Lee, and Ilsum You, Design and Implementation of
a Ubiquitous ECG Monitoring System Using SIP and the ZigBee Networks, In the
proceedings ofthe Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007),
December 6-8, 2007, Jeju,Korea, pp. 599-604
[2] Fariborz H, Moghawemi, and Mehrkanoon, S, The design of an intelligent wireless
sensor network for ubiquitous healthcare, In the Proceedings of the International Conference
onIntelligent and Advanced System, November 25-28, 2007, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, pp.
[3] Hsu Chih-Jen, Telemedicine information monitoring system, In the Proceedings of the
10thInternational Conference on E-health Networking, Application, and Service, Julu 7-9,
2008, Singapore, pp. 48-50.
[4] Jingram Luo, Yulu Chen, Kai Tang,Juwen Luo, Remote monitoring information system
and itsapplications based on the Internet Things, In the proceedings of the International
Conference onFuture Biomedical Information Engineering, December 13-14, 2009, Sanya,
pp. 482-485
[5] Yuanlong Liu, and Sahandi, R., ZigBee network for remote patient monitoring on
general hospital wards, In the Proceedings of the XXII International Symposium on
Information,Communication, and Automation technologies, October 29-31, 2009, Bosnia, pp.
[6] Chengcheng Ding, Xiaopei Wu, Zhao Lu, Design and Implementation of the
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Beijing, pp. 1-4.


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