The Cane & Eable

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The Cane &

" A g r i Sw e e t : C u l t i va t i n g
H e a l t h i e r F u t u r e s fo r
Fa r m e r s a n d C o n s u m e r s "
"Empowering farmers and nurturing
consumer health, our startup
b r i d g e s t h e g a p b y c u l t i va t i n g
t ra n s p a r e n c y, d e l i v e r i n g f a r m - f r e s h
produce directly to consumers'
doorsteps, ensuring every bite
r e fl e c t s t h e c o m m i t m e n t t o
sustainable agriculture."

Mor e t han 20% of I ndian farmers

live b e low t he pover ty line.

O ve r 60% ar e small scale far mer ' s

which me ans t hey own less t han 2
hect ar e land .
India's sugar consumption
is increasing
gradually from 28 million
metric tons in 2019-20 to
30 millions metric tons
in 2022-23.
Making it world's top sugar
consumer and also ranked
second highest no. Of
diabetics worldwide.
One six people
with diabetes in the world
is from india.
High sugar
can contribute
to obesity , type
2 diabetes ,
heart disease
and dental
demand of
sugar in

Which brings a transformation in

the health history by giving the
alternatives of sugar like:
 Brown sugar
 Jaggery
 Country sugar

In india , the condition of farmers is

ver y bad .

There are 20% farmers which are under

pover ty and this percentage increasing
over the years.

Sometimes the payment given by

sugarmills might take up to 1year, this
create a barrier for farmers growth .

And one of the main problem faced by

farmers is the fair price for his crop .
Many times farmer sells his crop in
underprice which minimize the profi ts.

No insurance of crops. This put farmer

in debt in case of crop failure.

It gives the fair price also called MSP

to the farmers which increases the

profi t percentage.

We can also done contract farming

with the small farmers.

We can also provide fi nancial aids like

crop insurance, low interest rate loans,
As we know sugar is harmful for health
but also chemicals like sulphur used for
refining of sugar is very dangerous for
our body.

As per the New York Times: The claim

was that brown sugar and jaggery is
healthier than white sugar.

Improve digestion, works as an
antiseptics, helps in asthma, eases
menstrual cramps, contains
antioxidants, etc.
In recent times for the outer beautiful
appearance , many traders use
chemicals for whiting the goods which
is bad for health.

But with The Cane you get a product

without using the chemicals. We use
natural alternatives for refining and
clearing process.

Traditionally- Wild lady finger also

known as sukhlai
is used to clarify sugarcane juice in the
preparation of jaggery.
Sugarcane juice is good only
fo r s o m e h o u r s . B u t
T h e C a n e m a ke i t a va i l a b l e i n
t h e m a r ke t w i t h g o o d
p r e s e r va t i ve s s o i f s o m e o n e s
wants to drink healthy
h e / s h e c a n d r i n k i t a n d t a ke
the nutrients.

We a l s o t a ke c a r e fo r r o u n d
t h e c l o c k a va i l a b i l i t y s o o u r
m a i n fo c u s i s o n t w o t h i n g s :

•B e s t l o g i s t i c s a n d n e t w o r k
a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y.

•We i n s t a l l o u r w a r e h o u s e s
with best locations and with
b e s t fo o d p r e s e r va t i o n
Proper utilization of
sugarcane waste:

The waste from sugarcane

after producing goods is
used to make disposal
plates , straws and many
other things which is a good
alternate of plastic and
thermocol item's.
Also provide education , practicies
and best quality of seeds :

Quality of sugarcane can be

identifi ed by its recover y. Some
best quality sugarcanes gives
about 11-12 kg per quintal.

Sometimes farmer do not have

proper knowledge about
technology, seed quality, recover y
rate which results in high cost of

Our teams provides them best

practices which increases their
effi ciency.

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