PHY 102 Power Point

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Course Code: PHY 102
Session: 2023/2024
Department of Physics
Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences
Course Description
Electrostatics – Electric charges and fields. Gauss’s
Law. Electric Potential, Properties of Electric
Charges, Charging by Conduction, Charging by
induction, Coulomb’s Law, The Electric Field,
Electric Field Lines, Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law,
Electric Potential and Potential Energy Due to
Point Charges, Capacitance, Combinations of
Course Schedule
Properties of Electric Charges,Charging by
Conduction, Charging by induction,
Coulomb’s Law
The Electric Field, Electric Field Lines,
Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law,
Capacitance, Combinations of
Week 1 – Properties of Electric Charges, Charging by
Conduction, Charging by induction, Coulomb’s Law
• Experiments demonstrate that there are two kinds of electric charge,
which Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790) named positive and negative
• On the basis of observations, it is concluded that like charges repel
one another and unlike charges attract one another.
• Objects usually contain equal amounts of positive and negative
charge —electrical forces between objects arise when those objects
have net negative or positive charges.
• Charge transfers readily from one type of material to another
• electric charge is always conserved
• In conductors, electric charges move freely in response to an electric
force. All other materials are called insulators.
• Charging by Conduction
• Charging by Induction
• Coulomb’s Law
In 1785 Charles Coulomb (1736 – 1806) experimentally
established the fundamental law of electric force between two
stationary charged particles.
An electric force has the following properties:
1.It is directed along a line joining the two particles and is
inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance
r, between them.
2.It is proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the
charges, q1 and q2, of the two particles.
3.It is attractive if the charges are of opposite sign and
repulsive if the charges have the same sign.
• The magnitude of the electric force F between charges q1 and q2
separated by a distance r is given by

where is a constant called the Coulomb constant.

• Example 1: The electron and proton of a hydrogen atom are

separated (on the average) by a distance of about . Find the
magnitudes of the electric force that each particle exerts on the other.

Example: Three charges lie along the x-axis. The positive charge q1 = 15
μC is at x = 2.0 m, and the positive charge q2 = 6.0μC is at the origin.
Where must a negative charge q3 be placed on the x-axis so that the
resultant electric force on it is zero?
The Electric Field, Electric Field Lines, Electric Flux and
Gauss’s Law

• an electric field is said to exist in the region of space around a charged

• The electric field produced by a charge Q at the location of a small
“test” charge q0 is defined as the electric force exerted by Q on q0,
divided by the test charge q0

SI Unit: newton per coulomb (N/C)

• Once the electric field due to a given arrangement of charges is
known at some point, the force on any particle with charge q placed
at that point can be calculated from

• We say that an electric field exists at a point if a test charge at that

point is subject to an electric force there
• Remember
• Because the magnitude of the electric field at the position of the test
charge is defined as , we see that the magnitude of the electric field
due to the charge q at the position of q0 is
Example: Charge q1 = 7.00 μC is at the origin, and charge q2 = 5.00μC
is on the x-axis, 0.300 m from the origin. (a)Find the magnitude and
direction of the electric field at point P, which has coordinates (0, 0.400)
m. (b) Find the force on a charge of C placed at P.
Consider an electric field that is uniform in both magnitude and
direction. The electric field lines penetrate a surface of area A, which is
perpendicular to the field. The number of lines per unit area, N/A, is
proportional to the magnitude of the electric field.
Electric flux is the product of magnitude of electric field E and surface
area A
SI units of is and is proportional to the number of field
lines that pass through some area A oriented perpendicular to the field.
If the surface under consideration is not perpendicular to the field, the
expression for the electric flux is
Gauss’s Law: Gauss’s law state that the electric flux through any closed
surface is equal to the net charge inside the surface,
divided by

Which implies that

Example: A spherical conducting shell of inner radius a and outer radius
b carries a total charge +Q distributed on the surface of a conducting
shell. The quantity Q is taken to be positive. (a)Find the electric field in
the interior of the conducting shell, for r < a, and (b)the electric field
outside the shell, for r > b. (c) If an additional charge of –Q is placed at
the center, find the electric field for r > b.


Capacitance, Combinations of Capacitors.

• A capacitor is a device used in a variety of electric circuits —

for example, to tune the frequency of radio receivers,
eliminate sparking in automobile ignition systems, or store
short-term energy for rapid release in electronic flash units.
• Capacitance: The capacitance C of a capacitor is the ratio of
the magnitude of the charge on either conductor (plate) to
the magnitude of the potential difference between the
conductors (plates).
SI Unit: farad (F) = coulomb per volt (C/V )
THE PARALLEL-PLATE CAPACITOR: The capacitance of a device depends
on the geometric arrangement of the conductors.
Recall: i. that the magnitude of the electric field between two plates is
given by E, where is the magnitude of the charge per unit area on each
ii. that the potential difference between two plates is where d is the
distance between the plates.
iii. That the charge on one plate is given by , where A is the area of the
plate. Substituting these three facts into the definition of capacitance
gives the desired result
Example: A parallel-plate capacitor has an area and a plate separation
(a)Find its capacitance. (b)How much charge is on the positive plate if
the capacitor is connected to a 3.00-V battery? (c) Calculate the charge
density on the positive plate, assuming the density is uniform, and
(d)the magnitude of the electric field between the plates.
Capacitors in Parallel: Two capacitors connected as
shown in Figure below are said to be in parallel. The
left plate of each capacitor is connected to the positive
terminal of the battery by a conducting wire, so the left
plates are at the same potential. In the same way, the
right plates, both connected to the negative terminal of
the battery, are also at the same potential. This means
that capacitors in parallel both have the same potential
difference V across them.
Example: (a)Determine the capacitance of the single capacitor that is
equivalent to the parallel combination of capacitors shown in Figure
below, and (b) find the charge on the 12.0 μF capacitor.
Capacitors in Series: For a series combination of
capacitors, the magnitude of the charge must be the
same on all the plates.
Example: Four capacitors are connected in series with a battery, as in
Figure below (a) Calculate the capacitance of the equivalent capacitor.
(b) Compute the charge on the 12-μF capacitor. (c)Find the voltage drop
across the 12- μF capacitor
Practice Question
• (a) How much charge is on each plate of a 4.00-μF capacitor when it is
connected to a 12.0-V battery? (b) If this same capacitor is connected
to a 1.50-V battery, what charge is stored?
• A parallel-plate capacitor has an area of , and the plates are separated
by 1.00 mm with air between them. The capacitor stores a charge of
400 pC. (a) What is the potential difference across the plates of the
capacitor? (b) What is the magnitude of the uniform electric field in
the region between the plates?
• Four capacitors are connected as shown in Figure below. (a) Find the
equivalent capacitance between points a and b. (b) Calculate the
charge on each capacitor if a 15.0-V battery is connected across
points a and b
Recommended Text
• College Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics,
Seventh Edition by John W. Jewett, Jr. and Raymond A. Serway
• Schaum’s Series Outline, College Physics, Ninth Edition BY Frederick J.
Bueche and Eugene Hecht.

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