Types of Research Design: - Exploratory Research - Descriptive Research - Causal Research

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Types of research design

Exploratory research Descriptive research Causal research

Exploratory research
Exploratory research is unstructured, informal research undertaken to gain background information about the general nature of the research problem.

When research conducted

Problem investigation Priorities determination Data collection for problems In creasing analysts interest Concept understanding

Descriptive research design

Involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data. Uses description as a tool to organize data into patterns that emerge during analysis. Often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader

When it is conducted
To analyse characteristics Behaviour analyses To forecasting future To study association of variables

Causal research design

Causal Research explores the effect of one thing on another and more specifically, the effect of one variable on another.

When it is conducted
To know the impact of any specific change. To know relationship between variables. To know effect of advertising on sales

Causal Research/Experiments
In causal research, the emphasis is on specific hypotheses about the effects of changes of one variable on another variable. Deals with cause-effect relationship. Involves experiment where an independent variable is changed or manipulated to see how it affects a dependent variable by controlling the effects of extraneous variables. Extraneous variables:
Different from dependent or independent variables Variables that may have some affects upon a dependent variable but yet are not independent variables.

When to use a causal-comparative design?

1. When it is unethical to manipulate an independent variable (e.g. diet) 2. When the independent variable CANNOT be manipulated (e.g. sex, ethnicity, etc.) 3. When the independent variable not been changed due to ignorance or negligence (e.g. teaching methods)


DESCRIPTIVE Aware of Problem

CAUSAL Problem Clearly Defined


Gather background information, define terms, clarify problems and hypotheses, establish research priorities Relatively simple, versatile and flexible; often the first phase of a multiple research design, unstructured

Describe and measure marketing phenomena, characteristics or functions of interest Prior formulation of specific hypotheses; preplanned and structured design

Establish causality, develop if-then statements


Manipulation of one or more independent variables; preplanned and structured design; control of other mediating variables





Secondary data analysis Qualitative research Expert surveys Pilot surveys

Secondary data analysis Surveys Panels Observational and other data


Experiments: Laboratory Field Test marketing



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