Biodiversity and Evolution

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Explain how fossil records, S10LT-
comparative anatomy, and IIIf-39
genetic information provide
evidence for evolution
Objectives: At the end of this
module, you will be able to:

 Describe how fossil records,

comparative anatomy, and
genetic information directed
to the theory of evolution;
 Appreciate the importance of
studying the origin of life.
 Organisms inhabiting the earth
have changed overtime, their
structures, traits and abilities
allowed them to adapt and
survive in their environment.
Data from the fossil records,
anatomy and morphology,
embryonic development and
biochemistry could be analyzed
to demonstrate if evolution of life
on earth has taken place.
What’s New
Complete the crossword puzzle below by filling in a word that fits each
What Is It
 Fossils are examples of evidences that
palaeontologists (persons who study fossils) use in
studying evolution. They are traces of organisms
that lived in the past and were preserved by natural
processes or catastrophic events. They can be
remains of organisms which include bones, shells,
teeth and also feces embedded in rocks, peat, resin
and ice.
 Most fossils were commonly found in
sedimentary rocks. They were from the hard parts
of the organism like woody stem, bones or teeth.
 Another type of fossil is an imprint or
Imprint – are shallow
external molds left by
animal or plant tissue
with little or no organic
materials present.
Compression- is the
other side with more
organic material.
How do paleontologists
determine the age of a fossil?
 1. Relative dating- a method used to
determine the age of the rocks by
comparing them with the rocks in the
other layer. The younger sedimentary
rock layer is assumed to be found on
top and the older rock is found at the
bottom layer. Fossils found in the
bottom layer are assumed to be older
than those found in upper layer
 2. Radiometric dating- a method used to
determine the age of rocks using the decay of
radioactive isotopes present in rocks.
 3. Carbon dating- is used to tell the age of
organic materials. All organisms have
decaying Carbon-14 in it. Plants and animals
that are still alive constantly replace the
supply of carbon in their body and the amount
of Carbon-14 in their body stays the same.
When an organism dies, Carbon-14 starts to
decay. Carbon-14 breaks down or decays to
form Nitrogen-14: the rate of this decay is
constant e.g. half of the remaining Carbon-14
breaks down every 5730 years.
 Out of the examination of the layers of
rocks and dating fossils, scientists
were able to develop the Geologic
Time Scale. The Geologic Time
Scale shows the major events in the
Earth’s history. It also shows the
appearance of various kinds of
organisms in a particular period of
time on earth. Era is the largest
division of Geologic Time Scale,
namely PreCambrian, Paleozoic,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Each Era is
further divided into Periods.
 Another hint of evolutionary
concept is from the
comparative anatomy.
Structures from different
species which have similar
internal framework, position,
and embryonic development
are considered to be
Homologous structures may
perform different functions in the
species living in the different
environment, or it may have the
same origin but different
 Here are some examples of homologous
structures: forelimbs of dog, bird, lizard,
and whale, which are structurally the
same, but functionally different.
 Structures of unrelated species may evolve
to look alike, because the structure is
adapted to similar function. These are
called analogous structures.
 Analogous structures have similar
functions but different origin. Examples are
wings of birds, bats, and insects that have
the same function but different in origin.
Comparison between Homologous
and Analogous Structures
Basis of Comparison Homologous Analogous Structure

Origin Have the same Have different ancestors

Function Modified to Adapted to similar functions
Example Forelimbs of bat Wings of birds, bat and
and whale butterfly
What I Have Learned
 1. Analyze the table below and answer
the following questions:
 A. Which seemed to be the oldest
 B. In which era can you possibly find
the most recent fossil?
 C. In which era do you think humans
first appeared on Earth?
 D. Describe how organisms are
2. Write H if the structures below
are homologous and A if analogous

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