Dams Reservoirs
Dams Reservoirs
Dams Reservoirs
Flood control
Types of Dams
Arch Dams
Arch Dam
When building dams
& reservoirs
geologists must take
into account:
• geological structures
• rock properties
Types of Dams Across Constricted
• These rely on their
weight to hold them in
position and thereby
impound the water. They
are usually made from
reinforced earth,
masonry or concrete. Arch Dams
• The arch squeezes together as
the water pushes against it.
The stress of the impounded
water is also transmitted
horizontally into the rock of
the valley sides. These are
In building major structures like arch
dams and gravity dams geological
factors and geological rock properties
must be taken into account. These
• Valley shape and rock structure
• Foundation strength
• Site to serve as a foundation for major dams depends
on factors:
a. Existing rock type
b. Extent of weathering it has undergone
c. Occurrence of intrusions
d. Extent of fracturing
e. Occurrence of geological structures – Faults, Joints
f. Mode and number of rock types
Suitability of Rocks as Foundation
Igneous rocks: Massive Plutonic and/or Hypabassal igneous
rocks (Granite, Syenites, gabbro etc.,) are most desirable as
they are very strong and durable (not effected by weathering).
Civil Engineering
• Depth to water table
Geology of Major Dam sites in
Bhakra –INDIA
Nangal Project – Punjab
It is located on a thick Sandstone beds intercalated with
bands of Silt stones and lies in southern limb of Ramgarh-
Dhar Anticline.
Downstream Dip – 70
Strike – Slightly oblique (NW-SE).
Claystones – 30m (Upstream), 76m (downstream), 9m
(band in middle third section of dam).
Nagarjuna sagar Dam
The rock types exposed in and around the dam sites are the Granite-Gneisses of the
peninsular gneissic complex and the Quartzites and shales belonging to Srisailam
stage of Cudappah systems. Few dolerite dykes intrusive into granite-gneisses.
Strike – N 60 W-S 60 E and N 40 E-S 40 W.
Quartizes and shales are - 3 to 5 dip towards downstream.
Minor Faults rarely exceeding 0.60-0.91m are observed in Quartzites and shales.
Weathering of granite gneisses are limited to 0.6-4.6m.