Role of Teachers As Agents of Change

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Role of Teachers as Agents of Change

As a future secondary school teacher, what are some of the problems you might face with your students?

In the 21st century, Malaysia faces progress, development, and also challenges that entails.
Consequently, the need for moral formation among students is more pressing, due to various problems that arise with changing times.

Discipline problems at school such as smoking, truancy, drug abuse and so on can be addressed if teachers are able to integrate both knowledge and character-building in their teaching. Thus, teachers should act as agents of change.

Role of Teachers
As a parent
(knows what is best for the students; care and concern)

As an instructor and facilitator As a policeman/ policewoman

(classroom management)

As a physician
(e.g. diagnosing students/ problems and prescribing solutions).

Can you think of other examples?

Role of Teachers as Agents of Change

The teacher has the responsibility to:
i) provide cognitive and affective education ii) promote an ethical learning curriculum iii) model and foster appropriate social behaviour and skills in the classroom,

Role of Teachers as Agents of Change

We are the people who can model the skills and characteristics of responsible citizens. Use the micro-society of the classroom as a model for the greater society that students will meet later. Focus on problem-solving and critical thinking skills that students will need in the modern society.

Manufacture situations in which students can experiment with needed social skills (language teachers).

Teacher-centred to student-centred

Being open and ready for change, especially in education.

Showing empathy towards students, colleagues, superiors, and staff (to develop a caring society).

Participating in community activities (to increase social awareness, to bridge the gap between schools and communities). Making schools as a knowledge centre.

Conducting educational research to improve the quality of education

As an agent of change, you are working towards

bringing about a change in practices, perceptions and product, starting people to see things from a different perspective, and sometimes pushing people out of their comfort zone, but with the idea that further

changes will take place later on and in fact, you will not
see how things work out As an agent, the main goal is to begin the change process on its way.
(Collins, 2002)

In Malaysia, we normally associate the word change with politics (e.g. ubah). Therefore, can a teacher be a politician?
What are your views? Justify.

References mangnawali/teachers-social-change-agents ack%20Issues/Volume%2030/VOL30%20PDFS /30_2/laneetal-30_2.pdf

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