Muscle Activity and Strength: By: Mona Liza N. Valencia, Maed (Sped) PTRP
Muscle Activity and Strength: By: Mona Liza N. Valencia, Maed (Sped) PTRP
Muscle Activity and Strength: By: Mona Liza N. Valencia, Maed (Sped) PTRP
Recording Contraction
of muscle activity by the use of multitude channel instrument allow contraction and relaxation pattern of several muscle to be recorded simultaneously during some particular movement or postural state of joint.
Rare circumstances occurs in normal function: Proximal attachment move towards fix distal attachment. Contraction is isometric or eccentric. Movement of distal segment is often assisted by force of gravity. Muscle seldom if ever acts alone.
Functional Terminology
prime mover. A contracting muscle that is the principal muscle producing a joint motion of maintaining a purpose. muscle opposite the anatomic action of the agonist. Non contracting muscle neither assist nor resist the motion but passively elongates or shorten to produce the motion to occur. Action can be identical or nearly identical to agonist. Rule out unwanted movement of prime mover. Acts isometrically at joint far removed from primary motion to fixate, stabilize proximal joint so motion occurs at distal joints.
Relationship of agonist, antagonist and synergist are not absolute. Relationship vary on the ff: 1. Activity 2. Position 3. Direction of resistance Please see Fig 4-3 of Brunnstrom
Functional Excursion
distance of muscle is capable of shortening after it has been elongated as far as the joint over which it passes allows. Muscle can shorten 34% - 89% 50% - Mean value
Passive Insufficiency
state in which muscle elongates over 2 or more joint s simultaneously, and no longer allow further motion by the agonist. Ex: Hamstring: Hip flex, knee extended
Pathologic condition: Lose (N) range of excursion. Muscle tightness, spasticity, shortening from trauma, surgery, adhesion of tendon to their sheath. Ex: CVA patient with spasticity of finger flexors
Factors affect muscle strength: 1. Neurologic 2. 2. Metabolic 3. 3. Endocrine 4. 4. Psychological
FACTORS DETERMINE MUSCLE STRENGTH / MAXIMAL VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION Age or Gender: Male>Female Strength is gain at birth adolescence (male=female) Increases by 20-30 y/o at its peak (male>female) Decreasing with advancing age.
FACTORS DETERMINE MUSCLE STRENGTH / MAXIMAL VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION xMuscle Size Larger muscle are stronger than smaller muscle. Ex: Biceps and supinator MRI,Muscle biopsy 200% - tearing structural component.
50% resting length too much slack for active tension to express. From 50% and above resting length there is rapid rise in tension to reach maximum od about 110% of resting length. Further lengthening produce decrease tension overlap actin and myosin is reduced preventing coupling of full number of cross bridges. Upswing tension curve beyond 170 deg passive tension of the fiber Tearing of the fiber at 200% resting length
Intact Muscle
Do not permit extreme shortening and lengthening of muscle. Ex: Hamstring muscle (see Fig 4-8)
Active insufficiency
weak contractile force of the muscle when attachment are close together and the muscle is attempting to contract or lower portion of length-tension curve. Ex: FDS & FDP wrist, MCP,PIP,DIP flexion Try: Grip with wrist flex and extended (see difference?)
Eccentric Independent of velocity Withstand high forces is important in deceleration velocity of motion. ENERGY EXPENDITURE AT Submaximal contraction fewer motor units are activated by lengthening than shortening. Energy expenditure is less for eccentric contraction. Less energy required to lower a given load quickly than lower it slowly.
Differences proposed include: 1. Strong & weak binding forms of actinomyogen & ATP 2. Multiple active site on cross bridges 3. Different myosin head arrangement 4. Different states of cross bridges affinity for attachment and detachment. Tension produce during lengthening contraciton is due to 1020% increase in active cross-bridge formation and not due to elastic component of the fiber. Reattachment is 200x faster than cycle of shortening contraction.
Magnitude of concentric contraction increases with intensity of prestretch Ex: Second jump is always higher Enhancement of maximum concentric contraction used to increase maximum concentric contraction Used in Plyometric and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation to obtain stronger concentric muscular contraction.
Neural Adaptation motor learning or specificity of exercise. Major factor affecting reproducibility of repeated strength test scores. Cross training unexercised extremity increase performance as the other extremity was trained.
Exercise Induced Muscle Injury Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: 8-12 hours after activity Abnormally high levels of creatine kinase and myoglobulin. Presents with pain causing LOM and devrease in maximum concentric and eccentric muscle force. Hamstring Muscle Pull
CHANGE OF MUSCLE LENGTHS AND LEVER ARMS: Trauma, Surgery, or immobilization EX: Surgical removal of an inch of the femur to equalize a leg-length discrepancy make muscle slack and contracting on lower weak part of the length tension curve. EX: bone loss from fracture can decrease length of muscle lever arm and strength.