Maharashtra Board Books for Classes 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 | MSBSHSE Books Download PDF Free - All Subjects
Maharashtra Board Classes 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Books are one of the most essential resources for the students to study in schools. These textbooks are curated by following the syllabus that is prescribed to the Maharashtra board students. On 27 January 1967, the Maharashtra Government had set up the Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research (Balbharti) to research, analyze and improve the quality of MSBSHSE Textbooks.
Download links are given below class-wise. Students can choose their own textbooks as per the requirement of the mediums. Browse your class from the below-given links to download the textbooks.
Maharashtra State Board SSC, HSC Time Table 2022
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has announced the timetable for SSC and HSC Examination 2022. The board exam for class 10th will be held from March 15, whereas Maharashtra Board Class 12th exam will commence from March 4, 2022. Students can now refer to the below-given links to download Maharastra Board Class 10th and 12th schedule 2022. With the help of these Time table, they can plan their board exam preparation accordingly.
Maharashtra State Board SSC, HSC Time Table 2022 | |
Maha HSC Vocational Date Sheet 2022 | Maha SSC Date Sheet 2022 |
Maha HSC Regular Date Sheet 2022 |
Also, these textbooks were prepared in such a way that students can get the most benefits from the books. That is why they have released the Maha books in multiple languages such as Marathi, English, Hindi, Urdu. To make these Maharashtra State Board Books more accessible to the students at low cost or for free they launched them in the PDF file format. Meaning now students of Maharashtra can download the Maharashtra State Board Books Pdf for free.
Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Books
Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Books are for those students who are studying in class 12th. These books are designed by following the Syllabus strictly. Each textbook is available for the Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce streams and arts streams. Here students have been given the facility to choose their own textbooks as per their choice of streams to study in Maha class 12th.
Also noted that students have privilege here to download their textbooks in the following mediums; Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Medium Books, Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Medium Books. Those students who are studying by using these textbooks can take the advantages of Maha class 12th book’s solutions as well.
Also after spending an ample amount of time studying and practicing the class 12th textbooks, students can use the Revision Notes, Previous Year Paper, Model Paper for giving the boost in the preparation of final Maharashtra Board Class 12th examination.
Download Links are given below in the tabular format.
Those students who want to download the Maharashtra Board Class 12th Books in Marathi Medium can Click here
Maha Board Class 12th Solutions
Maharashtra State Board class 12th Solutions helps students to have the step by step answers to the questions mentioned in the textbooks. It helps students to prepare for the board exams with ease. That is why we have provided them below in the table to download.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Revision Notes
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Revision Notes can help students to increase their efficiency in doing the study as it enables them to learn things faster. The revision notes can be downloaded from the below-given links.
Maharashtra Board Class 12th Previous Year Papers (2007-19)
Maharashtra Board Class 12th Previous Year Papers for the board students are very vital because it gives them the ability to understand the types of questions, exam pattern, questions repetition, etc. Therefore, here we are providing 13 sets of previous year question papers. The below-mentioned table below contains the previous year's questions papers with downloadable links.
Maharashtra State Board 11th Books PDF
Maharashtra State Board 11th Books Pdf is prepared in a very easy language, thus these 11th class textbooks are very helpful to prepare for the final examination and to do the regular study. Also, these books are designed in a way that gives the sense of international standard. Hence to get a good score in the annual Maharashtra Class 11th Examination, students can refer to these books that are available in Marathi Medium and English Medium.
Maharashtra 11 class books are presented to the students for Physics, English, Chemistry, Accountancy, History, Maths, etc . While solving the maths problem if students get any kind of difficulty they can refer to the Maharashtra State Board Class 11th Solutions. These solutions will allow them to solve the question very easily. Also one thing is important to keep in mind if Maharashtra State Board 11th Revision Notes is being used by the students. Then they will be able to solve any kind of questions very easily without any need of solutions.
Moreover, here on this platform, we are presenting these Maharashtra Board Class 11th English Medium Books, Marathi Medium Books for free of cost. Any student having the desire to download the books to score good in their class 11th can use the below given links.
Maha Board Class 11th Solutions
Maha Board Class 11th Solutions gives students the opportunity to have the solutions to all the questions mentioned in the textbooks. These solutions allow students to solve the questions available in the textbooks. Therefore, we are providing the subject-wise solutions in the below table.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Revision Notes
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Revision Notes can be easily accessed from the below-given links. These Revision notes are prepared by the Subject matter experts. Visit the links given below to download the revision notes.
Maharashtra State Board 10th Std Books Pdf (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi)
Maharashtra State Board 10th Std Books Pdf (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi), can be used by the students to prepare for their board exam. The beauty of these books is that they are prepared by the subject matter experts, hence students can expect the best result in their examination if they study by using these books. It is because these books are being used to prepare the model papers and the actual board exam question papers.
To understand the usability of the textbooks Maharashtra Board Class 10th Previous Year Question Papers can be considered. Also, Maharashtra Board Class 10th Solutions is a very handy thing that can help students to solve the questions given in the textbooks.
Apart from that students should always have access to the Syllabus and Revision Notes so that they can get the appropriate information regarding their prescribed textbooks and their contents. Download Links are given below to get free access to the textbooks.
Maharashtra Board Class 10th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 10th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 10th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 10th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 10th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
Maha Board Class 10th Solutions
Maha Board Class 10th Solutions will help students prepare for the upcoming board examination. And it is always very helpful in doing the homework. Below we have listed Maharashtra Class 10th Textbook Solutions with their respective download links.
Maharashtra Board Class 10th Previous Year Papers (2011-20)
Maharashtra Board Class 10th previous year question allows students to become aware of the questions that have been asked in the examination. These previous year question papers have been given below to download for free. It will help students to prepare for the board examination.
Maharashtra Class 9th Std Textbooks
When Students enter into the Class 9th they need Maharashtra Class 9th Std Textbooks because these textbooks are the only study materials that are prescribed by the Maha board. Maharashtra State Board 9th Std Books (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi) is used by the students. Here students have freedom to choose their books as per the requirement of the languages of the book. The good thing about these books is that they are prepared by the professionals who have expatriates in each subject.
Subjects like Maths and Science books are considered as one of the most interesting books to study. Hence students can use those books to solve the problems or questions mentioned in the books which will allow them to get high marks in the exams. Any student who is having issues while solving the questions can take the help of Revision Notes and Maharashtra Board Solutions.
Here on, we are providing all the class 9th textbooks for free of cost. Links are presented below.
Maharashtra Board Class 9th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 9th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 9th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 9th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 9th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
Maha Board Class 9th Solutions
Maha Board Class 9th Solutions are for those students who find themselves stuck with questions. However, being stuck with a question can be considered a good sign because at least you are trying to solve it. So the maha class 10th solutions will help you to do that thing in a fraction of minutes. Download links ar egiven below
Maharashtra State Board 8th Standard Books
Maharashtra State Board 8th Standard Books are the best to give students the fundamental knowledge of the different subjects and topics. These books are prepared as per the syllabus which are set by the Maharashtra education department, it also follows the legacy of indian education system. Every single textbook contains several activities, assessment questions, practice sets, interesting fun facts, diagrams, graphs, etc to make the books more comprehending and appealing.
Along with the daily study, these books play a very important role at the time of exam preparation, because the questions are prepared by using the prescribed textbooks only. One must have to go through the entire syllabus while preparing for the exam. During the preparation, students can refer to some external sources such as Maharashtra State Board Class 8 Textbook Solutions, Maharashtra class 8th Revision Notes. Etc.
Therefore here on this platform, we are providing textbooks in multiple languages so that students will not have to worry. Here Maharashtra State Board Books For 8th (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi) can be downloaded.
Maharashtra Board Class 8th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
Maha Board Class 8th Solutions
Maha Board Class 9th Solutions are for those students who find themselves stuck with questions. However, being stuck with a question can be considered a good sign because at least you are trying to solve it. So the maha class 10th solutions will help you to do that thing in a fraction of minutes. Download links ar egiven below
Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Textbooks Download For Free
Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Textbooks are recommended to the students who are studying from the Maharashtra State Board Schools. These textbooks have been developed by looking at the capability of students and their age group. Each Textbook includes multiple chapters and topics that are very necessary to gain the basic knowledge of the topics. Also, the books have a very significant role in the intellectual development of students.
Download Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Textbooks (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi ). All these medium books are possible to download here for FREE!
Maharashtra Board Class 7th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 7th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 7th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 7th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 7th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
That is why these books have been prepared by taking the help of Subject matter experts. Also, one important thing that is necessary to understand is that only studying books will not help much until students don’t try to practice the questions given in the textbooks. Thus solving the questions requires the step-by-step understanding of the individual questions and Maharashtra Class 7th textbook solutions can be considered as the best tool to fully fill that requirement.
Also students can seek for the Maharashtra Class 7th Revision notes to revise their textbook’s syllabus in a very short span of time. Hence we have compiled all those resources and the textbooks in multiple languages here.
Maharashtra State Board 6th Std Books (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi) - *All Subjects
Maharashtra State Board 6th Std Books Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi languages are prepared and this is one of the most helpful study materials. Because every single student wants to study the books in their own languages, That is why these books are prepared in those specific languages. Maharashtra Class 6 books help students to get introduced to many new topics and chapters that can help them to make their base strong.
Here on this platform students can download all these textbooks and other associated study materials for free of cost.
Maharashtra Board Class 6th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 6th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 6th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 6th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 6th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra Class 6th Maths & Science books are one of the most desirable textbooks that students love to study. These books contain so many interesting and fun activities that students start enjoying reading them. Also, Class 6th Revision Notes can be used by students to recall all the interesting facts and the concepts. Beasuse revising the books and chapters from time to time gives students an opportunity to score higher in the exams.
Apart from that any student who gets problems in solving the questions from the textbooks can use the Maharashtra Class 6th Solutions. It helps them to get step by step solutions in detailed explanation. It is prepared by the experts so there is no worry to have the answers correct.
Maharashtra State Board 5th Std Books in All Medium
Maharashtra State Board 5th Std Books in All Medium including Hindi, English, Marathi, Urdu are released for maha state board students. These textbooks are very essential to learn and implement the basic or foundational knowledge. Once students will start adopting the information in class 5th will be automatically able to prepare themselves for the future standards.
These textbooks are designed in a very certain way by using the simple words which allow students in this standard to grab things more easily and effortlessly. Also, the books contain interactive visual representations to help students to learn things in a more fun and enjoyable way.
Below table contains the links to download the textbooks for FREE!
Maharashtra Board Class 5th Books (English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi) |
Maharashtra State Board 5th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 5th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) |
Maharashtra State Board 5th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) | Maharashtra State Board 5th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) |
Here we are presenting them to download for free of cost. All these books can be downloaded in your desired languages. Such as Hindi, English, Marathi, Urdu. Along with the books Maharashtra Class 5th Solutions are provided here. Because there are chances that students will be stuck at any particular question while solving. Hence, the Maha class 5th solutions will help them to get the right answer.
Maharashtra State Board 4th Std Books in Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi For Free in [PDF]
Maharashtra State Board 4th Std Books in Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi are available here. Those students who wish to download the books in all the above given languages can take the help of this website to get their textbooks. These textbooks are written in a very simple way so that students can easily grab the information. Also, these books contain the Puzzle, activities and many fun games to make the books more friendly to the students.
Download links are given below. It’s free of cost.
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in Marathi Medium are provided for all subjects here. Students can download from the below given links
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 4th std TextBooks in Hindi Medium are provided for all subjects here. Students can download from the below given links
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in English Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in English Medium are provided for all subjects here. Students can download from the below-given links, it's free of cost.
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 4th std Books in Marathi Medium are provided for all subjects here. Students can download from the below given links
Maharashtra State Board 3rd Std Books
Maharashtra State Board 3rd Std Books includes many basic subjects such as बालभारती इंग्रजी, गणित इंग्रजी, सुलभभारती मराठी. These books help students to make the learning process more easy and fun. The colorful images and texts make the books more appealing and interactive.
Moreover, the books have several fun activities which allow students to interact with the students and help them to be engaged with the books and learning process.
Download links for the books are presented below, so that it can be downloaded to keep students studying on the track.
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects) are available here. Students can download them for free of cost to start their study as soon as possible.
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects) are available here. Students can download them for free of cost to start their study as soon as possible.
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in English Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in English Medium (All Subjects) are available here. Students can download them for free of cost to start thier study as soon as possible.
Maha State Board Std 3rd English Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 3rd बालभारती इंग्रजी | Maha State Board Std 3rd गणित इंग्रजी |
Maha State Board Std 3rd सुलभभारती मराठी |
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 3rd std TextBooks in Urdu Medium (All Subjects) are available here. Students can download them for free of cost to start their study as soon as possible.
Maharashtra State Board 2nd Std Books 2021 For Free in PDF
Maharashtra State Board 2nd Std Books 2021 will allow students to learn things more easily. It also gives the students the facility to increase their self-learning, and that is why these books come with many rhymes, songs, and much more fun games.
The intention of these books is to make students habitual to do the learning and build the good habits of spending time with books so that later they don’t have to make extra efforts to build the learning habits.
Download links for Maharashtra State Board 2nd Std Books (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi) are given. It can be downloaded for free of cost and can be studied online as well.
Maha State Board Std 2nd Marathi Medium Textbooks
Maharashtra Board 2nd std Text Books in Marathi Medium all subjects can help students to start their learning journey. Here we have a collection of the Marathi Medium Books for 2nd Maha state to download.
Maha State Board Std 2nd Marathi Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 2nd बालभारती मराठी | Maha State Board Std 2nd माय इंग्लिश बुक मराठी |
Maha State Board Std 2nd गणित मराठी | Maha State Board Std 2nd खेळू करू शिकू मराठी |
Maha State Board Std 2nd Hindi Medium Textbooks
Maharashtra Board 2nd std TextBooks in Hindi Medium for all subjects can help students to start their learning journey. Here we have a collection of the Hindi Medium Books for 2nd Maha state to download. Links are below
Maha State Board Std 2nd Hindi Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 2nd बालभारती हिंदी | Maha State Board Std 2nd माय इंग्लिश बुक हिंदी |
Maha State Board Std 2nd गणित हिंदी |
Maha State Board Std 2nd Urdu Medium Textbooks
Maharashtra Board 2nd class books in Urdu medium can be downloaded for free of cost. These books are presented below.
Maha State Board Std 2nd Urdu Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 2nd बालभारती उर्दु | Maha State Board Std 2nd माय इंग्लिश बुक उर्दु |
Maha State Board Std 2nd गणित उर्दु | Maha State Board Std 2nd खेळू करू शिकू उर्दु |
Maha State Board Std 2nd English Medium Textbooks
Maharashtra Board 2nd class books in English medium can be downloaded for free of cost. These books are presented below.
Maha State Board Std 2nd English Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 2nd बालभारती इंग्रजी | Maha State Board Std 2nd गणित इंग्रजी |
Maharashtra State Board 1st Std Books (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi)
Maharashtra State Board 1st Std Books is prepared for the very young mind. Because students studying in class 1st are not very mature to learn things on their own. Teaching them is very challenging work. Thus the books should be designed in a certain way that can help them to learn the things and also allow them to play and interact.
Maharashtra class 1st students are very moody and their minds can change at anytime. That is why the books consist of funny and colorful cartoons so that they don’t feel bored. These books are very limited to subjects such as Maths, English, and Language.
These books can be downloaded from the below given links.
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Marathi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Marathi Medium are provided here to download for free of cost. These books are in digital format i.e PDF.
Maha State Board Std 1st Marathi Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 1st बालभारती मराठी | Maha State Board Std 1st गणित मराठी |
Maha State Board Std 1st माय इंग्लिश बुक इंग्रजी |
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in English Medium
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in English Medium all subjects can help students to start their learning journey. Here we have a collection of the English Medium textbooks to download.
Maha State Board Std 1nd English Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 1st बालभारती इंग्रजी | Maha State Board Std 1st गणित इंग्रजी |
Maha State Board Std 1st मजेत शिकूया मराठी |
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Hindi Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Hindi Medium are for those students who prefer to study by using the Hindi medium textbooks. Below we have provided the complete set of Hindi medium textbooks to download.
Maha State Board Std 1st Hindi Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 1st बालभारती हिंदी | Maha State Board Std 1st माय इंग्लिश बुक हिंदी |
Maha State Board Std 1st गणित हिंदी | Maha State Board Std 1st खेळू करू शिकू हिंदी |
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Urdu Medium (All Subjects)
Maharashtra State Board 1st std Books in Urdu Medium provide students a helpful tool that to do their study. In the table below we have a list of Urdu medium textbooks for class 1st. These books can be download from the links
Maha State Board Std 1st Urdu Medium Textbooks |
Maha State Board Std 1st बालभारती उर्दु | Maha State Board Std 1st माय इंग्लिश बुक उर्दु |
Maha State Board Std 1st गणित उर्दु | Maha State Board Std 1st खेळू करू शिकू उर्दु |
FAQ. On Maharashtra Board Books
Subject wise Maharashtra Board Books for class 12th can be accessed on Selfstudys. It is an online platform that is helping students to become self-reliant. Students can download textbooks and other study resources too from the given website.
The subject name totally depends upon the student’s class. It is so, because Maharashtra Board Exams are taken for class 10th and 12th too and each of these classes have their own curriculum. However, a few subjects that are being taught in almost all the classes are English, Marathi, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Science, Biology), etc.
You can download Maharashtra State Board books for Class 10th in Hindi from or from this article.
The Maharashtra State board books are prepared by the Balbharti’s subject matter experts. They decide the syllabus too.
Yes, MSBSHSE textbook available in PDF to download and store in smartphones. Students can download it to study anytime anywhere they want.