Borrowing | News, Advice & Guides | The Sydney Morning Herald

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I have $1.6m in super but can’t get a credit card. Am I too old?

I have $1.6m in super but can’t get a credit card. Am I too old?

No matter how flush you are, or how reliable your repayments, once you hit a certain age it can be tough to get a credit card.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon


Will giving families extra money boost our birth rates?

Will giving families extra money boost our birth rates?

Housing affordability and the cost of living are playing a big part in the decision to have children, but other forces are at play too.

  • by Victoria Devine
I’m in my 30s and can’t afford property. Am I a financial failure?

I’m in my 30s and can’t afford property. Am I a financial failure?

Comparing yourself to others is common when it comes to money, but owning property isn’t the only way to show your financial prowess.

  • by Paridhi Jain
Longer but not better: 40-year mortgages don’t make houses cheaper

Longer but not better: 40-year mortgages don’t make houses cheaper

Yes, your repayments are lower and you can borrow more. But these aren’t the upsides of longer loan times that they appear to be.

  • by Victoria Devine
Should I get a credit card before I apply for a home loan?

Should I get a credit card before I apply for a home loan?

Building a strong credit history can help you get in lenders’ good books, but credit cards can come with unnecessary levels of risk.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Why interest-only home loans aren’t as cheap as they seem

Why interest-only home loans aren’t as cheap as they seem

When it comes to investment properties, I see many clients opt for interest-only loans. However, they’re often a false economy.

  • by Julia Hartman