About stock photography

Using stock photography.
Our images are royalty free.
Differences between Royalty-Free and Rights-Managed.
How often new content is added.
Using stock photos for a client.

About our royalty free images

Why images sold at a lower rate compared to other companies.
Model and property released on photographs.
Photos are "royalty-free" does not mean you can just download/copy and use them.
Most images at are compressed JPEGs.
Digital files higher than 300dpi resolution.
How long can I use the image.
About available credits.

About Stocklib's AI Image Generator

What is Generative AI?
What is a prompt?
Using AI-Generated Images?
What license is required to use AI images?
Contributing to Stocklib with AI images?
How to start creating AI images?

About credits and stock images cost

Credit system.
Download credits expiration.
Purchasing single images.
How many images can be purchased in a day/per transaction.
What should I do if I face difficulties in downloading images.

About registration

No charge for registering as a customer.
The need to register.
You have forgotten my password.
You need to change change your password.
About changing address and other account details.

Image search and lightbox

Searching for pictures.
Using lightboxes.

Downloading images

To download an image after purchase.
How long does it take to download an image.
Where do I find a record of my previous download.

Technical help

I have registered but I cannot login to your website, what should I do.
Which browser is compatible with this website.
I am unable to access or make purchases on your website, what should I do.
What should I do if I am unable to connect to a secured connection to make purchases.

License and privacy

How do you protect my privacy and will my personal information be given to third parties.
About using images and the restrictions.
What is Extended License and when do I need one.
Do I have to pay every time I use the images.
About credit and copyright mention.