How to Ride the Bus F.A.Q.
Plan Your Trip
Use the schedules page to plan your trip, as well as the SunBus Tracker App. Also, use our Rider's Guide to plan your trip.
Wait For the Bus
It is best to be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Check the bus schedule and map to be sure that the bus serves the stop and that it is traveling in the direction you want to go. As the bus approaches, wave to the Operator. This gives the Operator enough time to stop safely and avoid passing you.
Board the Bus
Before getting on the bus, verify the Route number by checking the sign on the front or side of the bus. Let passengers get off the bus before you board. To make boarding more accessible, every SunBus is equipped with lifts or ramps for passengers who have trouble climbing stairs or use a personal mobility device.
Pay Your Fare
Please have your exact fare ready before boarding the bus. Operators do not carry change. You can also use the Token Transit app for all fare and pass options offered by SunLine Transit Agency. Transfers are purchased from the farebox when boarding the bus. A transfer is good for two hours of unlimited rides in any direction. For passenger convenience, a Day Pass can be purchased from the farebox. This pass allows unlimited rides for one full day! You can also ride the SunBus service using a 10-Ride Pass or 31-Day Pass, which can be purchased at pass outlets and at SunLine.
Take a Seat
The seats nearest the driver are designated for seniors or persons with disabilities. If you choose to sit in these seats and are not a senior or person with a disability, please be prepared to move - if needed. For safety, always remain seated or hold onto the poles, or straps, when the bus is moving.
Get Off the Bus
Pull the yellow cord above the window or push the vertical strip on the side of the window to signal the bus Operator that you want to get off at the next bus stop. Route detours are subject to change at any time due to construction or emergencies.
All current notices for detours and bus stop closures are available at Click here for Current Alerts.
Additional FAQs
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SunBus is a system of 9 public bus routes that link the valley from Desert Hot Springs in the northwest to North Shore in the southeast. Line 1 is the major trunk line that extends east and west along Highway 111. Please refer to current schedules for route information. All buses are wheelchair accessible and can accommodate two wheelchair spaces per bus.
SunDial provides on-demand origin to destination paratransit service to qualifying clients within 3⁄4 of a mile on either side of SunBus fixed-routes. ADA Paratransit service is not provided to the Line 95 service area. In the Line 95 (North Shore) service area Sunline Transit Agency operates on a deviated fixed route basis so that all persons including persons with disabilities and limited mobility are able to travel on the bus. This means that buses operate along a fixed route and follow a set schedule. Buses can deviate up to 3⁄4 of a mile either side from their set route in the North shore area if a rider makes a request. After deviating from the route, buses return to the same point and continue their run. Passengers must call and request this service the day before service is desired in the area. Call 1-866-311-7433 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. no later than the day prior to day of travel.
SunBus and SunDial operate every day of the year, except for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. SunDial service hours mirror SunBus fixed-route hours except for the Line 95 where the local bus deviates and Commuter Link 220. These hours will vary by route.
All persons requesting ADA certification must complete an application and provide the necessary documentation to determine eligibility. Eligibility decisions are made within 21 days of receipt of the completed application. SunLine will provide presumptive eligibility for applications not processed within 21 days of receipt. Applicant will be able to schedule and use SunDial beginning on the 22nd day until such time that a written determination is issued. Applications are available at the SunLine Transit Agency office in Thousand Palms, via mail by calling Customer Service at 760-343-3451 or online at
Eligibility is not based solely on physical disability. Consideration is given to whether and how the disability impairs an individual’s mobility. Under the ADA, a disability alone does not automatically qualify a person to use SunDial Complementary ADA Paratransit Service. A person who lives within 3⁄4-mile of a fixed-route must be functionally unable to get to or use the fixed-route bus service to qualify to use the SunDial ADA Paratransit Service.
Complimentary ADA Paratransit Service is provided to the following three general groups of persons with disabilities:
Persons who have specific impairment-related conditions which make it impossible (not just difficult) to travel to or from the bus stop.
Persons who need a wheelchair lift or ramp and a wheelchair lift-equipped vehicle/bus is unable to deploy its lift/ramp in a particular location due to physical constraints of that particular bus stop.
Persons who are unable to board, ride, exit or otherwise navigate the fixed-route bus system, even if they are able to get to a bus stop.
Your ADA card may indicate you have CONDITIONAL, UNCONDITIONAL or TEMPORARY eligibility.
Conditional means you can use SunDial only under specific conditions. Clients not complying with their eligibility restriction may be subject to review and possible suspension or a change in their eligibility status.
Unconditional means you have unlimited access to SunDial. This does not restrict you from using SunBus. ADA qualification also allows you to pay half-fare on SunBus.
Temporary means you are eligible for SunDial service on a temporary basis.
Once your reservation is made, request a confirmation number and the Reservationist's name. If you are on hold, do not hang up. Calls are answered in the order they are received.
Call SunDial Reservations at 1-866-311-7433, seven days a week between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Be prepared to provide the Reservationist with the following information:
Your first and last name
Your ADA ID number
Your home address
Your home and cell phone numbers
Your exact pick-up location (example: 123 Your Street)
A telephone number at your pick-up location
Your exact drop-off location (example: 456 Destination Street)
Your requested pick-up time
Your mobility device and type (wheelchair, scooter, etc.)
If you are traveling with a PCA or companion
You may request a ride up to 7 days before your desired pick-up date and time.
Yes. You may make a one-way trip reservation. However, should you need a return trip without a reservation you will have to wait until a vehicle is available to pick you up. This may take several hours from the time you call before the vehicle arrives.
When making a reservation, you will be given a 30-minute pick-up window (for example: an 11:00 a.m. pickup, you would be given a pick-up window of 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) Because your ride may arrive anytime within that 30-minute window, you must be ready and waiting to go at the start of your window.
You may request a pick-up for anytime during regular SunBus operating hours for the areas you are traveling. If you have to be at a specific location at a specific time, give that information to the Reservationist. Always allow extra time on both your pick-up and return trip. If your requested pick-up time is not available, the Reservationist may offer a pick-up time up to one hour before or one hour after your request.
Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
A Personal Care Attendant may travel with you free of charge. They must also be traveling with you from your point of origin and going to your destinations. Notify the Reservationist of their presence when scheduling your ride.
You may (if space is available) travel with up to two companions, who will be charged the applicable fee.
Please be sure to inform the Reservationist when scheduling a trip that a child client will be traveling with an attendant. All eligible clients, regardless of age, must pay the fare. Children, four (4) years or younger, traveling as companions of eligible clients, ride free.
It is the responsibility of the parent or companion to secure children in safety seats as required by California law. SunDial does not provide child safety seats. Additionally, infants or small children must be held on your lap, when using fixed-route service. Strollers must be folded and clear of the aisle.
Service Animals and Pets
Always inform the SunDial Reservationist if you are traveling with a service animal. Non-service animals may travel on SunDial if they are in a properly secured cage or container and do not jeopardize the health or safety of other clients or the operator.
REMINDER: Please be considerate of clients who may be fearful of dogs or other animals. You may be required to remove the animal if the animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, or if the animal is out of your control.
Mobility Aids
In order to send the proper vehicle to accommodate your needs, SunDial Reservations must be informed of any personal mobility devices you may be using while traveling. A description of the device you use should be a part of your SunDial client record. If you change devices, please immediately notify SunDial staff.
Carry Ons
Customers are permitted to carry on three medium-sized packages or grocery bags that they are able to manage independently without the assistance of the driver. Due to space limitations and the time it takes to board the vehicle, the number of shopping bags is restricted to those that can be easily handled by the client without delaying the vehicle. Clients and companions may not transport items that may be hazardous to themselves, the operator or other clients.
Your fare is based on the distance you travel. The Reservationist will tell you the fare at the time you schedule your trip. Please call for reservations at 1-866-311-7433.
Travel Within One City: $1.50 Travel Within Multiple Cities: $2.00
The SunDial driver will pick you up at the curb of a public street, in front or – or as close as possible to your house, building or other designated pick up location that is safe. Door-to- door/origin to destination service is available for riders with disabilities requiring enhanced assistance. Requests for enhanced assistance MUST be made at the time of booking your trip. Please watch for the vehicle, as the driver will wait no more than 5 minutes for you to come out for your ride. SunDial drivers are not permitted to enter private driveways.
Bus Operators must provide assistance to clients getting on and off the vehicles. SunLine makes every attempt to accommodate wheelchairs, scooters or other personal mobility devices. These devices must be no more than 30 inches wide, 48 inches long and 600 pounds in total weight (including your weight). Mobility devices larger than this may be denied service aboard SunLine vehicles, due to safety and liability concerns.
Federal and State Law requires all SunDial clients use securement (seatbelt and shoulder harness) devices while being transported on all vehicles. The operator will ensure that all clients are secured prior to transporting and will assist with securement and removal of these devices. SunLine is very concerned for your safety. SunLine will make every attempt to accommodate all wheelchairs, scooters and/or other personal mobility devices, as long as the device fits on the lift or ramp, can be safely loaded and does not exceed the safe weight limits of lift or ramp given by the manufacturer.
SunLine rules of conduct ensure the safety and comfort of all clients and operators:
Clients must use seatbelts provided in all vehicles.
Smoking and eating are not allowed on SunDial and SunBus vehicles. Non-alcoholic beverages in sports bottles or other securely closed containers ONLY.
Clients must maintain acceptable standards of personal hygiene. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
Hold infants or small children on your lap on fixed-route service. Infants and small children must be secured in approved child safety seats on SunDial service. Strollers must be folded and clear of the aisle.
Pets (except for service animals) must be in cages.
Keep feet and carry-on items out of the aisle.
Cellphones, Radios, CD players or other sound equipment must be turned off or headphones used as a courtesy to other riders and to prevent distracting the driver.
Abusive or obscene language or actions are prohibited.
Riding while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.
Weapons and firearms are strictly prohibited.
Always confirm the exact location where you want to be picked up to avoid missing your ride. When you schedule a trip and fail to use the service without proper cancellation, you are considered a "No-Show." SunLine Transit Agency reserves the right to suspend service for clients who have repeated No-Shows. Clients have the right to appeal all suspensions within 30 days of notice. For an explanation of the appeals process and an appeal form, please call Customer Service at 760-343-3451.
If your ride is later than your 30-minute pick-up window, please call SunDial Reservations. Our staff is dedicated to helping SunDial clients with immediate service needs, including ensuring no one is stranded away from home.
If you cannot take a scheduled trip, call SunDial Reservations immediately and cancel your ride. Trips not canceled at least two hours before the scheduled pick-up time, will be considered a No-Show. If you need to change any part of your reservation (for example: your destination, your return pick-up time or place), you must confirm the change with a SunDial Reservationist. Operators are directed to follow their assigned travel schedules.
In order to provide you with the best service possible, please be sure to keep all of your permanent information up to date. Immediately notify Customer Service, at 760-343-3451, if you change your:
- Name
- Home address or mailing address
- Home and cell phone numbers
- Mobility device
SunLine is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. If you leave an item on a SunLine vehicle, call 760-343-3451 to report it. SunLine will notify you if the item is located. You may schedule a ride at normal fare to pick up the item at our administrative offices in Thousand Palms. Lost and found items are disposed of after 90 days.
SunLine certified ADA clients are also eligible for Dial-a-Ride service while visiting other areas. You may ride for a total of 21 service days per year in other areas you travel. (Longer periods require you to qualify with these agencies.) Please call the service provider in the area you will be visiting to make arrangements.
The Access Advisory Committee is comprised of community members to assist SunLine in providing and expanding innovative public transit services to the Coachella Valley. For more information, call 760-343-3451.
SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) is committed to providing high quality transportation services that are safe, efficient and effective to its customers. SunLine is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Requests for modifications can be made by calling SunLine at 760-343-3451. You can also e-mail [email protected].
SunDial Reservations
7 days a week - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
SunLine Transit Agency 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail Thousand Palms, CA 92276
Travel Training is available for customers who need assistance using The Coachella Valley bus system. Training is provided by a professional instructor at no cost, and all training is tailored to the individual customer’s particular needs. With Travel Training instruction, some disabled customers may be able to learn how to use accessible buses. Please call SunLine at 760-343-3451 for more information about Travel Training.