
Kendo UI for Vue

Vue Range Area Chart

  • Illustrate a range that changes over time with the KendoVue Range Area Chart.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Vue library along with 110+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
Range Area Chart Header
  • Build Powerful Visualizations with the Vue Range Range Area Chart

    The Kendo UI for Vue Range Range Area Chart forms a Range Area between the low and high values of a variable and follows it over time. The Range Area space between the upper and lower bounds is colored and the X-axis usually represents a timeline. The Vue Range Range Area Chart is perfect for displaying ranges of values, such as between minimum and maximum prices over a timespan. Enjoy built-in legend, tooltips, series customization options, pan and zoom functionality and more features.

    See the Vue Range Range Area demo

    Range Area Chart Overview
  • Data Binding

    You have the flexibility to fill the Vue Range Area Chart series with data from a range of source types, such as numbers, arrays, and objects (or models). You just need to specify the fields you intend to use.

    See the Vue Range Area Chart data binding demo

  • Export Options

    Export your Vue Range Area Chart to various formats such as PDF, SVG, PNG, and the Kendo UI drawing format. In scenarios requiring adjustments to image size or fitting the chart to a specific paper size when exporting to PDF, the component's intuitive export method preserves the quality and rendering of the Chart in the output file.

    See the Vue Range Area Chart export demo

  • Panning and Zooming

    Leverage the built-in pan and zoom features to empower users to focus on specific ranges within the Kendo UI for Vue Range Area Chart. The component enables drag motion for panning and utilizes a mouse wheel or pinch-and-zoom gestures for zooming. Moreover, you have the option to disable panning and zooming for a particular axis, preventing users from moving vertically or horizontally across the chart's plot Range Area.

    See the Vue Range Area Chart pan and zoom demo

  • Themes

    Customize the series colors of the Kendo UI for Vue Range Area Chart component using one of our predefined color sets, including Default (our own styling), Material (based on Material Design guidelines), Bootstrap (resembling Bootstrap styling), and Fluent (based on Microsoft Fluent UI). You can further personalize any of the built-in themes or create a new theme to match your brand's identity using Progress ThemeBuilder.

    See the Vue Range Area Chart appearance demo

  • Globalization

    The Kendo UI for Vue Range Area Chart provides support for globalization and localization to ensure the component effectively serves applications in various languages and locales. You can also enable right-to-left (RTL) rendering for languages with scripts read from right to left.

    See the Vue Range Area Chart globalization demo


Native Vue Components

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Kendo UI for Vue - Kendoka